An Accident

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~~~TIME SKIP TO AFTER SCHOOL~~~ When the school day finally ended, you headed to your locker. You noticed Kiyoko at her locker as well. "Hey." "Oh hi (y/n). You ready for dress shopping?" "Oh right that's today." You say kind of out of it. "Oh you wanted to go to the game?" "Kinda." "Guys!" Yachi shouted from down the hall. She ran up to you guys. "My mom has a very important meeting and she won't get home until 7:00!" "That's ok Yachi we have the game anyways." "Oh yeah I forgot about that." You three headed into the gym and the boys were getting ready to go on the bus. As you walked onto the bus, you sat with Noya and he didn't talk until the bus started moving. "Look all I want to know is what he did/say to you." "Fine. You want took now the truth?" "Yes!" "So this was when we were mad at each other and I was really upset and he came up to me and tried to flirt but I told him I was in love with you but you were mad at me so then he was talking to me trying to make me feel better. We did nothing more than that." "Oh." You could easily see the regret in his eyes about making a big deal about Oikawa. You cupped his face toward you. "It's ok I know how you are with me talking with other guys but you have to have trust in me. Without trust we have nothing." He grins at you and you let your hands go. "You're right. No more jumping into conclusions. Just trust." "Good." You say kissing him on the cheek. In just five minutes the bus arrived at the school and everyone got off excited and ready to play. When you and the team entered the school, it seemed that the school didn't end. That's due to the after school activities that went on. Students in the hallway stared at the team whispering amongst each other. "What school are they from?" "I wonder if they'll win." The team ignores them and kept walking to the gym. A group of boys were cat calling you, Yachi, and Kiyoko. Yachi clung to Kiyoko's arm, who didn't mind Yachi and ignored the boys. You on the other hand, tried ignoring them as well but it wasn't long till Noya wrapped his arm around you, kissed you on the cheek, and gave them a dirty look. The group of boys rolled their eyes and said "I feel bad for her, having to date that shorty." Before you and Noya said anything Daichi put his arm of both of your shoulders and said "If one of you starts a fight there'll be consequences." He smiled and let go. The team finally made it to the gym and started warm ups. You and the girls went to refill the waters. As you three went to the water fountain, the group of boys walked to you and started flirting. Kiyoko stayed quiet and Yachi hid behind her. You tried ignoring them as well. "So what school you go to?" None of you answered. "We're not gonna bite." "I will." Said the tall dark haired male with a bed head. "Back off Kuroo we saw them first." "No, actually I saw them at the training camp, so beat it." The first years walked away and kuroo waved to you three. "Hey sorry bout that. The first years here are annoying as hell. I believe I've met you before, right?" Kuroo says looking at you. "Yeah, at the training camp...kitty." "Ah yeah. You're Nishinoya's girlfriend?" "Yup that's me." (*insert That's So Raven Theme song*) Yachi and Kiyoko headed back to the gym and as you were about to go with them Kuroo grabs your wrist. "Wait, I wanted to talk." You turned toward him. "About what?" "Well for starters did you and Noya worked things out, last time I saw you two you guys were mad." "Yeah everything's good." "Names Kuroo by the way." "I know, the bed haired cat guy." You walked into the gym. "Cat guy?" Kuroo says to himself while walking back into the gym. You sat on the bench with Yachi and Kiyoko watching the first set. "So what did he want to talk about?" Yachi asked. "Nothing." You continued to watch the game and notice the smile on Noya's face after he made a successful pass. Which made you smile as well. During the end of the game it was Tanaka's turn to serve. The gym was quite. Tanaka tossed the ball into the air and slammed it to the other side. Their libero got it and passed to their setter which made a set to Kuroo. He then smashed the ball so hard. Noya went to get it and hit his face instead. There was a loud thud and his team mates rushed to him. Coach Ukai moved the crowd and laid him on the bench. "(Y/n) get me the med kit!" You gave it to Ukai and he started cleaning up the blood from Noya's nosebleed. His eyes still weren't open which made you nervous. "You three stay with him." Coach Ukai got up and was taking with the officials and Nekoma's coach. You held the tissue to Noya's nose and Yachi placed an ice pack on his head. Kiyoko came back with water Incase he woke up. When Ukai came back he said "we're bringing him to their nurse." "I'll help carry him." Said Kuroo walking over to him. "Thanks." "I'll go too." You say. "Alright go." Kuroo carries Noya and you walk with him out into the hallway to the nurse. "I'm sorry." "It's ok. I know he's gonna be fine." You lied to him and yourself. You had a bad feeling about what was gonna happen. You both walked into the nurse's office and Kuroo laid him down. "You're both lucky I didn't leave yet." Said the nurse.

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