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Suga yelled at the two of them to stop fighting and Nishinoya thought about what Tanaka said. The boys jogged out the locker room and waited for coach Ukai. You waved to Noya from the bleachers and he half smiled and waved. You thought it was weird that he was being all half excited to see you, "maybe he just had an off day." You thought to yourself.
After practice, as usual Noya went to walk you home. As you both walked down the sidewalk, you asked Noya if you could come over again. "Do you think we could have a study session at your place?" His eyes widened. "We have a test?!" You were lying but you had an idea for when you both got to his place. "Y-Yeah we do, so can we?" "Sure." He answered. You texted your mom you would be studying at Noya's. You both dropped off your things in his room. Since his mother wasn't home this was the perfect time and place to tease him. "Do you mind if I take this off? The room is a bit hot." Nishinoya was taking his books out his bag. "Yeah it's cool with me." You took off your jacket and then your thin, light brown vest. (Yk the vest on the girls uniform? It's that thing) you were only in your white button up shirt and you wore a dark colored bra underneath. You took out your books too. "Alright so I'll takeout the most recent packet (he/she) gave us and we'll study this one." He said. "Damn, he didn't even notice my bra showing, guess I outta turn things up a notch." You walked over to one of Noya's book shelves. "What's this?" You said going on your tippy toes to reach a book on a high shelf. Your skirt was raised earlier, so when you would go on your tippy toes he'd see your panties.( I low key hate this word) Nishinoya noticed you attempting to grab a book on a high shelf. "(Y/n)! Be careful!" You turned to him. "What's that?" "A comic I used to read, now we gotta focus, I don't do well in this class." You sat down across from him and pretended to look at the packet. Then, an idea popped into your head. "I'm gonna grab a water." You said going downstairs. You came back up and drank the water then purposely spilled it all over you. "Damn it!" You said looking down at your soaked shirt. Nishinoya blushed. He could now see your dark colored bra. Noya went to his closet to find you a shirt. "Shit, let me get you something." You rubbed up against him, your thigh on his, your breasts on his back. "Why don't you want me?~" He turned to you and his face red. "I-I do but we gotta study." He said sitting back on the floor. What were you doing wrong?! You did everything that would make Noya crazy but he was acting so aloof. You pouted as you looked up at him. "What's wrong with me?" You asked. He quickly raises his eyes to you from the packet. "What do you mean?" "You're acting like you don't care!" He gives you a soft smile. "There's nothing wrong with you! I do care about you." You crossed your arms."Well you haven't made a move on me even though I have you so many chances!" His eyes widened and he slapped his forehead. "I'm such an idiot! Why did I even listen to Tanaka!?" You looked up at him. "What do you mean? What did he tell you?" He looked at you ashamed. "He told me I should act like I don't care with you because then you would get all crazy for me..." "Are you saying I don't I've you attention?" He waved his hands in front of you shaking his head. "Nonono! What you told me last night I got all hyped and you didn't understand the texts so I thought you were playing hard to get." You giggled. "I genuinely didn't know what you were implying. Suga explained to me what you meant then he told me I should tease you because it'll make you crazy." He smiled at you. "I think we should just stick to straight up asking each other if we'd want to do it." You nodded and smiled he replied "But we should start studying, my mom will kill me if I fail." You started laughing. "Noya the whole studying thing was a trick to go to your house and do this." He looked at you and bursted out laughing. "Are you serious?! Well damn you got me." He put all his books away and you looked at him sweetly. "Hey Noya..." he turns to you. "Yes?" You bit your lip. "Do you think our relationship is just based on having sex?" He cupped you face. "What are you taking about?! No! We do tons of other stuff, why do ask?" You turned away. "Well we haven't really gone on dates you know." A light bulb goes off in his head. "I got an idea! Come! Get your jacket!" You look at him. "Uh Noya, my shirt?" He tosses you one of his shirts and you quickly put it on. He gets up and grabs his jacket. "Where are we going?!" You smiled putting on your coat. He put a big cheesey smile. "It's a surprise." You both walk down the sidewalk. "Where are we going?" He shakes his head. "I can't tell you! But you'll like it, I just know it!" You both walked through the snow, the snow crunching as you both walked on it. You end up at Ukai's store he told you to wait outside.
Inside the store, Nishinoya ran to Ukai. "Oi! Ukai! Can you please do me this one favor?!" Ukai looked up from his phone and puffs out smoke from his cigarette. "What do you want?" Nishinoya whispered him his surprise for you and Ukai helped set up. You were so tempted to peek inside but instead you waited there day dreaming and wondering what he was doing.
A note from Author Chan:
Hey everyone! I would like you guys to follow my Tik tok because I will be posting updates, answering questions, commissions for the next story, and much more! (My Tik tok is @penguingirl_22)Also the story is slowing coming to an end and I'm sooooo sorry! I love making this story so much! When I was writing the draft for this story I was so scared that it would be made fun of and wouldn't get noticed but the complete opposite happened so if you're writing a story, publish it! Getting recognized doesn't happen over night! It took months for me to even hit 1 thousand reads! I love you all sooooo much! Author Chan out!

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