A Day At The Park p2

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You tried changing the subject. "So your mom told me you used to wear your hair down. It that true?" "Yeah but that was in elementary school. Then when middle school I started to gel up my hair." "Why though? You look pretty cute with out it." He blushes. "Well I did that cause it made me like 4 inches taller and I'm pretty short." (Btw it actually gets him 4 inches taller couch cough I'm a weeb that's y I know this shit) "Well at least I found someone shorter than me." You playfully rolled your eyes. The ice cream truck came around the corner, Children begged their parents as they pointed to the trunk for ice cream. "You want some ice cream?" "Yeah sure!" You both walked over to the truck. The ice cream guy (idk what the hell they're called) smiled at the both of you. "What can I get you both?" "I'll have the blue popsicle and (y/n) what do you want?" "Uhhh I'll get a...(BONELESS PIZZA sorry dead meme lol) (fav ice cream)." The man handed you both your treats. "How much?" "No charge." Noya and you were confused. "No, no. How much?" "Nothing it's on the house." "W-well uh thanks sir." "No problem." You both headed to the swings and slowly rocked yourselves while enjoying the free treats. "That was kinda weird wasn't it?" You said. "Yeah but it was nice of him to do that." You watched the kids play on the play ground. You were kinda in the moment like if you were day dreaming about something. "what'cha thinking about?" "Nothing. Just watching the kids on the playground." "You know you can talk to me about anything right?" "Yeah I know." There was a bunch of little kids playing on the playground and there was a little girl surrounded by a mixed group of kids. The boy in the front of the group shouted at her. "Kya you're so lame!" The group started to yell mean things at her. You got up from the swing and walked over to the playground. "(Y/n) where are you going?" Said Nishinoya trying to catch up to you. But you didn't listen. You knew how that little girl felt and you weren't gonna let the same thing happen to someone else. "L-leave me alone!" Kya yelled back trying not to cry. "Or what? You gonna try and stop me?" Before you were going to stop them, a boy a little older than the kids walked up in front of the group. "I will." "The kid hesitated. "W-who are you?" "I'm her older brother. And if you don't leave her alone. Then you're gonna deal with me." The kids ran. Kya jumped into her brothers arms. "Big brother!" He smiled. "I told you if they came back you call me for help." "Kya smiled back. "I will." Noya finally caught up with you. "Oi! What are you doing!" Tears fell from your face. "T-that girl. She w-was gonna get hurt. B-but her brother...h-he saved her." Nishinoya at first didn't know why you would be crying because of that until he remembered that Asahi did the same thing when you were in middle school. "I need to go!" "What?!" You ran grabbing Noya's arm. "Where are we going?" "I have to go back home but I need my stuff first!" You ran into his house. His mother was in the kitchen cleaning up. "Hi I gotta go! I'm getting my stuff upstairs. Nice to meet you btw!" You grabbed your bag and ran out the door. Tears were still falling from your face as you kept replaying the memory in your head. Soon you arrived at your house. You banged on the door hoping that Asahi would be home. Asahi opened up the door. You jumped in his arms. "Asahi I'm sorry! I didn't mean to run away! I mean I did but I missed you so much and and I..." "I missed you too!" You both hugged each other tightly. "W-WHY DIDN'T YOU COME LOOK FOR ME?" "Well I was gonna but when I called Nishinoya's mom I heard you were there and knew I had to let you get some space for a little bit." "I'm sorry for making a scene." "It's ok I just was trying to adjust to your relation ship with one of my closest friends." "You're right. I should of let you take time and understand what was going on." "Well what made you come back?" "Me and Nishinoya were at the park and this little girl was getting bullied so when I was going to step in, her older brother took care of it." "And I'n guessing that made you think of me?" "Yeah." "I say we watch a movie. And I make some ramen. How does that sound?" "Good. At the park I dropped my ice cream when I was gonna help the girl so I didn't get to finish it." You sat on the couch and turned on the t.v. A couple minutes later, Asahi brought in the ramen and you 2 were watching (ur fav show). "Oh hold on let me call Suga." Asahi accidentally FaceTimes Suga.
~~~SUGA'S POV~~~ *Buzzz* *Buzzz* "Daaaaaichi. Can you pass me my phone?" "(Groans) Yeah sure." Daichi passes my phone and I answer the call. "Hello who is it?" "Suga it's me Asahi. Where are you?" "Shit!" I realized that he put me on FaceTime and Asahi isn't supposed to know what happened last night. "Is uh this a bad time?" Suga throws his phone on the floor. Daichi looks at him. "What happened?" "Asahi called me on FaceTime!" "Did he see me?" "No!" "Uhhhhh is that Daichi?" "N-no it's no one! Can you call later?" (Y/n) Takes Asahi's phone. "Omg! Daichi hi!" "He's not here!" Suga picked up his phone and ended the call. "That was close." Said Daichi falling back asleep. "Close?! They basically saw us!" "Relax they didn't know what happened." "Yeah that's true." (I HOPE YA'LL ENJOYED THAT BEAUTIFUL DAISUGA COMMENT WHAT U THINK HAPPENED)

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