The Bet

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As you two were walking in the brisk weather of October, Asahi started the conversation. "So what happened to Noya when we were eating yesterday?" You stayed quiet for a bit. You weren't sure if Noya would be cool with you telling Asahi what happened. You decided to say he didn't want anyone to know. Asahi just smiled warmly and didn't ask anymore questions.
~~~ASAHI'S POV~~~ It was clear he told her something big. I'm not gonna pressure her or Noya about it. When she feels comfortable she'll tell me. Tanaka runs up to me with his sly grin. I started to worry. "Why are you looking at me like that?" "Relax. I just need a favor." "Oh god. What did you do?" "Nothing. I need you to dress up as a murder for Halloween." "No." "Please!" "Why!" "Every class is doing a fundraiser and I wanna do a haunted house theme!" "Why am I dragged along with this!" "Because you're the only person in our school that's scary to others."  "Not doing it." I say walking away. "Asahi please!" "No find someone else!" "Ughhhh!" I walk to my first period class." Yeah like I'd be apart of scaring students. Plus I already have plans for Halloween. Staying home and giving candy to trick or treaters.
~~~AUTHOR CHANS POV~~~ During lunch, Tanaka banged his lunch tray on the table. "Asahi please!" "I already told you no!" "What's all this about?" Daichi asked. "I want Asahi to participate in my haunted house fundraiser thingy." "But I already told him no!" Asahi whined. "Leave him alone. Besides, you guys already torture him enough in December." Your face was puzzled. "What do you mean?" "Every year on the day before Christmas break, we attach Asahi to the volleyball ball net as a sacrifice and leave him there till the end of practice." Tanaka said proudly. "Why though?" "They think I look like Jesus." Asahi sighed. "You do!" Hinata shouted. "I think it would be cool if you do the haunted house with Tanaka. You never do anything on Halloween anyways." "What! For real?" Tanaka said. (Btw in the manga it said that they actually do this lol fun fact) "Yup even when we were little he wouldn't wanna trick or treat with me but thankfully our mom would force him. Though we only did an hour." "Oh don't act all high and mighty. You were a little scary cat too." Asahi added. "Was not!" "(Stupid thin you used to be scared of)" Tanaka was dying laughing." "Oh god! You guys are such babies!" You pouted and ate your lunch. Noya's hand touched your shoulder. "Tanaka you're afraid of Clowns." "They're creepy! You're afraid of heights!" "Yeah but that's normal!" "If you guys wanna prove to each other that your not complete babies, you guys should do what each of you fear to over come them. Like Tanaka has to watch the circus, Noya has to go on top of the roof, Asahi has to do the haunted house thing, and (y/n) has to (random scary dare)" "deal!" You four shouted. "Get ready suckers cause I'm wining this." Tanaka shouted. "Wait. Do we win anything?" Asahi Asked. "Uhhhh you win bragging rights and I don't know, you make all the losers do you any favor." Suga said. You started to worry. If Tanaka somehow won you got the feeling he would make you and Noya do something dirty. And your poor brother will probably have to do something stupid. You couldn't let him win.
"Oh also. Here are the rules. You must have a witness from our team other than you four, to say that you completed the task." Suga added. "Hold up. (Y/n)'s challenge isn't fair. Using a fear that you had as a kid is super easy, she's probably gotten over it." Tanaka said. "Hmmm. Alright your new challenge is to (something you're really scared to do)" "What! Suga please come on!" You shouted. "Hey you can back out if you want. But if Tanaka wins, he is still allowed to ask you to do anything." Suga replied. You mumbled a curse word.
When it was time to go home after volleyball practice, Asahi sighed. "I'm gonna back out the challenge." "What! You can't!" "Too bad. I'm gonna back out. What's the worst that's gonna happen?" "This is Tanaka vs. Noya we're talking about." "'re right. But I hate scaring people. It's bad enough that people gets scared just by looking at me." Asahi says. "Well I'm not doing what Suga Said." You answered. "So you're telling me the fate of our pride is in Noya's hands?" Asahi asked. "Guess so." "Well better go make a visit to our grandparents." Asahi said jokingly. "Oh come on Asahi. Noya is brave. He's got this." When it was time to go to sleep, you texted Nishinoya.
(Y/n): just wanted to say good luck 😉
Noya: thx you too😘
(Y/n): oh actually I'm not doing the challenge
Noya: what about Asahi?!
(Y/n): Nope he backed out too
Noya: Alright then. Just me and Tanaka
(Y/n): Yup. Ok I have to go to bed. Gn ily 😘
Noya: gn ily too 😘
You started to feel bad about backing out and leaving Noya against Tanaka by himself. "They're best friends. What's Tanaka gonna make him do even if he wins?"
You went to sleep last night a little uneasy and woke up with chills. As you went to brush your teeth, Asahi was already in there fixing his hair. You watched him struggle trying to attempt a man bun in which always looked sloppy. You fixed your own hair and Asahi watched in amazement. "Hey, do you think you can put my hair in a bun." "Yeah." He bent down so you could reach his head. "All done!" He looked at the mirror in awe. "Thanks it looks great." "No problem." "Guys! You're gonna be late!" Your mother yelled from downstairs. You both ran and headed out the door with your stuff.

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