Another Way

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You paused and thought about his question again. "Would I have continued?" you said to yourself in your head. A flashback of Saeko's question crossed your mind. "So would you do it with him?" You cleared your head and answered, "W-well we're still in high school y-you know and what would happen if I got pregnant?" "Well we'd use protection you know." "I-I don't wanna risk the chances." You say placing your shirt back on. He got quiet and placed his shirt back on as well. You both continued to watch Netflix again. Your stomach felt twisted and filled with butterflies as you thought about what just happened. The last time this happened when Noya snuck into your room and did this you didn't feel weird about it but all of a sudden, it's just uncomfortable. A while later, Noya's mom came home and you helped her with the groceries along with Noya. You tried your best trying to cover up the hickey with you hair and lifting up your shirt but it was the slightest bit noticeable. "Aww thank you so much! You two are just the cutest couple." You both smiled and it wasn't long before Asahi texted you that his study session ended and he was going to pick you up to go back home. "Oh, (y/n). Would you like to stay over for dinner?" "Oh sorry I can't, Asahi is coming to pick me up in a couple of minutes." "Ok but if he doesn't come, you're gonna eat!" She said jokingly. Asahi knocked on the door and you grab your stuff to leave. Noya walked you out the house and grabbed your arm. "Hey I um, I'm sorry about what happened back there. I was just in the moment you know? I'll never do that again without your permission." You smile and kiss him on the cheek. "No problem. It's all good." You walked over to Asahi and continued to go home. "What was that all about?" "Nothing. How was your study session with Suga and Daichi?" "Well we got a lot of notes taken and I think we're gonna do pretty well." "Uh huh, and how do you really think you're gonna do on the test?" "Terrible, I'm gonna get an F." You laughed. "Oh Asahi. You're never ever." When both of you arrived home, you went upstairs to try and put makeup over the hickey so your parents wouldn't freak. About a couple minutes later you called Suga to tell him what happened.  "Suga here." "You'll never guess what just happened!" You say. "Spill the tea sis!" (lmao honestly he looks like he would say this) You explained everything and Suga squealed over the phone. "OMG I can't believe you almost did it! But why did you stop if he was gonna use protection?" "Well because what if something happens and it breaks." "Well there is another way you can satisfy that feeling." "What is it?" "Behind..." "Behind what?" Suga laughs and you were so confused. "What do you mean?" "I'll explain at school tomorrow." He ends the call and you tried to think of what he meant.

~~~NEXT MORNING~~~The painful sound of your alarm clock went off and you groaned back at it. You brushed your teeth, did your hair, and headed downstairs towards the door and saw Asahi placing his books in his bag. "Alright time to go." You say closing the door after he walked outside. You two walked to school and Asahi ended your small conversation with a question. "Wait a minute..." Hesitating, you start to cover the hickey by buttoning your shirt more and covering it with your hair. "Noya isn't waking with us, do u know where he is?" You sighed in relief. "N-no." "You sure everything's alright with you two?" "Yeah we're fine."
~~~NOYA'S POV~~~ After what happened with (y/n) I decided to walk with Tanaka and tell him what happened. Even thought he can get really embarrassing with things like this, I still tell him because he's been my childhood friend forever. "Oh Tanaka! Wait up!" I say running toward him. "Oh hey Noya. Don't you usually walk with Asahi and (y/n)?" "Yeah but something happened when we hung out ever the weekend..." "Did you guys break up again?" "What? No! But over the weekend she came over and we were alone at my house and we almost did it and I don't know why but she got all uncomfortable and we're all weird now." And yes, Tanaka did ask me the stupid questions like, "So were y'all completely naked?" "No, we still had our pants on. Also, you're not helping!" "Sorry just asking, ok but if you wanna fix this I suggest you keep it pg 13 until she's ready." "Yeah you're right." "What even came over you?" "I don't know, it was probably nothing." We both continued to walk silently but we looked at the time and booked down the sidewalk to school not to be late. Every time I thought about what happened I felt like the biggest douche bag ever.
~~~AUTHOR POV~~~ When it was (period) you sat in the row near Noya but seeing his face just reminded you of what happened over the weekend. Your face placed a blush across your face. Nishinoya looked at you and placed a small smile across his face. You knew it wasn't genuine and it made you think about how rude you were to him when you left his house. "How am I going to make this up?"
~~~TIME SKIP TO LUNCH~~~ Now is the time you can finally ask Suga what he was talking about last night. "Ok Suga!" You say waving your hand in the air in the crowd of students. He somehow gets by them and says hi back. "Can we talk in private?" "Sure." You walk with Suga into and empty hall. "So what did you mean when we were talking on the phone?"

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