Family Dinner pt2

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After the kids finally quieted down, Mason finally agreed to share his toy with Maddie and you and Asahi were chilling on the couch making sure they weren't gonna flip out again. "Asahi, can I braid your hair?" Jade asked. "Uhh." He looked at you and you nodded. "Sure I guess." "Yay!" She undid his bun and started to braid his hair. Then, Maddie noticed and ran up to him and started fighting with Jade. "I wanna do his hair now!" "Do (y/n)'s hair!" Jade said. "No I wanna do Asahi's hair!" Maddie shouted. "How bout you do his makeup?" You said trying to get her to not cry. "Yay!" She ran to the bathroom and grabbed Grandma's makeup bag. Asahi gave you a dirty looked and mouthed the words "you owe me big time." Maddie took out red lipstick and put it on Asahi unevenly. "You look gorgeous." You said trying not to laugh. Mason and the other boys were playing a mini nerf battle. One of the nerf bullets hit Maddie's eye and she yelled. "Mason! That got in my eye you jerk!" She then chased him all around the basement. You tried to step in. "Maddie stop chasing him around." "He hit me!" Maddie pouted. "On accident!" Mason replied. Jade's mom yelled that dinner was ready and the kids ran upstairs. Asahi stayed to clean off the red lipstick and fix his bun. You were now able to sit at the grownup table with everyone so you sat next to your older cousin Kalia. She had a bad girl attitude and reminded you of one of the girls from Bratz. Her outfit was a tight black dress with cherries all over. Her hair was loose and curly. Asahi finally sat down on your other side and you grandmother stood up and said "Everyone rise please, let's say grace." You all said grace and started eating. Your Aunt Mindy (Kailia's mother) asked how school was back home. "It's really nice, the school is way bigger over there." You replied.  "So you made friends?" Your uncle asked. "Yeah I made a few." "Any boy friends?" Kailia asked bumping your shoulder. "I have a couple guys friends from Asahi'shouted volleyball team." "Are you dating anyone from the team?" She asked. Your face darkened. "Yeah." You said quietly. Her eyes widened and and she bumped your shoulder again. "OMG really?" She asked. Everyone at the table was shocked. "Tell us all about him!" Aunt Mindy said.  "Well his name is Nishinoya and he plays libero in volleyball. He has dark brown hair with a blonde streak in the middle." You said. "He sounds adorable." your aunt replied. "You got a picture?" Kailia asked. "My uh phone got a taken away." "So how long have you been together?" Your aunt asked. "Um we got together in september, so like 4 months." You ate your food and you went to use the bathroom. When you left, your grandma asked "I heard what happened to her on the news, how is she now?" "Better I guess, Nishinoya really helps her focus on that happy things in life." Your mother answered. "Wait what happened to her?" Kailia asked. "She was kidnapped and almost raped." Your uncle answered. "Oh my god." She cupped her mouth. "I heard it was the Wargui family." Your grandma asnwered. (I think that's his last name is i dont remember sorry) "don't you w-" your aunt was cut off as you entered the room. "The food was delicious grandma." You said. When everyone was finished eating, you were  back downstairs with the kids and Kalia sat with you on the couch. "Grandma is dissing Asahi's hair upstairs right now." She laughed and you laughed too. 

~~~OUTSIDE~~~ Your father and Aunt Mindy were outside on the bench. Mindy was your father's sister. "Do you or not?" "We do but it's just for the money, we didn't plan on that happening and you know that." He said. "You both should have stopped, there are plenty of opportunities for you both!" She whispered shouted. "We need to support our family, and doing this, makes us the most money to pay for the things we own." Your father got up and left. Aunt Mindy shook her head and then went back inside. Your father was ready to leave and told Asahi to get you. You kissed everyone goodbye and went home. The ride home wasn't better either, it felt even more awkward than ever.  You showered and got your pajamas on. You shut your door and made sure to lock the window. Your parents shouted goodnight and you did the same.

In your parents room, your mother was in bed on her phone. "What were you and Mindy talking about?" She asked. "She was nagging me about how we should quit." "I have been thinking about it." She said. "We can't. We lose this, and we can't afford what we own right now." He said. "I'm just saying, what happened before, crossed the line." You mother said putting her phone to charge. "How are we supposed to control someone else? We just have to make sure she's safe, and the best way to do that is to control what we can." He shut off the light and went to sleep. 

Nishinoya decided to see you because he knew you were probably upset about being grounded. He picked up some rocks and he through them at your window. You got up and looked out the window and saw him lifting up the ladder. You unlocked the window and lifted it. "Miss me?" You said giggling.  He smiled and he sat on your bed. "So what did you do today?" He asked. "Went to my grandparents and ate dinner. It's kinda like a tradition before Christmas." You said. "My family is coming over to our house tomorrow. Do you have younger cousins?" He asked. "Yeah, five little cousins." "I have nine, and almost ten, my aunt is pregnant with a girl." "Aww. Do you play with them a lot." "Oh yeah, they love me!" 

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