What Happened On the Bus?

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(In the Beach parts there is one scene I didn't write in that chapter so please don't try to find it won't be in there. Only this chapter will explain what happened on the bus.)

~~~AUTHOR'S POV~~~ "Daichi! Suga! Asahi! It's not what is looks like! I-I swear!" "Oh really? Cause it looks like you were doing it with (y/n) chan." You both dusted yourselves off and tried to explain to the 3rd year what happened."Ok I know it looks like that but trust me, we weren't doing that!" "Y-Yeah Noya senpai is right. He was saving me from slipping on water spill." "Ok but why is Nishinoya's shirt off?" "Well that's because we were splashing water on each other and his got soaked. So we put it near the window to dry but it flew away." The 3rd year looked at each other and started laughing well except for Asahi.(he was still shook from what he first saw when he walked in) "Why are you guys laughing?" "Because, we thought you two were doing it." "What!" You and Nishinoya turned red. "Why do you think we were doing that!"  "Well the way you described what you 2 got in trouble for made it seem like you were doing that!" Tsuki walked in the room turned a light shade of pink and started laughing. "Wow. Guess mommy and daddy caught you in the act, huh Nishinoya?" Daichi and Suga turned red. "Ugh we weren't doing that Tsuki!" "Yeah mmh..." "Why are you in here anyway?" "Practice ended already so I came by to see if you two were finished "cleaning". "Wait, you don't even like hanging out with us, so why would you want to check on us?" "Ugh not to hangout with you 2 love birds, to see if you 2 were actually doing it. "Well we didn't so i suggest you run along now and play with your dinosaur toys, ok?" "They're not toys! They are historical figures that are a perfect size to keep on your shelf!" "Yeah...and to play with." "Tsk, I'm not the one who only liking a girl because of her body structure!" The room went silent and tears started falling from your eyes. "I-is that true Nishinoya?" "N-no of c-course not." You ran out the room with tears running down your face as you raced outside to be alone." "(y/n) wait!" "Was she crying?" "Yeah! You jerk!" "How am I the jerk?" "You said the I only liked her because of her looks." "i didn't mean it I was just pissed because you called my dinosaurs toys...which their not." "Whatever we still have to apologize." "I'll go first since I said that stuff." Tsuki walked outside and sat near you. "Go away!" "I wish but I promised your boyfriend I would apologize first." "B-boyfriend?!" "Yeah. Aren't you guys dating?" "W-well no." "pfft. If you both like each other than why don't you commit to a relationship?" "Because, I'm afraid something bad will happen, like a huge fight and we won't be together anymore." "Oh please you 2 are made for each other he can't live without you." "Really?" "Yup. And about the whole thing with him only liking your looks...that wasn't true, I was just mad." "It's not?" "Nope." You wiped your tears a smiled. "Thanks so much!" You ran back inside to find Noya the only one in the room. He was sitting in one of the desks with his head down. "Hey now, where's the happy energetic boy with the cutest smile?" "(y/n)!" "Yup." "What Tsuki said back there wasn't-" "I know, we were talking outside and he apologized." Nishinoya smiled and so did you. "Well I gotta go get my stuff from the club room so I'll see you tomorrow." "Alright then bye!" You waved to him as you grabbed your stuff and waited outside for him. You wanted to talk with him about creating a relationship together. You spotted Nishinoya outside. "Oi (y/n) chan can I walk you home?" "I'd love that." You 2 were walking down the hill and as you were about to get courage to  ask Nishinoya about having a relationship Suga came running down the hill. "Noya! You didn't tell me!" "Tell you what?" "What happened on the bus?"  "Oh uh..." You see your house a couple blocks down and you know Noya didn't want to tell you what happened on the bus. "Oi I'll walk from here thanks." "S-sure no problem." You walked down the block to your house. "So tell me!" "Alright fine. On the bus back home (y/n) chan fell asleep and she looked so kawaii I couldn't stop staring...and then I uh..." "Wait you got a..." "Yeah..." "Noya!" "I'm sorry I couldn't help myself! Anyway I tried hiding it but you could still tell so I kissed her on the lips to see if it would go down." "Awww! You kissed her!" "Yeah but she doesn't remember and then after the kiss it went even higher and started panicking but luckily I fell asleep and it went down." "Good. That would have been embarassing if she saw." "Yeah I know."  

~~~YOUR POV~~~(Btw your writing in a diary) From the first day I transfered to Karasuno my life has gotten better with making new friends, seeing my brother, and of course meeting Nishinoya! Ah~ He's so amazingly kind and his hair style is hella cute! My face turned red just talking about him. Oh and at the beach when I saw Nishinoya in his bathing suit, my face was as red a a ripe tomato! I mean come on those abs! And what's even more amazing? I had a dream that Nishinoya kissed me on the lips! If only it were real. I wish I had more time to talk to him though about being in a relationship and stuff. I really hope me and him have a stronger relationship than being friends. Well one day we'll have that conversation but right now I gotta finish my homework.

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