Run Away

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After you explained everything to him he wiped the tears off your cheeks and cupped your face. "If anyone ever tries to bully you I'll make sure they regret it!" You laughed. "Do you feel better?" "Well, kinda. But I'm still not living with him!" "What about your parents?" "They're out on a trip." "Well I guess it's ok I'll just have to hide you from my mom." "What? You didn't tell your mom that your dating me?!" "It's because she always gets weird about things like this." " *giggle* All right I think I can hide from your mother for a while." "What are you gonna tell Asahi?" "Nothing he'll be fine without me." You and Nishinoya headed back down stairs.
~~~TIME SKIP TO WHEN YA'LL LEAVE~~~Everyone was packing up there stuff and loading their bags onto the bus. You grabbed your bag and headed downstairs and out into the parking lot where everyone else was and sat next to Nishinoya. Asahi sat up front with the third years. Suga sighed when he saw you and Asahi still not forgiving each other. "Are you seriously not gonna talk to her and say sorry?" "Nope." "How are you gonna deal with her at home by yourself?" "I'm just not gonna talk to her." "You two are siblings." "So? She's being a pain and I don't wanna see her." "Remember last time when you guys fought?" "Yeah. What about it?" "Well you guys made up so easily, So why can't you guys just apologize now?" "Because this is different. Look I don't wanna talk about this anymore ok?" "Yeah sorry." Everyone gets onto the bus and the bus starts to drive back home. (Not home literally just the parking lot) After you all arrive home you walk off the bus with Noya and started walking to his house. Asahi on the other hand, is walking with Suga and Daichi to his house. "Oi where's (y/n)?" Said Daichi trying not to provoke Asahi's temper. "She probably went a different way home cause she doesn't wanna see me." (Back to you and Noya walking home) "So where's your house?" "It's just up this hill and...there it is." "Is your mom home?" "Nah. She's at work she's coming home in a hour though." Noya unlocks the door with his keys and walks in. "Just put your bags up in my closet so my mom doesn't get suspicious." "Ok!" You went upstairs and tried looking for Noya's room. "Huh. Maybe it's this one." You opened the door to find a messy room with Noya's uniform on the ground. "Yup this is his room." You put your bag in a closet which was filled with random shirts and pants. "Oi (y/n)! What do you wanna eat?" "Uhhh I'm good thanks." "Ok!" You looked around his messy room a bit more until you heard Noya call your name to come back downstairs. "So do you wanna watch a movie?" "Yeah sure!" *Knock Knock* "Wtf! My mom's here early?" "Noya honey can you open the door please!" "Where should I hide!?" "In my closet!" "Ok!" You run upstairs and hide in the closet while Nishinoya opens the door. "Hi mom. What are you doing here so early?" "Don't you remember I had the day off today?" "Ohhhh right yeah i forgot." "I just bought groceries can you help me unload the car?" "Yeah sure." After Noya helps his mom unloading the car his mom starts making dinner. "So how was your training camp?" "It was good." "Did you remember to clean your room?" "Uhhhh..." "I'm gonna check and If you didn't you're gonna clean it now!" "Wait mom!" She completely ignores him and barges in his room. "NOYAAAAA! This room is a mess! And I don't even wanna see your closet." You sighed in relief and his mother flinched. "What was that?" "What was what?" "That noise f-from your closet." "What noise? I didn't hear a noise." "Guess I'm getting old. Well Clean up this room while I make dinner. Sh leaves the room and continues making dinner. Noya opens the closet. "You have to keep quiet!" "Sorry." "Just stay in there I have to clean this up before she yells at me again. (Back to the 3rd years) The 3rd years were parting their way to their houses saying goodbye and telling each other that they will see them tomorrow. Asahi unlocks the door and puts his stuff down. "(Y/n) chan. Where are you? I wanna apologize." As the 3rd years were walking home, Suga explained to him why you were upset and Asahi was planning to apologize. Asahi looks in every room in the entire house. "(Y/n)! This isn't funny where are you!?" Asahi calls Kiyoko. "Oi is (y/n) with you?" "No just me and Yachi what's wrong? I can't find (y/n)!" "What!?" Asahi hung up the phone and called Suga. "Oi I can't find (y/n)!" "What? Just calm down maybe she's at a friends' house?" "I called all her friends she's not there?" "Did you call her?" "She's not answering me!" "Maybe she's at Noya's house?" "She dosen't know where he lives. At least I think she doesn't." "Go call Noya and see if she's there." "Alright. Thanks." "No problem." Asahi calls Nishinoya. Noya's phone rings on top of the kitchen table. "Noya your phone is ringing!" Said his mom who was almost done cooking. "Can you just pick it up I'm busy!" "Ok! Hello?" "Oi Nishinoya is (y/n) there?" "Who is this? Wait is this Asahi?" "What? Nishinoya's mom? Uh yeah this is Asahi." "Who are you looking for again?" "My sister. She ran away from home and I was calling to see if she was with Noya San." "Why would he be with your sister?" "Well, I saw her walk home with him and I thought he was gonna take her home." "I'll call you back after I talk to him." "Ok thanks."

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