Secret Santa

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The kitchen went silent for a moment, then Suga's voice cut through. "(Y/n) we're trying to keep you safe. Please just stop running into trouble." "But I'm not running to it-" "that's enough, young lady up to your room." Daichi said raising his voice again. You got up and shoved your chair into the table and stomped upstairs. Nishinoya backed his chair slowly, hoping to get away without being yelled at. "Oh no Noya you're not getting away that easily." Suga said. "I was technically doing the right thing here." Noya said. "The right thing would've been  telling us and not letting her go out to Akuno's." Daichi replied. "But I promised her I wouldn't tell anyone." "Stuff like this is important to keep her safe and you need to tell us." Suga said and a small smile crept on his face to try and lighten the mood. "Go check on her and then come downstairs for secret Santa." Daichi answered. Noya got up and went to check on you. When he opened the door you were laying on your bed with a pillow in between your legs and your arms wrapped around it too. He sits down on your bed and lightly touches your leg. "Can we talk?" You looked up and him and nodded. He tried laying on the bed but it was two small for the both of you. Instead, you both laid down and the floor looking up at the ceiling. "They're like my parents." You groan. "They've always been like that. But they do give us more freedom then any of our parents would if you think about it. They're high schoolers too, they need some fun in their lives." You turned to him and smiled. "I'm really glad I got to meet all of them. Asahi never talked about his friends when I moved with my grandparents." "Really? That's harsh, I feel that I should have been mentioned." He said in a playful tone. "Hey so what was in that box?" You asked sitting up. "What box?" He replied sitting up. "The one you found at the house." "Oh yeah! I never got to open it." "Where is it?" A small light bulb went off in his head as he remembered where he left it. Noya then groans. "I left it in Suga's car." "How are we gonna get it now? Suga and Daichi are gonna kill us if we miss the secret Santa." "(Y/n)! Noya! Come down!" Suga shouted from the living room. You and Nishinoya headed to the living room and sit on the floor within the circle. "Ok I'll hand out the gifts and don't open them until I say you can." Suga said. He hands out the gifts and yours was wrapped in red wrapping paper. It was small but you were egar to find out what it was. "Ok! We will go by first years all the way to third years." Suga replied. Hinata opened up his gift and it was a volleyball. "Eh!? What the-?! Who gave me this?" "You don't like it?" Kageyama asked. "Why would you get me this?!" "You like volleyball so I got you one!" "That's so stupid! I have one at home!" "Hey! No fighting. Be grateful." Daichi said. Kageyama opens his present. He pulls out a carton of milk. "Hinata I'm gonna kill you!" Hinata was laughing. "It wasn't even me!" Tanaka bursts out laughing. "That was me! Pretty funny huh?" Next up was Tsuki. His present was in a small wrapped box. The wrapping paper was green little dinosaurs. He opens it to find a small moon figure carved with the words "love you to the moon and back~". He face turns a little pink. He glance at Yamaguchi next to him. "Thank you." He said quietly. Yamaguchi smiles in response. Asahi opened his gift and it was picture frame with a picture of him, Suga, Daichi, and Kiyoko. "This is so sweet." Asahi said, then smiled. Suga and Daichi smile in response but their smile quickly faded. Daichi looked at Suga then nodded. Daichi stood up and the room became silent. "As you guys all know that we are going to be leaving next year, we both decided that we would be going to college. We know it's been a huge debate with staying home and taking courses online but we just decided you guys need to be on your own for the next part ... without us." Suga stands up. "Of course we will always FaceTime you guys when we can. Oh! And we will be here for the holidays to see you guys!" Everyone was talking at the same time about what will the team do without them. "It's our last night here at the cabin so let's just finish this secret Santa!" Nishinoya added lightning the mood. You all continued to open presents and it was finally your turn to open yours. The present box was small and wrapped in red shimmery wrapping paper. You opened the box and inside was a beautiful necklace of a bird spreading it's large wings. "Aww! This is beautiful!" You said putting it on. You looked for the name of the secret Santa but it wasn't on the box. "It's from me." Noya smiled showing his teeth with his chin up like a child; His eyes shut. "I thought you said you didn't have me." "Yeah I didn't, so I made a few switches." You hugged him. "Thank you." "What's for dinner? I'm starving." Hinata said rubbing his stomach. "Oh shoot! We didn't prepare anything!" Suga said heading to the kitchen. "I'll put on a movie." You said sitting on the couch. "Can we put on an actual good movie other than Christmas movies." Tsuki mumbled. Nishinoya got up and left the room, you handed the control to Tsuki and followed Noya. "Everything ok?" You asked. "Wha- yeah I'm just getting up to go use the bathroom I'll sit down with you in a sec okay?" He smiled. "Ok!" You went back to the living room and Noya grabbed his jacket. Suga and Daichi were arguing about what they can cook with what they have and the others were in the living room deciding on a movie. Noya grabbed Dachi's keys and quietly shut the door behind him. 

Hi guys! Author chan here! I haven't been posting in such a long time, I'm really sorry bout that. But I wanted to know if you guys would be interested in some sort of like youtube or twitch hangout to listen to your ideas or feedback on the story. I really love all the support each and everyone gives this story. All your comment are read btw and I laugh and agree with many of them! Don't be afraid of asking questions in the comments! Penguin girl out byeeee!~

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