To Trust Or Not To Trust?

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 (Still in Noya'said pov) I sat with my mom and ate dinner as I watched the other families eat with their dad. I have few good memories of my dad but I try not to remember them because the look in his eyes as he beat my own mom will never, get out of my head. My mom put a hand on my shoulder. "I know Yuu, it's hard. But I wanted to let you know I'm inviting someone special to dinner." I looked up in confusion. "Who?" "Now Noya I know how you feel about me dating new men but I'm still young enough to find someone." A black car pulls up to the curb. "Oh he's here!" She said, smiling and heading to the door. She opens it and a tall man with a pale complection stands in front of me and puts out his hand for me to shake. I wave instead not taking his hand. He had a square face and dark blue eyes and jet black hair. His eye color didn't match his face, he looked more of a green eyed person. His name was Futamo. He sat down with us and ate. "Where did you meet my mom?" "Well I went for an appointment at her job and when I fist saw her in fell in love with her." He smiles at her. I asked him where he was from and he said he lived in Japan his whole life. He was suspicious to me and I just didn't trust him. He went to the bathroom and I saw through the crack of the bathroom door he was wearing colored contact lenses! I knew this guy was up to something! His eyes were piercing green. I ran to my mom. "He's wearing colored lenses!" "Noya! Stop spying on him!" Futamo comes out the bathroom without the contact lenses. "Yes I do wear lenses, but I only had the color ones on because I thought my green eyes made me look evil to you." He said embarrassed. She comforted him and glared at me. Maybe I was just being too overprotective but how can you blame me? My first impression of a father was terrible. 

After the party was over and everyone left, my mom sat with me, laying my head on her shoulder. "I know this is all new Yuu, but I love him. We've been seeing each other in secret for 3 weeks. I didn't want to tell you because I couldn't find the perfect time. I'm sorry if I dropped this on you." "I just want him to treat you right, the way you truly deserve to be treated." She kissed my forehead and I washed the dishes for her. Maybe having a male figure in my life will do me some good, who knows? When I went upstairs after showering, I laid on my mother's bed and talked with her. "He seems pretty rich with that nice car he's driving." I commented as I continue to watch the tv. "Yeah he works with lots of rich men. He is their driver and personal assistant to many big business owners." My face was puzzled. Why would some rich man walk into my mother's job for an appointment if he's so rich? I kissed my mother on the cheek goodnight and went to bed. I couldn't sleep, I was tossing and turning so much that I almost fell off for my bed. Something wasn't right and its probably because my mom hasn't dated after he left. I wish I could tell (y/n) what's going on but she's grounded. Now that Christmas eve is the next day no one will be able to answer my calls cause they're bussy. 

~~~AUTHOR'S POV~~~ The next morning, you wake up with Maddie trying to pull the covers off you. You groaned at her and she climbed on your bed and started jumping. You sat up. "Maddie please get off the bed." "Not until you wake up!" I got off the bed. "See? I'm up." She smiled and left your room. Your family has a tradition that every Christmas eve, your family would come over and sleep till the morning of Christmas in which everyone opens their presents and we make a big breakfast for everyone. For some reason, they decided to come very early and it was only 10 am and Maddie came in to wake me. You got changed into your cozy sweater and jeans. Once you were all dressed and ready, you walked downstairs and ate your breakfast. All the cousins were in the living room and Asahi was with the adults. Only the younger cousins come to the house because the older ones have their own traditions. Unfortunately, having three families in the house, means your room gets taken away and you have to sleep on the floor of your brother's room.

Your father gets a phone call and heads outside to answer. "Ah, Mr W-" "Save it. I want answers. We had a deal! That marriage was supposed to connect your ideas to becoming a powerful business man! You've ruined it!" "Please sir, I will fix it! Give me time!" Your father begged. "I give you three days. After that you're fired!" The man ended the phone call and your father went back inside and pulled your mother outside. "We need to get them together. Or we loose this job." He said. Your mother's eyes widened. "But he isn't the one. You know what he did." "He said his boy has changed. We should believe him. His boy  just wants to be loved." He added. "What about her? Knowing her, she will not go through with this." Your mother said before her tears came out. "Just have a talk with her, please it's for the best." He said comforting her. She wipped her tears and went back inside, her husband following. The rest of the day was baking cookies, watching Christmas movies and singing Christmas songs. 

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