The Dress

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"So you're not weirded out?" "What? No! I'm glad you told me because I was afraid you were never gonna tell me." "You did say we should talk more about how we feel." He said smiling at you. "Hey So about the dance did you buy an outfit yet?" You asked him. "Not yet." "Me neither I'm going shopping on Saturday with Kiyoko, Yachi, and Suga. You should come!" "You think? Well I guess I'll come along." "Great!" You hugged him. You heard Asahi walking out of the shower. "Alright I'll see you tomorrow. Asahi is gonna come here any minute now." "Alrighty then. Goodnight I love you." You kissed him on the cheek and he climbed down the ladder.
~~~TIME SKIP TO SATURDAY~~~ You woke up around 9:00 to get ready. Then you went down stairs waiting for Yachi to pick you up. There was a knock at the door and it was Yachi telling you to hop in. "Bye mom, Bye dad, Bye Asahi!" "Bye!" They said as you went in Yachi's car. A notification went off on your phone.
Momma Suga: hey just picked up Noya we're on our way to the mall.
(Y/n): Yachi just picked me up, we will meet ya there!
Yachi's mom dropped you three off at the mall and you waited by the entrance for Suga and Noya. "Did he say he was here?" Kiyoko asked. "Not yet. He said he would meet us here." You answered still looking out the window. A couple minutes passed and you saw Suga and Noya waving at you three. "Hey guys!" Noya Said smiling. "So me and the girls are gonna look for dresses in (store) and we'll meet up at the food court at 12:30." You Said. Yachi ran into the store and started looking at some dresses that were cute and simple. She took three dresses off the rack. Kiyoko went to another rack and grabbed two dresses that were the same style but different colors. There were so many dresses and you liked so many that you grabbed five of them. "You wanna try them on now?" Kiyoko asked. You and Yachi nodded and went to the dressing room. Yachi tried on a light blue dress with lace flowers on top. "That looks beautiful on you." Kiyoko said. "Yeah it looks great!" You said. Kiyoko tried on a navy blue maxi dress with a slit on her left leg. "I think I like this one." "What about the other one?" Said Yachi. "It didn't fit. What about you (y/n)?" "Well uh the first one didn't fit either and the second one wasn't my color, the third was too tight, the fourth was too revealing and the fifth one was too long." "Let's try another store then." Kiyoko said smiling at you. They bought their dresses and you waited on the bench. "Hey why so sad?" Suga said sitting with you. "I didn't find my dress but they did." "There's tons of store here I'll bet you'll find your dress." "Where's Noya?" "In the bathroom. We were looking at some suits and we bought ours." "Alright well you go and find you dress and then later on we can go shopping for your special outfit." He waved goodbye and went to another store with Noya. "Alright you ready for the next one?" Yachi said. "Yeah." The next store wasn't good either. You still couldn't find a dress but Kiyoko and Yachi weren't giving up. "Come on (y/n) that store was pricey anyway." Yachi said pulling on your arm to the next store. "Hey guys it 12:30 we should head to the food court to grab something to eat." Kiyoko said showing the time on her phone. You three found Suga and Nishinoya at a table and placed your food down. "So did you find a dress yet?" Noya asked. "No." You said looking down at your food. "I bet you looked good in all those dresses." You smiled. "Thanks But they weren't the one you know?" After you all finished eating you and the girls were gonna go to the final store before Yachi's mom was going to pick you and Yachi up. As you were walking to the next store, in a window there was a beautiful dress not too long or too short, your favorite color, and you ran inside to check the place out. "This. This is the one." You sounded like a kid in a candy store but you couldn't help it, This was the dress. You ran to try it on and it fit perfectly. "Let's us see!" Yachi Said from outside the dressing room. You walked out and they looked in awe. "It's gorgeous!" Said Kiyoko. "You look amazing!" Yachi added. "Thanks guys!" You bought the dress and walked out the store happily. "My mom should be here any minute." Yachi said. "Oh my dad is here. Bye guys!" Kiyoko said giving you two a hug. She left and you waited there with Yachi. Suga ran to you. "Hey don't think you're not coming with me to but your outfit!" Suga said pouting. "Wha, oh yeah but Yachi's mom is coming any minute now." "I'll drop you off home but you're coming with me!" He grabbed your arm and you waved bye to Yachi. "Did Noya go home already?" No he's over there." He pointed to Noya sitting on a bench. "He's gonna Wait there while we get you a sexy outfit." Suga brought you to a store filled with lingerie. "I don't know Suga isn't this a bit much?" "Nope! Oh! Get this red one!" It was super revealing and your face got red. "I think you'll fit into it." Suga said already purchasing it. You faced palmed as Suga smiled waving the bag in your face. You both walked out the store and Noyas face lit up. "Wait I thought you already bought a dress?" "It's just a little something extra." Suga said. "Alright I'm tired can we go now?" Noya Said. "Yeah Yeah we're leaving." Suga Said as you and Noya followed him to the parking lot.

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