The After Affect

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"I thought we only went to training camps on like weekends?" Kageyama Said. "Well, we couldn't make it next weekend so Tanaka got us some connections with the principal to let us skip a school day to train for our next game with Neckoma." Ukai Said. Everyone was happy cause they got to miss school. Even thought you and Noya broke up that doesn't mean that you can't enjoy a little day off even though he's around. You still didn't know whether you were mad at him or just really sad because you missed him. "Are you going to the training camp (y/n) San?" Suga Asked. "Well it beats staying at school." He smiles. "I'm sorry about yesterday. It's my fault I wanted to play that stupid dress up game." It's my fault I should have changed in the bathroom." "Suga! Let's go!" Noya yelled. "Coming!" Suga ran to Noya to start warmups. You couldn't stop staring at Noya. But he wasn't being himself. He seemed...out of it. As if he wasn't being the same as usual. His receives were lower and slow. He didn't say "ROLLING THUNDER!" Which was your favorite thing he did during practice. After practice ended, you walked with Asahi home. "Isn't weird that Noya wasn't acting like himself today during practice." You stated. "Yeah guess he's taking the break up pretty hard too." Asahi replied. "Noya will probably not care by tomorrow." Asahi knew he wasn't going to reply back knowing the mood you were in so he just stayed quiet. When you both got home your mom was making dinner. "Hi mom." "Hello mom," "Hey my lovelies! Dinner will be ready in just a sec!" You both sat down as your mother handed out your plates. "All right! Eat up." "Where's dad?" Asahi Asked. "Working late. So how was school?" "Good. We have training camp tomorrow." Asahi said. "Tomorrow? On a school day?" "The principal said it was ok." "(Y/n), you haven't said anything. What's up?" "Nothing just tried." "Well if you want you can go upstairs, shower and sleep early tonight if you want." "Thanks." You put your plate in the sink and headed upstairs. After you showered and put your pjs on, you jumped on your bed and cried in your pillow. You didn't know how long you could keep up this act with pretending to be ok. Your dream was a nightmare. You were on the trip and Noya meets another girl and you ended up alone knowing that the love of your life didn't love you anymore. You woke up panting, Surprisingly before your alarm clock. You got dressed and walked to the bus with Asahi. Everyone was getting onto the bus to the training camp. Usually you would sit next to Noya but he was sitting next to Tanaka. So you took the empty seat and placed you earbuds in. Someone tapped on your shoulder, "may I sit here?" Suga said. You took out an earbud. "Yeah sure. Shouldn't you be sitting with Daichi?" "If it's ok with you, I told him what happened and I wanted to sit here so I could talk to you about what happened." You stayed quiet. "I want you and Noya to get back together." "It's not that simple Suga. Noya probably fell back in love with Kiyoko San by now." "That's not true and you know it!" "How would I know if that true or not? It's not like he talks to me because of what happened. He doesn't even look at me anymore." "And that's why I want you two to get back together!" "Suga obviously me and Noya weren't meant to be. Can you just lay off." "If you truly loved Noya, you would have tried to get back with him in a heart beat." Suga said. You placed you earbuds back in and kept thinking about what he said. "Maybe we should get back together." "We can at least try." "So we can get out heart broken twice? Not a chance sister." "Bro you keep staring at her you sure you're not in love with her still?" Tanaka Asked Noya. "Pfft. No! See she's already sitting with Suga." "That's because you're sitting with me dingus. If you had an open seat she would have sat next to you." "Doubt it." "Bro to be honest you're not doing so great without her." "What do you mean?" "Like yesterday during practice. You weren't focused bro. I think you two should get back together." "I don't need her!" "Don't you even miss her a little?" Nishinoya is very stubborn and even thought he still did miss you he wouldn't admit it. "No. She cheated on me and lost her chance of being my girlfriend." Tanaka knows Nishinoya. And he knew he was lying from the start of this whole fiasco that he still misses you. "On the bus ride you started to day dream about Noya and how badly you wanted to get back together. But you were too nervous to tell him. An hour later, the bus arrived at the at the training camp. You grabbed your stuff and got off the bus. Ajoba Josai was getting off the bus too, which made Karasuno quite salty. "Oikawa." Daichi Said in a firm tone. "Daichi San~" Oikawa replied with a sly grin on his face. "I didn't know the crows were practicing today." Oikawa said to Iwazumi. "I told you that on the way here dip shit." "Iowa chaaan! How mean!" The team headed inside as Kageyama continued is evil glare. "I hate him." He says under his breathe. Karasuno also headed inside dropping off their stuff in their rooms. Since Kiyoko and Yachi didn't come on the trip it was just you in a room. As you were unpacking someone was watching you from the door way. "Hey there." You turned to see Oikawa. "Hi," "What's your name cutie?" "(Y/n)." "What a pretty name. I'm Oikawa." "How bout we take a look around shall we?" "Sorry I can't I have my own team I have to care for." "Hmm, what team?" "Karasuno." "Pfffft. Them?! I wish you can be our team manager." "That's very nice of you but I gotta go." "Ok (y/n) Chan. See you at practice." Oikawa leaves and so do you. He's pretty cute but his ego is something else.

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