A Day At The Park

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"When I was younger, I got bullied a lot and I wanted to move schools and I moved to my grandparents house so that's why I never met him until high school because I wanted to come back home and my brother said that his school was nice." "Aww. I'm so sorry that happened to you." "It's ok. I met Noya in one of my classes but my brother was afraid that I might be harassed by him and Tanaka." "I see. Your brother is understandable, Noya and Tanaka are a little perverted sometimes but you learn to love them." "Yeah you really do." Nishinoya's mom opens up the book again and continues showing you pictures of baby Noya. Eventually Nishinoya came downstairs. "Mom, what are you doing?" "Just showing (y/n) your baby pictures." "MOM!" Noya runs to the couch. "Seriously mom that's so embarrassing!" "Oh stop it! She enjoyed every single picture even when you used to wear your hair down." "Ughhh!" Noya covers his face with a pillow and groans. "Oh by the way where am I sleeping to night?" "Oh. I haven't even thought of that. Well you could sleep in Nishinoya's room." You and Noya blush. "Of course he would be on the floor sleeping." Noya rolled his eyes. "Ugh fine I'll sleep on the floor." Nishinoya goes to the closet and grabs a extra pillow and blanket. "I'll set up the bed you can go shower first." "Sure." You both went upstairs and you grabbed your bag and placed it on the bathroom floor. While Nishinoya was setting up the beds, you headed in the nice hot and steamy shower. After you came out the shower and put on your pj's you went inside Noya's room and laid on the bed on your phone. "I'ma go shower." "Ok." A couple minutes later Noya comes into the room with only shorts on and says "Forgot the towel." You both stare at each other for a while. This wasn't the first time seeing Noya without a shirt but you felt different. Like if this was the first time you saw him without a shirt. You then notice his bruises all over his arms and legs. "Wait." Noya turned around confused. "Yeah? What's wrong." "N-nothing." Soon that moment ended and he came back in with black shorts and a white t-shirt. You noticed that Noya's hair was down. "You know you look you super cute with your hair down. I kinda wish you had your hair like that more often." "It just makes me look shorter than I already am." You laughed. Noya turned off the lights and shut the door. "Night (y/n) chan." "Night Noya kun." It started to rain, hard. Lightning and thunder started a little while as you were sleeping then a loud crack of thunder woke you up panting. You couldn't go to sleep after you got up and tapped on Noya's shoulder. "Oi you up?" "Huh what's wrong?" "I-I can't sleep the thunder and the lightning its..." "Don't worry your Guardian is here for you." He hugged you close making you feel safe and protected. When morning arrived, Noya was still sleeping. You started to play with his blonde streak. "He looks so cute when he's asleep." You heard him mumble in his sleep. Trying to listen closely, you hear him say "(y/n) d-don't cry. I'm here. I love you." You blushed. "Aww he's having a dream about me." You thought since he was asleep you decided to change out of your pj's. As you were in your undergarments looking in your bag for something to wear, Nishinoya wakes up bright red. "(Y-y/n) what are you doing?" "Gah!" Noya quickly looked at the wall. "I-I was looking for clothes to wear. I thought you were asleep!" "W-well I just woke up." *Knock Knock* It was Nishinoya's mom checking on them after she heard you scream. "Everything alright in there?" "Y-yeah mom everything's ok." "You sure?" "Y-yeah mom." She opens the door and sees Noya and you bright red and notices you in your undergarments. "Nishinoya..." "M-mom it's not what it looks like." She hands you a towel. "Come here (y/n) you can change in my room." "Thanks." "Do you have any clothes I can borrow. I wore all of mine at the training camp." "Yup." She opens up her huge walk in closet. "Wow." "I know right? You can pick anything you want ok?" "O-ok." She leaves the room. You picked out a white blouse and navy blue skirt. You went downstairs and Noya's mom was making breakfast. You helped cook and the smell of the delicious breakfast traveled all the way upstairs. After Nishinoya finished changing he ran down stairs. "What's cooking?" "Just some breakfast that me and (y/n) help make." After breakfast you helped washed the dishes. "Oi (y/n) chan wanna go to the park after you finish?" "Yeah sure." When you finished you waved goodbye to his mom and left to the park with Noya. When you 2 arrived at the park, there was a little ice cream stand. Noya grabbed your hand running towards the stand. "Gah! Where are we going?" "To get ice cream." "We just had breakfast." "So?" You playfully roll your eyes as he gives you puppy dog eyes. "We'll get some later. Promise." "Ok fine." You both sat in the swings slowly swinging yourselves and taking. "So what was your childhood like?" "Well, I spent most of the time hanging out with Tanaka and playing in this park actually. When I got into middle school, I met Asahi and we became really good friends. He never mentioned you but I always wondered what he'd be like with a sibling." You smiled. Nishinoya started getting deeper into talking about his friendship with your brother. It kinda made you uncomfortable since you just had a huge fight with him.

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