Still Mad?

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~~~TIME SKIP TO MORNING~~~ Everyone was already up except you and Noya. Tanaka whips out his phone and yells "WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!" Noya pops his head out squinting from the bright light. Tanaka starts laughing cause of Noya's bed hair. You also pop your head out of the covers. "Huh?" Tanaka starts dying on the floor. "OHOHO." (Ok do u guys know this vine? It's hilarious u have to watch it) "Tanaka! Noya! What are you two doing in the girl's room!" "You're the one in the wrong room (y/n) chan." Said Tanaka. "What!" You look around you seeing all the boys hovering you and Noya. You and Noya's face were bright red. "Did we..." "I don't uh..." You covered your body with the blanket. Your hair covered your face as you tried not to look at the boys staring at you and Nishinoya. Tears slowly fell from your face as everyone was asking you two questions like: "Did you guys have sex?" "Did you guys use protection?" "Are you pregnant?" "We're you guys drunk?" You were getting so frustrated with everyone staring and asking questions. Noya was clenching his fists and was about to tell them to shut up until you screamed "HOW BOUT YOU LEAVE ME ALONE!" You walked out the room straight into the girls room (which was empty) and cried into a pillow with a blanket covering your whole body and face. You locked the door just in case someone tried to come in and talked to you about it.  Ninishinoya was bright red. "Did I really do it with her?" "No way, I would of remembered it." He put on his clothes on and headed to the lunch room. When he entered the lunch room he sat at his team's table with his food. Tsuki glanced a Noya who wasn't in the mood to talk. "So Noya. Did you have fun last night?" Nishinoya almost choked on his food. "Excuse me?" "Well I mean we all saw her with you in bed." "It wasn't like that." "Mhm sure it wasn't." Hinata with his mouth full of food said "I didn't see her." "Yeah me neither." Said Kaygeyama. Tsuki rolled his eyes. "Obviously you 2 nit wits didn't see it cause you two were too busy racing each other to get here first." Suga smirked at Noya. *knock knock* " *sniffle* who is it?" "It's me, Suga. Can you let me in please?" "For what so you can interrogate me?" "I have breakfast for you." "Fine." You unlock the door and Suga walks in locks the door behind him and sits down on the floor. "Here. I'll only give you this if you answer some of my questions." "Alright then." "Ok so how did you end up in the boys room?" "Well after I took a shower I walked out the bathroom and walked into the wrong room." "Oh I see." He gives you the plate of food. "Ok but how did you end up in Noya's sleeping blanket?" "I thought it was mine." "Alright But how bout the fact you were hugging him." "Well he felt like a soft pillow I mean come on how was I supposed to know it was hella dark." "True but did you have sex with him?" The thought of Suga's question made you turn red again "I don't know." "Well do feel...different?" "Well no not really." "Ok so that's like a 99% chance you didn't have sex with him." "Plus, I thinkI would remember If I did." "True. Alright then, when you finish eating please get dressed and head down stairs so you can help us practice. Ok?" Suga smiled. "Sure." He then left the room with the empty plate.
You put on a plain t shirt and some sweatpants and headed downstairs into the gym. "Oi (y/n) chan!" It was Kiyoko and Yachi sitting on the bleachers waving to you. "Sooooooooo. How was last night? Hmmmmm?~" Kiyoko said with a sly grin. "We didn't do that ok." " still slept with him. So00000, tell us the good stuff!" You laughed a bit from how eager they were to hear the story. "Ok fine i'll tell you guys." (Skip to after you finish telling the story)
"WHAT!" "Yup not that interesting in my opinion." Yachi's face was puzzled. "Wait so you're telling us that you slept with Noya but didn't realize until the morning annnnnnnd you even told us yesterday you didn't know if you were still heartbroken from what Nishinoya said?" "Yeah about the whole being sad about what he said I'm kinda catching feeling for him, again." "Really!? Awwwwwwwwwww!" You started to blush. "Shhhhhhh! He'll hear you!" "Why don't you go talk to him about it?" "Because it just feels awkward now we yelled at each other and we literally just slept in the same bed together." "Don't worry about it I know just the mom like friend who can help us...Suga!" "Yeah?" "Can you come here a sec?" "Sure. So what's the problem girls?" "(Y/n) likes Nishinoya again!" "Omg really!" *squeals* (OMFG I'M LITERALLY CRYING RN OMG JUST IMAGINE SUGA SQUEALING OMG I CAN'T)
~~~DACHI'S POV~~~ "Alright 5 laps around the gym and then stretches!" *hears Suga squealing with the other girls* "What the actual fuck is Suga doing?" "Bab- Suga come on!" "Shit!Shit!Shit! Did I just call him babe? Wtf is wrong with me!" (Hope y'all enjoying this DaiSuga there's more where that came from ;)
~~~AUTHOR CHAN'S POV~~~ "Alright I gotta go but I totally am gonna help you ok?" "K." Then Suga starts running with Daichi and the others. Kiyoko, Yachi starts to fill up the bottles with you in the hallway while the boys just started there stretching. "Oi Daichi San. Guess what!" "What?" *whispering* "(y/n) chan likes Noya again." "What! Really?" "Mhm! And I already have a plan for them." "Oh Suga always one step ahead." Suga giggles. Daichi blushes and then continues stretching.
Author Chan's Note: Hi! Ok so I was reading some of your comments yesterday about my previous chapters and I know that most of you (more like all) are rlly pissed about reader chan cutting off what Nishinoya and what Suga was trying to say. But, I swear I will make up to you in the new chapters that I will be making! So please don't be mad at me the only reason why I made it like that was for the Drama. Also don't forget to comment, vote, and save to library! Bye see y'all later!~

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