The Argument

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"Oh you mean when I said behind?" "Yeah." He laughs and you cross your arms. "Come on just tell me!" "You seriously don't know?" "Just tell me!" "Ok I'll whisper it in your ear. It means to let him fuck you from behind." "That's a thing?!" "Yeah that's what me and Daichi do." "I felt so rude leaving his house after teasing him like that." "Well I mean you said you weren't ready so it's not your fault. Well now that you know a different way what are you gonna do?" "Make up for it." Suga notices a slight mark on your neck. "Woah! Is that!-" "Shhh! Yes." "Oh my fucking god! You two were really into to it huh?" You cover your face with your hands in embarrassment. "Listen, what ever you did to make him do that, really made him extremely horny." "That's the thing, I don't know what I did!" "How are you planning to make up for teasing him?" "Giving him what he wants." Suga's eyes widened and he placed a sly grin on his face." "Well if you're gonna do that I suggest you wear something a little seductive you know?" "Yeah but who's house?" "Probably his since Asahi will be home. Wait I got a better idea!" What?" "Christmas eve." "What about it?" "Make up for it on Christmas Eve!" "Ohh I get it." "Alright let's go back to the table before lunch ends." You head back to your lunch table and sat in your usual seat. "So what were you and Suga talking about?" Noya asked. "We were uh talking about uh..." you hesitated to answer luckily, Suga saved you. "A show we started watching together." "Why did you need to go out in the hall?" "Why didn't you walk with me this morning?" "I don't always have to walk with you." The table was quiet. "And you don't always have to make me do stuff I don't want to do." "I didn't force you!" "Then why did you even start!" "You teased me!" Noya said raising his voice. "That's enough!" Daichi yelled as he slammed both his hands on the table. "You will both discuss this after practice." You both rolled your eyes and crossed your arms. "You two are acting like children. Fighting over something stupid. Now I don't know what happened but we are not discussing this now, understand?" You both nodded and finished your lunch. This whole issue escalated so quickly and you were so mad at what Noya said about you teasing him.
~~~TIME SKIP TO PRACTICE~~~ After the last bell rung, you headed to the gym walking with Yachi and Kiyoko and sat with them on the bleachers. "Hey I heard what happened." Kiyoko says calmly. You thought she was talking about what happened over the weekend. "Suga told you!?" "No Daichi was complaining to Suga about how you and Noya are like an old couple." she says giggling. "Oh you mean about what happened at lunch, yeah." "You guys are going to work it out right?" "Of course." You say smiling. Tsuki and Yamaguchi walk into the gym and Tsuki calls you over near the hallway. "What do you want?" You say annoyed. "Well I was hoping you would fill me in on some information." "About what?" "What exactly you were taking about at lunch?" "And if I don't tell you?" "I was going to explain my reason for why Noya did such a thing but I need to see if my theory is correct." "Fine." You explain to him the whole story of what happened over the weekend. "That explains the mark on your neck." "You can tell?" "During lunch when you two were arguing it sounded like you both were fighting over you two having sex the night before and I looked at you to see if he left you a hickey and he did." "Now what was your theory you were going to give me?" You ask. "Like I said to you before when we were walking home from the training camp, he's horny and won't give up on fucking you. That's why he's so mad." "No it's because of how I left his house, I was rude." "What's there for him to be mad at? You're the one who should be mad, he's the one who almost did it with you without your consent." "He apologized though." "I say you stay on the safe side and not go to his house when no ones home." He walked into the locker room and left you thinking. "Do I have to be cautious around him?" You walked back to the bleachers and watched Noya receive the ball like no other. Just because you were mad at him now doesn't mean you couldn't admire his passion in playing libero.
After practice ended, Daichi told you, Noya, and Suga to stay in the gym and let everyone else go. "Really Daichi we don't need to discuss this, it's not even your business anyway." Noya says. "Listen, We're both gonna talk to both of you one at a time so (y/n) will be with me and Suga you'll be with Noya. Suga took Nishinoya into the locker room and you sat on the bleachers with him. "I know the story since Suga told me but tell me but why did you say all that stuff at lunch. "Well I didn't want Noya to know I was telling Suga about what happened and when he started pushing me with all these questions I got annoyed and questioned him back." "What really ticked you off the most during the argument?" "When he said 'you teased me' because I didn't tease him! We both were into it and when he gave me the hickey I stopped and realized what was going on." "How were you planning to fix the issue?" "Suga said I should do what you and him do." "And what might that be?" "Anal." "Jesus fucking Christ...SUGA WE NEED TO TALK!" "In a minute!" Suga yelled. "Look (y/n) don't try feeding Noya's horny feelings with something you don't feel comfortable doing because you don't want to break up. When your ready he'll be ready."

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