New Years Eve Pt.

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~~~BACK AT NOYA'S HOUSE~~~ Noya walked in, towel around his waist, and started putting his clothes back on. You grabbed a towel and went to shower. Once you got out, it occurred to you that when you had to go home, your parents would notice you in Noya's clothes. You got out the shower, towel on and bursted into Noya's room. "Shit! My parents will notice me in your clothes!" "Asahi called you and said that your parents went out to the store and said to come home." "Oh ok. At least my parents won't see me and get suspicious." You said putting the clothes on. "I'll walk you home." He said. "Thanks." Both of you headed outside the cold outdoors. "Tanaka is throwing a New Years Eve party, you coming?" He asked. "Sure! I'll ask my mom." When you reaches your door step you kissed him goodbye. "I had lots of fun today." You said. "Me too. Hopefully we could do it more often~" that last part he whispered and your knees went weak. You opened the door to see Asahi on the couch with the computer. "What are you doing?" You asked. "An over the break assignment. What were you doing at Noya's?" He asked, your face went pink. "We uh ran around the neighborhood, then watched a movie, ate ice cream, and that's it." "I don't remember you leaving the house like that." He said. "I borrowed it. My sweatshirt got ice cream on it so I need to put it in the wash. Your clothes were in a bag and you took it to the laundry room to wash it. "You going to Tanaka's New Years Eve Party?" You asked Asahi. "Uh I don't know. Usually they just drink and get loud. It's not my typical party." "Come on Asahi! You know mom and dad won't let me go if you're not going! Plus it's your birthday! You should hang out with friends!" You said hoping he'd say yes. "I'll think about it." "Yay!" You hugged him. "Thank you!"
About an hour later, your parents came home with take out. You all sat at the table and ate. "Where's that sweatshirt from?" Your dad asked. "Oh, I went on a morning run with Noya and it got really sweaty so I borrowed his." "Aren't sweatshirts for sweating?" Your father asked. "Can we go to a party for New Years?" You asked changing the subject. "Who's house?" Your mom asked. "Tanaka's." You answered. "Who?" Your dad asked. "Ryu." Asahi replied. "Ah Ryu. I remember him. You can only go if Asahi goes." He said. You looked at Asahi and gave him puppy dog eyes. "Fine I'll go." "Yay! Thank you!" You said grinning from ear to ear. After dinner you were in your room picking out an outfit for the party. You found this (color) mini dress in your closet. You also found these thigh high socks in the back of your drawer. You couldn't wait for this party!
~~~TIME SKIP TO THE NIGHT OF THE PARTY~~~ You showered and got dressed. Asahi was already in the bathroom doing a half up in a bun and loose. You were fixing your own hair and putting just a little bit of makeup on. Asahi was wearing a light brown sweater with black pants. "What time is it Asahi?" "Uh 7:50." "The party's at 8:00! Let's go!" You ran to your mom's closet and grabbed this cute jacket that you've been eyeing for a while now. "Bye mom bye dad we love you!" You shouted knowing that they were watching their show in the living room not really paying attention. Asahi turned on the car and you hopped in the front seat. "I'm so excited!" You smiled. Asahi smiled back then drove off to Tanaka's. You could hear the music clearly from the outside so you knew it was loud inside. Tanaka opened the door for you both. "Ay! You made it. There's the birthday boy!" He said grinning at Asahi. Suga went up to you and hugged you. "You made it! I forgot to call you after that night with Daichi but it turns out the surprise was cookies!" "Aww." You replied. "Then we had sex." He giggled. You could tell in his voice and movement  that he was tipsy. "Are you drunk?" You asked him. "What? Ok maybe just a lil but the punch is spiked so be careful." He laughed then wandered off to Daichi. You poured your self a cup of  punch and saw Noya across the room. "Hey!" You said waving to him. He smiled "Wait (y/n) the punch is spiked, that's why the first years are drinking soda." "It's ok Noya I'm not gonna go crazy and get blackout drunk." Tanaka stood in the middle of the living room and said "alright guys time to play my favorite game. Beer pong!" Nishinoya, Suga, and you shouted with excitement. (It's wasn't beer it was the punch but I mean there's alcohol in it so) Asahi usually never plays but tonight Suga got him into it. Tskui was stuck watching Kageyama and Hinata with Yamaguchi and decided to make the party more interesting. He switched all the first years cups with the punch except for his own. Noya was on Tanaka's team and Suga was with Daichi. Who ever lost, you and Asahi would take their place and vs the winner. As the 2nd and 3rd years played beer pong, Tsuki just sat back and watched the shit show that was about to go down. Hinata was already drunk after one cup and was bouncing off the walls like crazy. Kageyama became more aggressive and began picking fights with random objects, and Yamaguchi was becoming horny and trying to give Tsuki a lap dance. You saw the first years and made the guys pause the game. "Holy shit I think they drank the punch!" Tanaka said  laughing. "Fuck!" Suga and Daichi said knowing it's their first time having alcohol.

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