Taken p1

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The last thing you heard before the person took you was "Shhh. Come on now be a good girl and listen ok?~" Your heart started beating faster because you were freaking out. You tried screaming but the only thing that came out was muffled by the cloth around your mouth and your hands / feet were tied with rope so you couldn't kick the shit out of whoever was taking you. (I forgot to say that ur feet was also wrapped so u couldn't kick them sorry! Ik I said that ur feet weren't tied but they are)
~~~IN THE GYM~~~Noya was putting on his practice clothes in the locker room and when he finished he went outside and went to call you to talk. He saw someone with a Karasuno uniform carrying a girl on their back and throwing them into the car. Nishinoya ran to the car and screamed, "OI STOP THE CAR!" But the car speeded out the parking lot. Nishinoya ran back into the gym panting. "Guys! (Y/n). She got taken!" The team started to freak out. Coach Ukai tried calming everyone down. "Noya are you sure it was her?" "Yes! I's know that (hair length) (hair color) anywhere! We have to go rescue her!" "Everyone go to the parking lot now!"  Coach Ukai ran to the main office to borrow the keys for the bus. They gave him the keys and he ran to the parking lot. "On the bus now!" "Noya! Which way did they go?" "That way!" Nishinoya said pointing to the left. "Put on your seatbelts cause it's about to get wild."

~~~YOUR POV~~~The guy who took me threw me in the back of the car and drove away with his friend in the car. I tried listening to them over the music and what I think I heard was, "They're following us." "I'm driving as fast as I can!" "Hurry up we need to get there and do this quick and knock her out so she can't remember." "Yeah no shit I know what I'm doing." I tried un doing the knot from the rope. But right when I almost got it the car made a short stop and made me crash into the seat. "Watch where you're going dumbass." "Shut the fuck up I know what I'm doing." I then tried again but I felt the car stop and heard the two guys get out the car. Then I realized they were going to take me out the car. The door opened and one of them carried me somewhere and placed me on a chair and tied my hands to the handles they then untied my feet and I kicked the guy in the mouth and kept kicking so they wouldn't come near me, but one of them cut me a little in leg so I can stop kicking which did cause my leg was in so much pain. The guy took off the blindfold and the cloth out of my mouth. I was in a empty black room with only 2 doors and the two guys were wearing Karasuno uniforms and one of them I kinda reconized. I think he was in my history class. The other one had a under cut, a tatoo of a gang sigh on his neck, with green eyes and the one that I think is in my science class has blonde short hair and tan skin. "Do you remember me? (y/n)." "Heikin?" "Yeah and my friend here is-" "I can introduce my self. My name is Akuno. (Heikin is the boy with blonde hair and Akuno is the one with green eyes) I've heard a lot about you from Heikin." "Where am I? What do you want from me? Money? I'll give you anything just please let me go!" "Well there is one thing you can give me." "What! Tell me please!" "Well originally I was gonna take your virginity but since you hurt my friend Heikin I think I'm going to also gonna make you give a little sugar to Heikin. How's that sound?~" "Never!" "You know what Heikin. I don't like what she's wearing. Can you get me the special outfit for our guest?" "Y-yes Akuno."
~~~AUTHOR CHAN'S POV~~~Ukai then caught up with the car which was parked near a forest. "First years,You'll be on the bus in case they try to pop our tires. Second years you'll also help the first years." "Sorry sir but I'm going with you. That's my girlfriend." "And I'm going too. That's my sister." "Alright then the rest of you just stay on the bus." The 3 walked in the forest looking for a sign that might lead to where you were. "Look out for anything." "Sure thing." As the kept walking Nishinoya stepped on something metal like. "I think I found something." Coach's Ukai pushed the leaves away and revealed a small secret under ground hatch. He opened it and there was stairs leading into a dark hallway. "Let's go." They went down and walked straight down. (Back to you—>) Heikin brought out a black lingerie and a red one. "Which one?" "Hmmmm. Let's try them both on and see which one looks better. Since I don't want the surprise to be spoiled, You'll go into a room and put it on yourself. Oh and don't even think about escaping, there are no windows or vents for you to sneak out of." Heikin put the cloth back around your mouth so you couldn't bite him when he put on the leash around your neck. He walked you to the room went inside and locked the door. "Put it on and if you don't I'll shoot you." He then pulled a gun out of his pocket and waited for you to put it on. You were trying to say something so he removed the cloth from your mouth. "Can you look the other way. I'll put it on." "Fine."
Author's Note: Hey guys! I know I posted this before but there was some technical difficulties and I had to unpublish both Taken chapters. Sorry for the mix up!

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