Backing Out

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Nishinoya was out the door waiting patiently and smiled as we ran out the door. "So Noya, What are you gonna do for the challenge?" Asahi asked. "Hmm probably go on my roof and record it." "Won't your mom be pissed?" You replied. "Nah she's working late that day." "Well I'll be there so you don't break your leg." You said jokingly. "Yeah me too so when she'll catch you I'll be there when she freezes up and doesn't know what to do." Asahi said. They both laughed and you playfully rolled your eyes. "Yeah, Yeah laugh it up." When the 3 of you entered through the school doors, you parted ways and headed to class. During one of your classes with Noya, your eyes wandered to him and bad thoughts started to fill your head. (Not those kinda thoughts...perv -~- lol) "What If Noya actually does end up breaking a bone?" "No that won't happen Asahi would be there." "But if he freezes up too, it will be our fault!" During lunch you would tell Suga to take Noya out of the challenge and let Tanaka win.
~~~TIME SKIP LUNCH~~~ You wanted to talk to Suga in private and let him break it to Noya thinking he would be mad at you if you told him your self. "Suga!" You said running up to him. "Yeah?" "I want Nishinoya to back out the challenge." "You want Tanaka to win?" "Yes. Noya Said for the challenge he would go on his roof!" "Well he's just gonna sit on it for like 5minutes and then get off right?" "But what if he trips on a roof tile and breaks his leg!" Suga warmly smiled. "(Y/n) Chan, you worry too much." You thought to your self again. "Maybe he's right." You sat down at the lunch table in your usual seat, In between Noya and your brother. "So Noya you ready to lose this challenge?" "Nah! It's you that's gonna lose!" "Where are you going for over coming your height fear?" "My roof." "What are you gonna do sit there for 5 minutes?" "What do you expect me to do? You're just gonna watch a video of a recorded Circus video." "I thought you were gonna do something cool and be blindfolded up there or something." "Maybe I will!" "No!" You shouted. "Why not?" "I don't want you getting hurt!" "I'm gonna be fine. You should intensify your challenge Tanaka!" "Fine! I'll go to a haunted house!" "You have to bring someone with you and record it." "Alright I'll bring Tobio!" "Huh me?" Tobio Said with his mouth full of food. "Ugh close your mouth, pig." Tsuki said in disgust. "Yeah you're coming with me to a haunted house so I can prove to Noya that I ain't a baby." "Sure." Your anxiety level rose. "He's crazy! Going blindfolded on his roof, what does he think he's accomplishing!" 
When the last bell rang for the end of school, You walked with a Noya to the gym. "Hey Yuu, can you please back out of the challenge." He turned to you with the cutest puzzled face. "But why?" "I-I don't want you getting hurt." He smiled warmly and kissed you on the forehead. "Look, I love you and I wouldn't put myself in danger to freak you out. This is just for fun, I'll put on a transparent scarf around my eyes pretend I'm scared and that's it no harm. You gotta trust me that I'll be alright." He put out his pinkie finger. "Pinkie promise?" You placed your pinkie finger out too. "Pinkie promise." Somehow what ever Noya says calms you down and makes you feel safe. You sat with Kiyoko and Yachi and Yachi started the conversation. "Did you hear about the challenge the guys are doing?" "Nope." Kiyoko answers. "I heard they're doing some kind of like challenge were they have to overcome they're fears and whoever wins makes the others do them a huge favor." "Seems kinda immature." Kiyoko answers. "Yup. Dangerous too." "How?" Yachi asked. "Noya is afraid of heights so his challenge is to go on his roof blindfolded and record it." "Really!" "Yeah. I told him not too but he said he would be fine." "Are you gonna be there with him to make sure he doesn't get hurt?" Kioyko asked. "Of course. Me and Asahi are going." "Well good luck." "Thanks." After practice ended, you walked home with Asahi and Noya. "Remember be careful when your up there." "I will." Noya replied while whining. "I just wanna make sure your safe. You already get plenty of bruises from volleyball." "That's because I'm a tough player. It like my 'battle scars', ya know." When you reached your house Asahi was unlocking the door and Noya kissed you on you cheek. "I'm gonna be fine! Remember that." "I will." You said while turning your head to the door. He cupped your face. "I mean it!" You looked at his piercing big brown eyes. "Ok, I will." "Good. See you tomorrow!" "Bye!" You and Asahi replied as he ran down the street. "Hey mom." You said as you placed your bag on the couch. "Everything good?" You mother asked. "Yeah." You answered. "How bout you Asahi?" "Huh, oh I'm fine." "I'm gonna go to sleep early, work was so tiring." "Where's dad?" Asahi asked. "He's coming home. Lots of traffic on the highway you know. I want you two upstairs before ten!" "We will!" You answer. Your mother heads up stairs and you both started to do your homework. You stared at your (worst subject) homework. "Ugh I suck at this." You say annoyed. "Let me see. Oh wait is this the class you have a bad grade in?" "Yeah." "I'm guessing Noya's in that class?" You glare at your brother. "Actually, no. He's in the period before me." "Any friends in that class?" "Nope." "Hmm let me see the homework. Oh Noya is good at (subject)." "Really! I have a test this Friday I'll study with him after school tomorrow." "Ok but I'm coming with you so nothing happens." "Oh relax we're not gonna do anything."

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