The Box

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Chills went down your spine as you waited for Akuno to come downstairs. "Ah (y/n) you finially made it! I was waiting for you." He walks down the stairs with nothing in his hands. "Akuno, where's my phone." "You'll get you phone, just come with me." "Akuno please just hand me my phone I need to go back to the cabin." "It'll only take a couple of minutes (y/n)." "What are you showing me?" "I want to just talk," He makes you follow him into a room with a chess table and two chairs in the center of the room. Surrounding it is an old desk and three paintings on the walls. Akuno sits in the chair signaling you to sit across him. "Now (y/n) are you still in a relationship?" "What? I am, but what does this have to do with my phone?" "Well, how do you know he's not cheating on you?" "Nishinoya would never cheat on me, and I would never do that to him either." "You know you're going to go to college and what if you grow distant?" You were getting fed up with his stupid questions. "Akuno just give me my phone!" His eyes widen, and he stands up abruptly. "Why can't we just talk!?" He says slamming his fist down on the table. You back your chair away from the table and you both stood there in silence.

Meanwhile, back in the car, Nishinoya was done with waiting. "I need to go in there. Who knows what he's doing to her!"  He gets out of the car and tries to find another way into his house without using the front doors. Noya then finds an open window on the left side of the house. He hopped over the fence and looks for something high enough that could prop him up to the open window. There was a lawn chair covered in snow and it caught his eye. Nishinoya sets up the lawn chair right next to the wall of the window. He backs up for a running start and jumps on the chair to reach the window. The window ledge was creaking as his hand pushed himself up. He stands up and dusts the snow off of him. When Nishinoya looks up, he sees what looks like Akuno's bedroom.  Noya did not trust Akuno and he probably never will, and now that he stood in his bedroom, he decided to snoop around a little. The bed was made and the room was all tidied up as well. It didn't really look suspicious at all but Nishinoya knew something was off. He looked through all the dressers and the entire closet but it was just clothes and shoes. "If I were Akuno where would I hide weird messed up shit?" There was a painting of a snow-covered forest on the left side of the bed. He walks up to it and takes the painting off the wall, revealing a school photo of Noya with holes and cuts all over it. He drops the painting and rips the picture off the wall. He checks under his bed for anything and finds a beat-up shoe box. But just right before Noya could open it, he heard footsteps and heads into the closet along with the shoe box. "Where is that damn shoebox!" Akuno said while looking under the bed. "I assure you, that I put it under the bed." "Well, it's not fucking here! Go with her and makes sure she's not snooping around." Heikin left the room and Akuno decided to look elsewhere and left the room too. Nishinoya opened the box and found your phone along with pictures that he couldn't really see in the dark closet. Noya put the phone under the bed and he hid back in the closet. "Fine, I'll look again!" Akuno said re-entering his room. He looks under his bed and grabs the phone. "Got it."

Back in the chess room, You waited with Heikin and it was completely silent but Akuno's voice cut through. "Here's your phone." "Thanks, I must get going now, you know my friends are probably worried." "Alright then, at least let me walk you out." Akuno said putting out his hand. "No, really it's fine." You walk out of the house and was walking towards the car.

In Akuno's room, Nishinoya peeked out the window and noticed you heading back to the car. He called your phone to meet him on the side of Akuno's house. You ran to the side of the house and threw the box down to you. "What's this?" "Just hold it, I found it in his room." "Why did you go in the house? I told you to stay in the car." "I just didn't trust him." "How are you gonna get down?" "I'll just jump down." He jumps down and lands in the snow. "See! I made it." You both bolted to the car and got in before Akuno could notice there were two of you. Nishinoya got in the driver's seat and you two drove off.
Once you arrived home, Suga and Daichi were super mad. "We're back!" Nishinoya said. We dropped our coats off on the rack. No one was in the kitchen but Suga and Daichi. Everyone was in the living room. "You two, kitchen table, now." Daichi said in a husky voice. We quickly sat down at the table. Daichi and Suga stood in front of you both with their arms crossed. "Where were you two?" Daichi asked. You and Nishinoya looked at each other. "We went to get my phone." You replied. "I asked where were you two." "We went back to Akuno's house." You answered looking down at the table. "You what?!" Suga shouted. "Why was your phone there?" Daichi asked. "Akuno's took her again that's why she wasn't here." Nishinoya said. "But Noya went with me so I was fine." "Dammit (y/n) we're trying to keep you safe!" Daichi shouted, his fist slamming the kitchen table.

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