The Moon Found Love

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~~~AUTHOR'S POV~~~ Akuno ran outside and suprisingly he caught up to you in time. "At least let me give you a ride back." He said. You were shivering in the cold and knew being in a nice warm car would be better that walking 15 miles or more back to the cabin. You got in the backseat and sat Akuno in the front. Heikin stayed at Akuno's house. "If you try any little thing I'll kick your ass." You said putting your seatbelt on. "I promise I won't."
Once you arrived at the cabin you told him to never come here again. "I promise." He drove off and you went to knock on the door. You breathed in and out then knocked on the door putting on a fake smile. Suga answered the door and he hugged you tight. "Where were you!?" "I was uh at the store buying food but then I got lost." "But you're still in your pajamas and no coat." "Well I was fine Suga, really, It's no big deal." You headed into your room. Suga called Asahi.
"Hey Asahi where are you and Noya?" "Still in the woods, he thinks that there's another hatch door under the snow." "Well come home, (y/n) came back." "She did!" "Yup." Asahi ended the call and told Noya you were back home safe and sound. "Well come on let's go!" Nishinoya ran back to the cabin with Asahi trying to catch up behind him. They busted through the door and Noya ran up to Suga. "So where is she?" "Upstairs." He ran upstairs to his room and hugged you tight while kissing your forehead. "What happened?" He said finally letting you go from hugs and kisses. "I was uh..." you hated lying to Noya but you knew he'd kill Akuno if he heard that he basically kidnapped you last night. "I was getting some fresh air in the woods." You looked away and he cupped your face. "Seriously (y/n) tell me the truth!" He said whisper shouting trying to hold back from scolding you. "If I did you'd kill me." He sat on his bed and sighed. "What happened to trust?" "Okay I'll tell you but you have to calm down when I tell you...and you can't tell anyone!" "I promise." You sat next to him and whispered what happened. "(Y/n)! We have to call the police!" He whisper shouted. "You promised you wouldn't tell anyone!" "But it's Akuno! He needs to be in jail again! You don't believe his lies do you?!" "W-what? Of course not!" He pulled you in for another tight hug. "Why don't you understand how important you are to me?!" He burried his head into you shoulder. "Noya please don't get too worked up over this, he can't hurt me, he's still under house arrest it was his friend that brought me to him and he promised never to do it again."
"I cant trust him, he kidnapped the love of my life then drugged them, injured one of my friends, and shot me, I just can't forgive that...and you shouldn't either..." he got up and went downstairs. You laid down, your head staring at the ceiling. "I'm such an idiot, I can't believe I almost believed that fucking monster." You got up and went to splash water on your face. When you looked up into the bathroom mirror your eyes widened with fear as you saw his face in the mirror. His green snake eyes piercing into your soul. You rubbed your eyes and it went away. "Get out of my head!"  You said under your breath before headed downstairs and sitting in the living room. Nishinoya sat on the couch next to Tanaka who was stuffing his face with a bowl of chips. On the carpet, Yamaguchi and Hinata laid there watching  whatever was on the tv. Tsuki sat on the smaller couch that only fit two people but kept it all to himself.
~~~TSUKI'S POV~~~ All the shows on tv were boring as hell. Suga forced me to stay in the living room with everyone because he and Daichi were making a special dinner for all of us. I glanced down and Hinata and Yamaguchi and realized that Yamaguchi was laid down on his stomach, and his legs in the air moving back and forth and his hands cupped his own cheeks. He was being a complete dork. A cute dork. I got up hoping he would follow which he did. "Tsuki, w-where are you going?" "Gonna listen to some music in our room." "O-oh..." he turned away and started walking back to the living room. I touched his hand. "Come upstairs with me. I want to show you something." His face lit up as he smiled softly agreeing to come with me. We sat on the floor and I took out my headphones. "You should listen to this." He takes my headphones and closes his eyes. He smiles as he then starts to sway side to side to the beat of the song. Still with his eyes closed I realized this is the chance, the only chance I have to make my move without someone interrupting us. I closed my eyes and leaned in for the kiss. His lips were soft and gentle. My hand went to caress his cheek that was burning up. We part and he takes off the headphones. "Tsuki-" "Yamaguchi I like you, a lot and I wanted to show you how much I love you." Yama's eyes widened and he blushed red. "I never knew you felt the same as me." "What? You like me?" I said super confused. "Yes, ever since we met. I would always get worried that you would never like me." I held his hand. "Well now you never have to think about that again." "That song was beautiful Tskui." "Yamaguchi just call me Kei." "O-ok, Kei." He smiled to himself and held my hand a little tighter.

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