Another Girl

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You thought about what Noya told Hinata. "If he's still in love with me, why isn't he trying to get back together?"
~~~TIME SKIP TO LUNCH~~~ You walked into the cafeteria and sat in your usual seat even though you and Noya had broken up. When Suga and Daichi say at the table, they looked at you and mouthed, "you ok?" You mouthed back "not really" and started eating. Noya sat down next to you and couldn't even talk to you. His shoulder would brush up against you and he would apologize every time he did. "If you're gonna break up with me can we at least be friends?" You whispered. He looked down at his food and thought about it. Then he whispered "No." Your eyes widened as you tried not to cry in front of the team. Daichi noticed you holding back your tears and he nodded his head toward you and Suga understood what he was trying to tell him. "Ok (y/n) Chan can I talk to you in the hall for a bit?" Without answering, you get up and walk into the hallway with him. "What happened just now? You looked like you were trying not to cry." "I asked Noya if we could just be friends and he said no!" You cried into Suga's chest. "I-I just don't know what to do. H-He's the love of my life!" Suga hugged you back and said "Don't worry I'm gonna talk to Noya and we're gonna figure this all out. Now let's stop crying before someone thinks I hurt you." He said jokingly. You laughed and wiped your tears. "Thanks." Noya noticed you wiping your tears and pain goes through his heart. "Maybe I should get back together with her. I miss her so much." Lunch ended and he goes up to you and as he was going to apologize you say "Look Noya I get it you clearly don't want to be with me anymore just to 'protect me' but-" He cupped your face and kisses you. It's was rough and more passionate not like last night. Stunned, you kiss him back and you hear cheering in the background. You both parted away and you see the crowd of students cheering you two on. Your faces turned red and so did Noya's. You ran upstairs to hide from the crowd of girls questioning you about Noya. You end up in one of the janitor closets and found Noya in there too. "Why are you in here?" Noya asked. "Getting away from a group of girls. What about you?" "Me too." You raised an eyebrow. "I can explain. They were asking me about if I was dating you and all that stuff." "Same. What was that all about?" "Oh the crowd? I don't know." "No I mean...the kiss." "Oh I uh-" The bell rings and you two sprint out of the closet. "What the hell is going on? He  breaks up with me, says he loves me, and then kisses me, but still doesn't want to even be friends?" When you walked into class, the other girls smiled at you and whispered to each other. You sat in your seat and they passed a note to you. "Hey is Nishinoya your boyfriend now?" You wrote back, "Not sure." You handed it back to the girl and she looked at her friends as if they were deciding to tell you something. "Psst. Talk to us after school on the rooftop." "Uh sure." When school ended you headed to the rooftop and saw the three girls from class. "Your (y/n) right?" One of the girls asked. "Yeah and you three are?" "I'm Naiomi." The girl with long black hair said. "I'm Oka." Said the short red haired girl. "And I'm Risa." said the brown haired girl. "So why did you want me up here?" You asked. "We needed to tell you something about Nishinoya." Naiomi said. Back at the gym, Nishinoya waited for you to talk about what happened last night and today but was heartbroken when you didn't show up to practice. "She always comes to my practices." Noya said complaining to Suga. "Look maybe she wasn't feeling well or she joined a club?" I'll try looking for her before Ukai gets here." Noya runs through the halls and scans the classrooms hoping to see you. He goes near the stairs of the rooftop and hears you and the other girls talking. He listens in by leaning on the door. "Is it about him being a pervert cause Ive heard plenty." You say. "It's about how he doesn't care about any girl he dates. He's only in it to have sex." Naiomi stated. "Thanks for trying to help me but I already heard the rumors and I honestly don't believe them." You say walking away. "That's because you've never seen the proof." Risa said. You stopped and turned around. "Let me see." "We don't have the proof. You do."  Oka says pointing to your neck. You cover it up with your hair and you started getting annoyed. "What do you want?" "Nothing we're trying to help you." Risa said putting her arm out. "By what staying away from him?" "Listen it's for the best." Naiomi said. "He's the best thing that ever happened to me! I don't care about those rumors! You don't know what it's like to have someone that you can tell anything and everything! He truly cares about me!" "If that's so true then why did you guys break up so much?" "We grew stronger after that!" "You're so blind. You don't know what he's like! He's just in it for sex, I know!" Naiomi shouted. "What do you mean?" "Back when we were first years we started secretly dating and one night we started getting a little outta hand at his house and before anything serious happened I stopped it and he had this look of lust in his eyes that he didn't care about me! He just-" she started to cry and Oka and Risa calmed her down.

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