Tears Of Joy

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"I'm so glad to see you!" His mother said letting you go. You walk inside and place your stuff down on a chair. "Noya's up in his room." You walk upstairs and that same feeling grew. The feeling of nervousness. You knocked on the door and Noya didn't reply. You open it a bit. "H-hey sorry to bother you-" Nishinoya hugged you. "I've missed you." "What do you mean?" "I feel so lonely without you." "My mom canceled work to stay with me but with you here I don't feel so lonely." "How are you feeling?" "Good. I can't play sports and I need to catch up on my work for school. My mom said I'm doing pretty good with catching up." "That's really amazing to hear." You saying looking at him in awe. "So the people on my team are they coming to visit?" "I uh- I don't know." His face expression changed to a bit of disappointment. "Well I guess they're busy so it's ok." "I'm still here for you though." You said trying to make him smile. "Yeah I know, I'm really thankful for that." He smiled at you. "I thought school didn't end yet?" He asked looking at the time. "Yeah I left early-" you paused for a second. "What's wrong (y/n) Chan?" "You remembered something!" You say cupping his cheeks and kissing him. "I did?!" He said shocked. "Yes! Yes! You did. Wait! Stay here I need to show you something." You ran downstairs. "Hey where is the scrapbook I made for Noya?" "It's up on that shelf." His mother answered. You stood on your tippy toes and tried to reach the book. Noya saw you trying to reach the book and helped you. As he pulled the book off the shelf a heavy book from the top of the shelf  fell on top of his head and he fell. Your eyes widen and you rushed to him and called his name. His mother ran to him. "I'm sorry!" You saying crying. "It's ok let's go to the hospital." You went in her car and sat with Noya in the car. As She drove the car she asked you "why did you need the scrapbook?" "Well when we upstairs he remembered something so I was getting the scrapbook to see if he remembered any of his friends." She smiled and a single tear fell on her cheek. "I'm so glad Noya has someone as special as you  in his life." When you arrived in the hospital his mother placed Noya in a wheelchair. It wasn't long before the doctor took him into a room. You stayed in the room with him as his mother was filling out the papers outside with the doctor. You brought the scrapbook with you just incase he woke up and still couldn't remember anyone. His eyes opened up. "Where am I?" "Noya it's me (y/n), your girlfriend. You showed him pictures in the scrapbook. "Tell me who these people are." "But-" "Please Nishinoya." "Ok that's Tanaka, Tsuki, Hinata, Yamaguchi," your eyes widen and you pulled his face toward you for a kiss. "I'm so proud of you!" You saying hugging him. His mother walks in. "He's back!" "What?!" She says placing her bag down. "He got his memory back!" "What are you talking about?" He asked confused. "During the volleyball game you got spiked on the head really hard and hit your head on the gym floor. We took you to the nurse and you didn't remember anyone." You explained to him with tears of joy in your eyes. "That's so weird." He replied. The doctor came back in and took Nishinoya in for another brain scan. "It's as if that book falling on his head helped bring back him memory." The doctor said in amazement. After the doctors finally let you and Noya go back to his place you asked him again if he really didn't remember anything about losing him memory. "I swear it's like I wasn't even here!" "What do you mean?" Before Noya was about to tell you what was going through his head as he was unconscious, he realized you would think he's crazy and decided not to tell you. "Nothing it's fine. Just so weird how I could of forgotten about the girl I love." He cupped your cheeks and kissed you passionately leaving your face with a dark blush. "It's starting to get late I'll text Asahi to pick me up." "You sure you don't want me to walk you?" "No it's ok." You grabbed your stuff and texted Asahi.
(Y/n): Hey can you pick me up from Noya's place?
Asahi: can't I'm at extra help at school.
(Y/n): but mom nor dad can pick me up!
Asahi: just ask Noya's mom to drop you off
(Y/n): ok bye
Asahi: bye
You sighed and was about to walk out his house before Noya came down stairs and asked you where Asahi was to pick you up. "He's at extra help so I'll just walk home." "I'll walk with you then." "Noya I'll be fine." "I wanna spend more time with you." He says while grabbing his jacket and heading out the door. You started to slowly walk down the sidewalk. "Are you sure there isn't something you wanna tell me?" You ask. "Yeah I'm just confused on how I don't even remember me being injured to the point of amnesia...you know?" "I guess it is weird. But I'm just glad your back to your old self again." You say smiling at him. "What was i like?" "You said you felt lonely all the time without me. It's like if you weren't with me you were quiet and sad." "Really? I'm not like that at all!" "I know. That's why I was so sad for you. I couldn't even sleep after what happened." "Wait we were vs. Neckoma right?" "Yeah. At their school." "Who spiked the ball at me?"

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