The Man

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You entered your house, placed down your bag, and saw your plate of food on the table. No one was downstairs. "I'm home!" you shouted assuming they were upstairs. "Mom and dad went to sleep early so try and keep it down." Asahi said from his room. You ate your dinner and headed upstairs for a nice shower. After you took a shower and got dressed, you laid on your bed on your phone. You were getting excited about your Halloween party and soon remembered the dare. Asahi walks into your room upset. "What's wrong?" "You let Tanaka win the challenge!?" "Yeah." "Why?! Now I have to scare people for the school fundraiser!" "Oh yeah? Well, I have to wear a stupid maid outfit for Halloween!" "Wait. What's Noya's dare?" "He has to wear a pink kittie onesie." "You're kidding." "Nope." "Pffft. He has to wear it at school?" "Yup and at my party." "I can't imagine how pissed he is." "Yeah, he's gonna kill Tanaka tomorrow." "Alright, I'm gonna go to sleep, you should too." "I will." He shut the door and you started to fall asleep."

~~~TIME SKIP TO HALLOWEEEN~~~ It was the morning of Halloween and from what Asahi told you, Karasuno usually went all out for this particular holiday. No matter if you were a first year, or a 3rd year, students would dress up in their costumes and go door to door classes and check out the fundraiser games or haunted themed classes. If you were lucky, some teachers gave out candy. Basically each year would have an announcement calling them to go to the classes for the fundraisers and haunted themed classes. 1st years go during 4 period. 2nd years 5 period and 3rd years 6th. You got dressed in your costume and headed outside with Asahi, and Noya was right there waiting like always. "Asahi. Where's your costume?" "In my school bag. I'll put it on when we go inside. Also, Suga is doing my bloody makeup." "Cool!" You look over at Noya who has a hoodie on and large sweatpants on. "Where's the onesie?" "Under my clothes." "Isn't that cheating?" "Nope. I still have the costume on, just not very visible." You walk into the school and it was decorated from head to toe. Black and orange streamers hanged on the ceilings, fake bloody handprints on the lockers, and some pumpkins were in the front of the school yard. "Wow! This is so cool!" You said in amazement at the decorations. Nishinoya smiled in awe to your response. When you walked to your classes you felt everyone looking at you and whispering. You tried to let it roll off your back but it just made you feel uncomfortable. Some of your teachers would look twice at you because of your costume. It wasn't because no one was wearing a costume, they all were, it's just you felt you were way out of your comfort zone. In your third period class you looked in your bag for your jacket. "What the hell? I had it on this morning. Did I leave it with Asahi or Noya?" You turn to Noya in the row next to you. "Psst. Did I give my jacket to you?" "Your jacket? No. I saw you put it in your bag. It's not there?" "No. I think I put it there in 1st period." "Ask Asahi when it's our time to check out the fundraiser." "Alright." "Of course I loose my jacket when I want to cover up my ridiculous costume."
~~~TIME SKIP TO THE FUNDRAISER~~~ The announcement went off and you went off to find Noya in Tanaka. You eventually found them near Asahi's classroom he was dressing up for. "What is this for again?" You asked them. "Well the school just has a fundraiser every Halloween no reason.But it's probably because not a lot of kids go to this school and they barely have money." Tanaka answered. You three were waiting in line to go through the haunted themed class. They only allowed 2 groups at a time and you were really close to going in. A third year student was collecting the money from the first group and was heading over to your group. "542 yen to enter." She said holding out the bag. You three placed in the money and she stop in the front of both your group and the one ahead of you. "Here are the rules: No hitting the 'actors', Do not destroy the decor, No pictures or recording anything, and do not try and hide in the classroom, we count the groups and if one of you are missing we have to stop and find you. You may enter," she opened the door and the classroom lights were off, there were these huge black cardboard walls with arrows to follow the path, and scary music was playing. "Don't be scared (y/n) Chan." Tanaka said. "Who said I was scared?" You said rolling your eyes playfully. There was a fake bush in one of the paths and a third year jumped out with a wolf mask and made you flinch a little. "So you are scared?" Tanaka said jokingly. "Am not!" In the next path chain saw noises were louder than the actual music. A loud scream came from the path and you three rushed there and it was another third year acting that she got her arm ripped off. "When is Asahi coming to jump scare us?" You said. The music turned off and you kept walking with Tanaka and Noya. "What happened to the music?" Nishinoya asked. The sound of footsteps grew louder. "Tanaka? Is that you?" "No..." "Noya?" "It's not me." The footsteps stopped. You three turned around and a scary looking man with messy brown hair and bloody clothing looked down at you three and said, "I'm coming for you!" Tanaka and Noya ran.  "What the fuck! That ain't a third year, that's a grown man!" Tanaka shouted. "You saying a grown man actually wanted to kill us?!" Noya said. You were quiet as if you couldn't  speak. Even if you tried to say something nothing would come out your mouth. You stood their in shock looking at the man like a deer caught in headlights. The man didn't speak either. "Wasn't that freaky (y/n)?(y/n)?!" Noya said in a panic.

Author Chan Time: Hey guys! Enjoy that cliff hanger? Probably not. Anyways I just wanted to say ...WE MADE IT TO 24 THOUSAND READS! WOOHOO! I'm very thankful for that! I always read everyone's comments and appreciate every single one. Also, Who knew a fanfiction can become noticed? I wanted to do something special in honor of the 24k reads, so I will be doing a Q/A! If you guys wanna ask me anything, dm me and I'll mention your user name , you question and of course answer! See ya guys later! Penguin girl ouuut!

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