Why does love hurt?

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"Yuu Nishinoya! No yelling in my class room!" "S-sorry sensei." "You should be. Now class we will be doing a quick project in class today so pair up." Nishinoya moved his desk to yours as everyone paired up. You looked back out the window ignoring Noya. "Look (y/n) I didn't mean to yell I was just stressed out that you don't believe me." "Well guess what you're a jerk and I don't want to be partners with you!" "Fine I don't wanna be partners with you anyway!" "Fine!""Fine!" The phone rang and your sensei picked it up. "Hello? Yes. No, she's here. Ok, I will. (Y/n) go down to the lobby you're getting picked up early." "Have fun doing this project by yourself." "Ok then jerk." You rolled your eyes and left. As you were walking down to the lobby your eyes started to tear up again. But you wiped them just in time before your mom could see. "Hi sweetie." "Hi mom." "Well how was school." "It was fine." "How are you feeling?" "Like someone just ripped my heart out." "Oh...well come on we're gonna go home and make some ramen noodle soup. Your favorite!" "Thanks mom. Wait aren't we gonna pick up Asahi?" "Nope. He said he has to take some very important tests in his other classes and  he has volleyball practice after school." "Yeah I forgot about that." Soon you arrived at home and you went up to your room and started watching sad romance movies and crying. "Honey?" Your mom said as she knocked on the door. " Are you ok." "(sniffle) Yeah I'm fine I'm just watching a sad movie." "Ok well the ramen noodles  are done so if you want I'll just put some outside the door." Every sad romance movie you watched you pictured Nishinoya and you as the main characters. It made you angry and sad at the same time. You grabbed your ramen noodle that your mom left you before she left to back to work and started eating. But then all of a sudden your phone starts to ring. "Hello?" "Hi (y/n) chan!" "Suga is that you?" "Yup!" "How did you get my number?" "Asahi told me." "Why are you calling me?" "Well Noya isn't acting himself and we really need him to practice! And I wanted to know if you can cheer him up." "Sorry Suga but that's not happening." "What? Please you two need to make up! You both are perfect for each other!" "If me and Noya were so perfect for each other than why did he say that he doesn't like me anymore?" "That's because he was trying to say-" "How much of a bother I am? Well look I don't wanna talk anymore I'm not in the mood. Bye!" You hung up the phone with anger and sighed. "why does love hurt?"  

~~~TIME SKIP NEXT DAY NOYA'S POV~~~(buzz buzzzzzz) I looked at my phone and it  was a message from Suga saying "Morning Noya! We need to talk at lunch, kay? See ya later :)" I then got up and got dressed from school. After I finished getting dressed, I started walking to school and on the way there I bumped into (y/n). At first she glanced at me but then she quickly turned away. "What's up Asahi?" "Nothing. How are you doing." "I'm alright." I glanced at (y/n)'s beautiful (hair color) hair blowing in the wind and beautiful (eye color) eyes glowing from the sun light. My face turned a bit pink and Asahi looked at me with a little smile. "Wh-why are you making that face for Asahi?" "Wha- oh nothing." Asahi then looked the other way and started whistling. I looked back at (y/n) again and this time we made eye contact. We both stopped walking and just stood there in silence. I don't know why though but, it had just felt like we just met again. Asahi turned around in confusion and trying to get our attention but it felt like our hearts were reconnecting again. I then blinked and (y/n) yelled "I won!" "What do mean?" "Duh the staring contest." "What?" "We were having a staring contest weren't we?" "Uh..." "what else would you be staring at me for then?" "Nothing...whatever you won." She smiled and my heart started to pound faster and faster. We then arrived at school and we then parted ways to our classes. A couple minutes later  these guys in my year were talking about (y/n). "Yo you know the new girl?" "Nah man." "Bro she's kinda cute." "Oh shit really?" "Hell yeah bro she's in my history class." "Bro you have a picture of her?" "Yeah hold on." The guy takes out his phone to show his friends I try to see but I couldn't get a good look. "Damn she ain't cute she's hot." "I know right." "She gotta boyfriend?" "Uh I don't think-" I couldn't listen to these assholes talk about (y/n) any longer so I just interupted them. "Yeah she does have a boyfriend and it's me!" "Yuu Nishinoya...why would a hot girl like (y/n) wanna be with you?" "Cause uh..." The two guys laughed and kept talking. I got so angry but I knew I couldn't do anything cause I would get in trouble again.

~~~TIME SKIP TO LUNCH AUTHOR'S POV~~~It was now time for lunch and everybody headed to the lunchroom with their friends and Nishinoya was looking for Suga. "Oi Noya! Over here!" Said the tall silver haired male. "So what did you wanna talk about with me?" "Well I wanted to let you know we're going to the training camp. today" "Oh really?" "Yeah and uh we're bringing (y/n) along too." Nishinoya face turned red. "W-why is she going?" "Because we can use the extra hands." "Oh..." "I mean if you don't want her to come I guess I could just tell her not to-" "No! I-it's fine." Suga gave a sly grin." "Alright see ya after school Noya." "Yeah see ya." Nishinoya heart started pumping faster and faster knowing that you were going to be there at the training camp. 

                       Author's note: Hi readers! I'm soooooo sorry I posted this so late. It's because I was study for midterms and all that but now I'm free! And I will keep updating this series! I'm not sure how long I can keep the story going but for now you'll have to wait till the next chapter which I am currently working on. Oh and make sure to check out my other stories on my account! Don't forget to vote, save, and follow! (lmao I sound like that annoying ass youtuber that tell the viewer at the end of each video to like and subcribe :)

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