The Dream

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"Well Kuroo did But it wasn't on purpose." "That bastard!" "Noya he didn't mean to-" "ugh he said he would try and take you from me with Akuno on his side." "Woah woah! What are you talking about?" "Nothing." "What do you mean Kuroo is friends with Akuno to take me?" "It's nothing look we're at your house." "Tell me what's going on!" "I can't explain!" He runs back to his house and you didn't chase after him. You unlocked the door and dropped your stuff off.
~~~NOYA'S POV~~~ I couldn't tell her about the crazy dream I had. I'm not sure if it even was a dream it felt so real. Back to when we were playing the game against Neckoma, all I remember before the "dream" is me going for the spike and then all of a sudden everything went black and I fell into this dark hole. A bright light suddenly formed below me. I screamed and fell on the floor. I look up and everything was colorful and house were made of candy. I look down at myself and my uniform was gone, it was replaced with a light blue tux and a dog in a basket which I was holding. A crowd of very small people crowded all around me. I dusted myself off and looked up. Yachi in a big pink dress came down from the sky in a pink bubble. "Oh Yachi thank god you're here. What's going on?" "I'm afraid I don't know you. I'm the queen of this land. The land of the munchkins." "Huh? Like in the Wizard of Oz?" "The Oz is the most powerful being in all of the land!" "Who is that Daichi?" "I don't know him. But I'm here to help you. On your quest to the Oz." "Is he going to help me go back home?" "Yes. But first let me help you with these magic shoes." She waved her wand in the air and a pair of red sparkly high tops were now on my feet. "What are these for?" "When the wizard grants your wish you ask to go home and click your shoes two times and home you shall be." Yachi started to leave back in her bubble. I started following the yellow brick road just like she said and I came across a corn field with a realistic looking scarecrow. "Woah I almost thought that scarecrow was Kageyama." "Hello there." "AHH! Kageyama! What the hell man!?"
"Hmm I never met you before. Where are you going." "To see the wizard." "May I come too?" "Sure, what do u need to wish for?" "A brain" I started to laugh but he looked at me confused. "Oh you're serious." As we kept walking we found a Tsuki as a tin man. "I suppose you want to see the wizard too?" "Yes I would like a heart." "Yeah you do." Then after some time has passed, we heard growling in the bushes. "What was that?" I asked. And out popped Hinata in a lion costume. "You guys have really gone out with these costumes huh." They looked at me puzzled. "What costumes?" Said Hinata. "Never mind, hey look! I think it's the wizard's castle!" The sky looked dark and gloomy. "You sure this is the place?" I say. "Yeah we followed the yellow brick road." We opened the door and there was a throne in the back of the room with a huge cage covered in cloth beside it, and a red carpet to the door we opened. "Come in, Come in. I've been expecting you all." Said the man sitting in the throne. As we walked closer to the throne, I noticed that it was Akuno sitting in the throne. "Akuno! What are you doing here!" "Making wishes come true with a price." "Do you think you can grant out wishes?" Said Hinata. "Well sure I can I just need something in return. Or you'll end up like the last person who entered my castle." "W-what happened to the last person?" Hinata asked. "Well, why don't I just show you." He walks over to the cage and pulls the cloth covering the cage. It was (y/n) but she was bruised and scratched up. Her mouth was covered in duct tape. My eyes widened and I ran over to punch Akuno but Kuroo grabbed my arm holding me back. "Watch it." Kuroo growled. "Why would you do that to her!" I screamed. "She was acting like a little whiny bitch. So she was punished." "And god it was so fun." Kuroo said laughing as he held me back. "I want to make another deal with you." I Said. "Really? Alright What is it?" "Well If you let her go and grant all their wishes I'll take your place of being your pet." "Hmm. Deal." We shook hands and she was released from her cage. She ripped off the duck tape. I ran to her and she hugged me. "Thank you so much. But why would you do that for me?" "Because I love you (y/n)." "But you don't even know me." I forgot that (y/n) doesn't know me in this world. She ran to the others and I was shoved into my cage. Akuno laughed. "God you really are stupid. I'm not the Oz! I'm the witch!" "How could that be? I followed the yellow brick road!" "I sent Kuroo out to paint the purple brick road leading to my castle and you idiots
followed it, just like her!" "Kuroo threw out Hinata and the others but kept (y/n). "That's wasn't the deal!" "Yeah I had my fingers crossed. Me and Kuroo are keeping her forever!" She tried to run but Kuroo flew down and caught her. He laughed as she struggled to get out of his clutches. With a snap of Akuno's finger, Chains and duct tape went back on (y/n). I screamed in anger but a duct tape went around me too and then everything went black. That's when I woke up in the hospital. I'm glad to have things back to normal again. I could never tell her that story she'd think I'm crazy.

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