Our Punishment

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~~~TIME SKIP TO LUNCH~~~ You sat down in between Asahi and Nishinoya, with Daichi and Suga in front of you. "What's wrong you guys?" "We got in trouble." "Yeah we were 'disrupting class' and now I can't practice because (y/n) and I are stuck cleaning the desks as a punishment." Suga almost chocked on his food when he heard Noya say "Disrupting class." "Did you? Oh god! See I told you (y/n)!" "What?" Tsuki and Yamaguchi sit down at the table and Tsuki starts snickering. "What's the fuss about?" Suga whispers in his ear what he thinks happened Tsuki turns a light shade of pink. "In a classroom?" Suga nods and then Hinata and Kageyama come over and sit down to eat. "Oi what's wrong?" Tsuki whispers in Kageyama ear about what Suga told him. Kageyama turns a little pink. "Why would they do that!" "Do what? Tell me!" "Ugh fine." He whispers to Hinata and he turn red. "d-did they do the thing like on the bus?" "What happened on the bus?" "N-nothing." "Fine but you better tell me at practice." "Okay." "Hinata!" "What Noya!" Noya was trying to tell Hinata not to tell Suga what happened on the bus; But Hinata didn't know what he was trying to say. 

~~~AFTER SCHOOL~~~You were looking for Noya to go with him to the classroom to clean the desks but you couldn't find him anywhere so you headed to the club room to see if he was in there. You knocked on the door and said "I'm coming in." You covered your eyes and said "Can I open them?" "Yeah." You opened your eyes and noticed half the team was shirtless and there you saw Noya in the back (no shirt) looking for a shirt to wear.(because who wants to wear a uniform all day?) Your face turned red as you saw Noya's perfect ab structure. Noya looked over his shoulder and blushed. "W-why are you in here ?!" "You need to help me clean the desks." "Yeah I know I was changing my shirt." You playfully rolled your eyes and left the club room. You walked down to the classroom you guys were going to clean and waited there for Noya. "Where is this boy?" Suddenly a you hear footsteps running down the hall with the door crashing open. "Gah! Hinata why are you here? Shouldn't you be at practice?" "Noya senpai is chasing me! Help!" Hinata runs behind you and Nishinoya runs in. "Where is he!" "Noya what's this all about!" "N-nothing! He was about to say something he wasn't supposed to."  Then you hear more running footsteps down the hall. "Oi Nishinoya tell me what's going on!" "It's nothing Suga!" "Nishinoya tell us now." Nishinoya grabbed your arm and ran off with you to the janitor's closet. "Nishi-" Noya covered your mouth and pinned your hands to the wall. "shhhhhh. You don't to get in trouble do you?" Noya whispered in your ear. He soon left go of your mouth and but his ear by the door. "I think we can go now." "What was that all about." "Nothing Suga just wanted me to talk about something but I didn't want to, and then Hinata was gonna tell Suga and I caught him just in time." "Can you tell me?" Noya turned a little red. "N-no." He opened the door and you both walked into the classroom and started scrubbing the desks. Noya accidently splashes water at you. "Hey come on no fooling around." Noya snickered and he did it again. "I'm being serious Noya!" And just to tick you off, he did it again. "That's it." You both ended up splashing each other with water; but you went a little overboard and spilled a lot on Nishinoya. "I'm so sorry. L-Let me help you!" He laughs. "It's fine it's just water. I'll just take it off. Is that okay with you?" After he said that your mind went completely dirty. "(y/n)....(y/n)!" "Wha- oh sorry. Yeah it's okay." He takes off his shirt and puts it near the open window to dry. You tried to focus on scrubbing the desks and not at Noya's perfect ab structure. You notice that Noya's shirt was about to fly out the window so you run over and try to grab it before it got too far. "Almost got it...Ah!" Noya leaps into action by grabbing your shirt to prevent you from falling. He carried you bride style. "You ok?" "What? Yeah I'm fine. Thanks for saving me." "No problem." "But your shirt it flew away." "Eh. That's okay it's just a workout shirt." Noya puts you down and closes the window. "Here now that it's closed it can't take anymore of my stuff." You laughed.  After all the desks were cleaned, you both started to pack up the sponges and buckets of water. "Oi, where the second sponge?" "Oh, I found it  right over here." "Wait (y/n) There's a puddle of-" As you were about to slip on the water spill from earlier, Noya pinned you down. "N-Noya san what was that for?" "You were about to slip." "So you had to pin me down to the floor?" "S-sorry." "It's okay." 

~~~SUGA'S POV~~~ I was walking with Daichi to find Nishinoya and (y/n) to see if the finished cleaning. "So did Hinata tell you what happened on the bus?" "Nope not a thing. That's why after I find out if he's done cleaning I can find out what happened." Before opening the door I heard (y/n) say "Noya senpai. I-it hurts." "Daichi you hear this!" "What?" "Listen." Daichi leans his ear by the door and hear Noys say "I'm sorry I just couldn't help my self." "Oh my god!" "They're doing it again!" Asahi was walking down the hallway when I called him over to hear what was happening. "Just put your ear by the door." "Okay I am but I still don't understand what you want me to hear." Asahi listens and starts hearing this "I'm sorry about getting your clothes wet." "T-that can just be water right?" Me and Daichi looked at each other and then back at Asahi. "you sure about that?" "That's it you need to protect your sister." "You're right. I-I can't let her do it when she's way too young!" Asahi closed his eyes at first then opened his eyes and said "Noya stop she's only- oh." Me and Daichi walked in the room to see what was going on and we saw Noya hovering over (y/n) chan without a shirt.  

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