Too Close For Comfort

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You smiled at Noya trying not to wake him by playing with his hair. After some time passed, Asahi came back upstairs and told you he was gonna shower and sleep. "Also remember Noya cant sleep here he has to go home." "Yeah I know, just a little bit longer." "Fine." He closed the door and left. You laid down next to Noya and waited for Asahi to get out the shower so you can use it. While you waited you played with your phone and took pictures with Noya because he was drooling and you thought it was the funniest/cutest thing. You noticed he was sweating and you were deciding if you should take off his shirt so he could be comfortable. "This is totally normal right?" You say convincing yourself. You took off his shirt and tossed it aside. Your fingers ran through his body as if they had a mind of its own. Quickly, you pulled your hand away and stood quiet making sure you didn't wake him. You sighed in relief and then saw all the bruises again; Even the bullet wound was noticeable on his chest. You heard Asahi come out the shower and go into his room. Now it was time to shower. You grabbed your towel and headed to the shower.
~~~NOYA'S POV~~~ I woke up and rubbed my eyes. "Where am I?" I realized I was in (y/n)'s room and noticed my shirt was off. "Did we?...No we couldn't have." I looked next to me and saw she wasn't sleeping with me. "She's probably in the bathroom." I laid down in the bed and waited for her I heard the door open and shut my eyes. She walked in and I opened one eye. She was in her towel! I started to panic. "Did we? Should I wake up and ask? No that'll freak her out. I'll just pretend I'm still sleeping." I kept my one eye open. She unwrapped her towel and started to get dressed. It felt wrong but so right. Once she put on her pajamas, she got onto the bed. I closed both eyes until I heard her sleeping. I felt her lay closer to me and wrap the blanket around us. I opened one eye again and saw she was sleeping. I reached over and gave her a kiss on the cheek, and soon I fell back asleep.
~~~AUTHOR'S POV~~~ You both fell asleep and you completely forgot to tell Noya he couldn't sleep here tonight. Later that night, your parents came home and you woke up and heard their footsteps and realized Noya was still here. In a panic you pushed him to be lower than you and covered his whole body with the blanket. Then you pretended to be asleep. Your mother came in and kissed your forehead along with your father. You felt Noya wrap his arms around you while his face nuzzled in your back. Finally your parents left and you uncovered the blanket from Noya's face and moved his body back up. He moved closer to you and murmured in his sleep. "Leave her alone...." Your eyes widened. "Was he having a dream about me? I'll ask him in the morning, wait...shit we got school. Now I gotta wake him up and tell him he has to sneak out the house and leave." You turn toward Noya and tried waking him up. "Noya, Noya." He didn't respond. "Yuu~" His eyes opened a bit. "What, I'm tired!" "You have to go home, we have class tomorrow!" "I'll just use the ladder and go home in the morning." He said groggily. "My parents will freak if they find you here!" "Don't worry I'll go through the window tomorrow morning." He fell back asleep and you put an extra alarm on your phone earlier so Noya could leave your house and still have time to run back home and get ready. Since you couldn't fall back asleep, you noticed Noya's phone on the floor. You picked it up and started to look through it. He didn't have a password so opening it was easy. You felt kinda bad searching through his phone but you were extremely curious. You opened to his pictures and you found some of you. A smile crept on your face as you swiped through the pictures of you and him. You look at the time and put the phone down trying to go back to sleep.
~~~NEXT MORNING~~~ "(y/n). Time to get up." "In a minute Noya." You said still closing your eyes. "Noya?" You opened you eyes in shock. "M-mom! That's what I-I ment." "You we're dreaming about him?" She said while smirking. "Y-yeah that's exactly why I said that." You say smiling. "Alright well hurry up and get dressed." "Sure thing." She left and you sighed in relief. "That was way too close." You look to see if Noya was still here but he was gone. You texted him if he got home ok and started to get dressed. You walked out with Asahi and checked to see if Noya texted you back.
(Y/n): Hey you got home ok?
Noya: Yeah I didn't wanna wake you cause you were so cute UwU
You smiled at your phone and Asahi started he conversation. "So Noya went home after I showered right?" "Yeah." "Then Why did I find Noya's shirt in your room?" "First of all why were you in my room snooping around, second, it's actually my shirt." You lied but you knew he would tell mom. "When I passed your room a shirt was tossed near the door and as I went to put it in the laundry basket, I realized Noya was wearing that shirt last night, so stop lying." "Shit. What do I say?" "Listen he only stayed for a bit ok he didn't stay the whole night I swear!" "But why was his shirt off?" Noya runs up to you guys. "Hey guys!" "Saved by the boyfriend." 

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