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Suga grabbed your phone out of your hands. "Come on! Let's have fun tonight!" He replied handing you a drink. "Sorry I was just checking on Noya to see if he was coming." "I told you he is coming later, now come on and dance with me!" He said pulling your arm. The party was super fun and dancing and partying with the others was really nice too but you missed Noya being here. You checked the clock and realized that you texted Noya an hour ago but he still wasn't here. There was a knock on the door and you opened it, hoping Noya finally made it. But, it was Tsuki and Yamaguchi your smile dropped a little. "Aww so happy to see us?" Tsuki snickered. You sat back on the couch and called Noya. You were worried about him, it wasn't like him to miss a party. "Hey, you've reached Nishinoya! Call you back later!" Straight to voice mail, this was making you more anxious than ever. "Everything alright?" Asahi asked. "Nothing, I'm good. I just uh, need fresh air." You went out to the front of the house and decided to call him again, but still no answer. You called his mom, it might have seemed creepy for you to call his mother for where he was but after everything that's happened, this is normal. "Hi, it's  (y/n) just wanted to know where Noya was, he's supposed to be at his friends birthday party but he isn't answering  his phone." "Oh, he's home with me. He said he was making something. But I'm sure he'll be there soon. Nothing to worry about sweetie." She answered. "Oh thanks. Enjoy your night." "You too darling." You ended the call and sighed. "I really gotta stop worrying." "Yeah seriously." Tsuki replied sitting on the steps. "What are you doing out here?"you asked. "I should ask you the same thing." "I was just making a call, nothing weird. And you?" "Kageyama and Hinata were getting on my last nerve but Yamaguchi is begging me to stay, so I snuck away for a bit." He answered. You both stayed silent, then he began the conversation. "Who were you on the phone with?" You sat on the steps with him and looked at your feet. "Noya's mom." He laughed and you glared at him. "Alright sorry, it's just, why do you worry so much?" "I don't know, I just do. Stuff that happened to me just makes me so worried for him you know." "(Y/n) I highly doubt that two guys are gonna kidnap Noya and make him where lingerie." You giggled and he smiled a little. "Is that, dare I say, a smile?" You said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes. "Psh, you gotta give the guy a break, you don't need to be with him every second. He's probably jerking off to you before he gets here." You pushed his arm playfully. "You're gross." "Nope, just honest." He stood up on the steps and said "I should go back inside before its Yamaguchi that freaks out." He opened the door and you were back by your self outside. 

~~~AT NISHINOYA'S HOUSE~~~ "Noya! (Y/n) just called me!" His mother shouted from downstairs. Nishinoya came running downstairs. "What did she say?" "She asked where you were." "I'm so late, bye ma gotta go!" He said grabbing his jacket. "How are you getting there!?" "Bike!" He answered grabbing his dark blue bike from the garage. Then he peddled to Kageyama's house as fast as he could. 

~~~BACK AT THE PARTY~~~ You were back in the house trying to enjoy your self with the rest of the team. The door opened and Nishinoya was out of breath with a helmet on his head. "Bro did you bike all the way over here?" Tanaka asked. Noya caught his breathe then answered. "Yeah." He took off his helmet and his hair was down. The second time you've seen it down, and it's been forever since the first time. It was as cute as the first time. He put the helmet on the porch and walked in. He said hi to everyone and sat on the couch with you. "Sorry I missed your call. I was busy helping out my mom." "It's cool, sorry for worrying." You said. "You were worried?" He said in awe. "Of course, with everything that went on." He smiled at you. "What did I do to deserve you." The rest of the party was amazing. Surprisingly everyone was getting along including Tsuki and Hinata which is huge. Asahi  checked his phone and pulled you aside. "You forgot to text mom!?" "Oh crap!" You checked your messages and your parents were texting you yelling and freaking out. "We gotta go home right now." Asahi said putting on his jacket. You did too and said goodbye to everyone." "You gotta go now? But I just got here." "I  sorry Yuu, my parents are gonna kill us." You kissed him on the cheek and left. The ride home was nerve-wracking and Asahi slowly pulled up in the driveway. "You ready?" He said. "For the emotional judgement and punishment of electronics being taken away? Then no." You both got out the car and open the door. Your parents were in the kitchen giving you the death glare. "Where were you two?!" You're mother asked first. "At our friends birthday party, I forgot to text you and I'm really sorry-" "What you forgot was to even ask if you could go." Your dad replied stern and cold. "I don't even want to hear the rest of your excuse, go upstairs, the both of you, and hand in your phones." Your mother said. "Why when we leave, you yell at us but you guys leave all the time with the lame excuses!" You shouted. "We have business trips! You went out to a party! Now shut up and go to your room!" You father yelled. You shook your head and ran to your room.

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