The Dark Childhood

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~~~NEXT MORNING~~~ Asahi opens your door and taps on your shoulder. "(Y/n) come on get up." You groaned. "Fine go to sleep. But when you miss making pumpkin pie, don't be mad." Your eyes widened. (Do any of you like pumpkin pie? I never had it but gotta go with the October aesthetic ya know) "Why are you even making pie in the morning?" "Actually it's 11:30 am." "I was sleeping for that long?" "Yeah mom told me to wake you up cause we were just about to make some." "Alright well I'll be downstairs in a minute." "Ok." Asahi closes the door and heads down stairs. You changed into a plain t shirt and jeans and went downstairs. "Oh good Asahi woke you up. Come on I need both your help on making the crust." It was just like when you were little and every October you and Asahi would help your mom cook her famous pumpkin pie. You and Asahi would always got each other covered in flour because you both threw it at each other. When your mother put the pie in the oven she smiled and said "How bout we invite Nishinoya and his family over for some pie? I'm sure they'd love some." "Good idea I'll text him." You took out your phone and texted him to bring his family over for some pie. He answered back a couple minutes later that he and his family would love to come. About an hour later, the door bell rang and you answered it. "Hey Noya! Hi!" You said to him and his mother. "What a pleasure to see you again." She answered sweetly. "It's so great to meet you." Your mother said coming to the door. They shook hands and smiled. They sat down at the table with you and Asahi while your mother was taking out the pie. "So mom, is dad out getting the groceries?" "Yeah I sent him while you two were brushing your teeth. He should be coming soon." A bit later, your father walked in. "Oh we have guests? Why wasn't I informed?" He said jokingly. He places the bag near the sink and sits down at the table. "Your Noya's mom correct?" "Yup." "So nice to actually meet you." "You met her at the hospital." You said. "Well not formally." Your mother places the pie down in the center of the table. "Dig in while it's nice and warm." Your father cuts everyone a slice. "So is the father working right now? I'd love to meet him." Your father says breaking the silence. Noya's mother hesitates, "Actually he is Uh not in the picture anymore." The table went silent again. And so your father spoke. "I'm so sorry I didn't know." "It's ok it happens often." Tension grew at the table and so did the silence. "This pie is delicious." Noya's mother says. "Oh thank you. It's a secret recipe." Your mother replied keeping things cool and calm. Noya got up and looked at his feet. "If you'll excuse me I'll be in the bathroom." You knew something was wrong and so you followed him. "(Y/n)! Come back here and finish eating!" Your father shouted. "Let them go. She's just trying to help him talk about his feelings. Which is why I like her together with him. She lets him express his emotions with her. Something he wouldn't do with just anyone." Your mother smiled in agreement with her. "Noya Wait." You grabbed his wrists and he turned around. "What?" "Tell me what's wrong." "When I was 5 years old I found out my dad used to beat my mother at night while I was asleep and one night I woke up hearing a loud scream and through the crack of the door, I saw him beat her with his own hands. It was traumatic for me, especially at that age. Finally she said something and he was placed in jail. Growing up without a father is hard. That's why I'm so over protective with my mother and dating other men and when he is brought up." A single tear fell from his eye and he quickly wiped it away. You hugged him tightly. "I can't imagine what that's like. I'm so so so sorry about what my dad said." "It's ok. He didn't know and neither did you. I should've told you." "Well I'm glad you did." You said softly. When you both headed back to the table, Noya's mom and your mom were washing the plates. "What happened to my pie ma!" Noya says. "Don't worry it's all nice and packed up in that bag." "Alright cool." Noya replies as he sits down on the couch with Asahi watching T.v. "Whatcha being for Halloween Noya?" You ask sitting down next to him. "Now that I'm thinking about it. Imma go old school, vampire." "Cool." "How bout you?" "Not sure yet but when I know I'll tell you." Noya's mother grabs her keys on the table and calls Noya over to say goodbye. You kiss him on the cheek. "Bye!" They close the door behind them and drive away. You smiled as you watched them through the peephole of the door. (Is that creepy? Idk whatever) "What are you being Asahi?" "Not being anything." "Why not?" "I'm too old for that kinda stuff." "Pff, I bet Daichi and Suga are doing a couples costume." "Same." Your mother butts into the conversation. "That's What me and your father did in high school, right honey?" "Yup!" Your father says across the room.
~~~TIME SKIP TO WHEN U GOT SCHOOL~~~ The sound of your alarm clock broke your ear drums once again and you were so tempted to break it but your mother said if you break it again she's not gonna lend you the money to buy another one. You shut it off and continued your morning. When you finished Asahi was already out the door. "Why were you up so early?" "No reason." "Ok?" You thought it was rather unusual for Asahi to wake up early knowing he enjoys sleeping as much as you, thought you stopped thinking about it and headed to first period.

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