Childhood Trauma

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The one thing your mother had promised to you is that she wouldn't leave you alone with him, but here you are...alone with Akuno. "The garden is this way." He said leading you down a hall to a door leading outside. The garden was beautiful, every bush was cut and perfected and every flower was bloomed and vibrant. "It's really nice." You said admiring the flowers. "I don't really come out here often." He said looking around. "Why is that?" You were a little bit interested in the reason. "Nothing just personal reasons." You glared at him. "You can't just say something and then not explain the reason." You said crossing your arms. "My mother used to come out to the garden with me all the time as a kid. She would tell me this was our special place." "What happened to her?" "Well she..." he paused. "You don't have to tell me. I get it." You saw this look of sorrow in his eyes, a feeling you didn't expect him to have. "I never told anyone this but my dad treated my mom horribly and she was caught cheating on him. Their marriage was arranged and she never really loved my father. After they got caught, my father killed him and I don't even know where my mom is now. She could be dead, or living across the world with another family." "I'm sorry about your mother Akuno. However, this doesn't give you an excuse for what you put me through though." You still have your guard up because you didn't know what was going through his mind right now. "I know, I was just telling you because I trust you. I want to show you that I'm changed. I really am, what I put you through haunts me everyday. It makes me feel like I'm my father and I don't want to be like him! I hate him!" He shouted and tears fells from his cheeks. He crashed onto the ground and started sobbing yelling and shouting "I hate him! I hate him." His voice trembling as he continued. You put your hand on his shoulder as you tried to comfort him. "You know why I loved you?" He said in between sobs. "Because you reminded me of my mother. You're so gentle and sweet. You're confident and rebellious yet also soft spoken and quiet." He wiped his tears and picked himself up. "Sorry about that, *sniffle*. I'm sorry for everything. I hate thinking about how I treated you. You deserve better, you deserve Nishinoya." You looked at him stunned. "Has he really changed?" "I was just jealous. I thought that you would be better for me. Then I made Heikin become my friend by using fear. We made a plan to take you to the bunker and have sex with you. I thought that if you were drugged and we made love you would love me because that's what my father did to my mother. Well no drugs just forced sex." "So, it never came across your mind to just, talk to me?" You asked. "I wouldn't be able to cause you were always with Nishinoya. He would never let me talk to you." "If I reminded you of your mother so much, then explain the shoebox." "The what?!" He said, eyes widened with fear. "The shoebox under your bed. With the pictures and notebook." "The pictures were my father's. He would have sex with other women while they were drugged, take pictures, then make me write about them by the photo." "How do I know your not lying?" "On the pictures, the back of them have a date. The dates are all the way back from when I was around 14." "Why would he make you write about them?" "He would describe them to me with their looks then made me write about why they're all whores. He wanted me to learn why all those women will never make him love them the way he love my mom." "Jesus that's so...fucked up. I'm really sorry." "I'm better now. My therapist has been helping me talk about it rather then pent it all up inside." The moon was shining brightly down on you both. (*cough* *cough* Yue) "Let's go inside." He said. "What did your mother look like?" You asked. "There's only one photo of her in this house. That my father doesn't even know about." He led you upstairs to his room which was neatly cleaned. He took out a photo of his mother from his nightstand. "She's beautiful." You said. "I miss her so much." He said.
~~~AKUNO'S POV~~~ I felt so open with her now. She was listening to me and was actually trying to understand my feelings. Her aura with me just feels so right. There was only one thing I lied to her about. I'm still in love with her. If I told her it would ruin everything we just created right now. "(Y/n) you make me realize how much of a horrible person I am, but I'm glad you do because it makes me want to make myself better. When I'm with you, I'm better." I smiled at her and she smiled a little. I just wanted to kiss her. Her soft lips on mine, her hands running through my hair. Then I went for it. I kissed her but she turned to quick and I kissed her cheek instead. She stepped back quickly and covered her mouth. "What were you thinking?!" She shouted. "I-I'm sorry I-" "I never gave you any consent to kiss me!" "I'm sorry." I look away, running my fingers through my hair. "You're just really pretty." I said. I cant believe I ruined things with her. God I'm such an idiot! Mira (maid) came in and told (y/n) that her parents were waiting for her downstairs. I went down with her and waved goodbye she faked a smile and waved. Once they left my father began to ask me questions.

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