The Beach pt. 1

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~~~~TIME SKIP TO FRIDAY(CAUSE AUTHOR CHAN IS LAZY)~~~~Yesterday you, Yachi, and Kiyoko went shopping for bathing suits after school. Yachi got a yellow and orange one piece with ruffles, Kiyoko got a pink bikini with a long, pink, and purple ombre  skirt. You, however decided to go crazy and wear a 2 piece like Kiyoko san, that matched with your brother, Asahi's bathing suit, red and burgundy. You  put on your uniform and put your bathing suit in your bag, brushed your hair and ran out the door with Asahi. "Hey Asahi, did you bring your bathing suit?" "Yeah, did you?" "Yep." "Ok then were ready to go." Soon you both arrived at school and both parted ways into your first period classes. 

~~~~NISHINOYA'S POV~~~~I'm super excited to go to the beach and finally get a break from school. Plus (y/n) is going! The thought of her at the beach is gonna make me have a nosebleed during class! "N-Nishinoya! Y-your bleeding!" "W-what Tanaka! I am?!" "Yes! Hurry and go to the nurse!" I ran to the nurse covering my nose. Wow I guess I did have a nosebleed just thinking about her. Before I got into the nurse's office Tsuki glared at me and snickered. "You were thinking about (y/n) weren't you?" "S-shut up baka!" "What did you say? I'm sorry I don't speak shorty." Right when I was about to punch him (y/n) walks out of the nurses office and her face showed nothing but fear. I lowered my fist and ran after her. "(y/n)! Come back! It's not what it looks like! I'm not that kind of person!" I tried to run after her but she ran off and I don't know where she is. So I headed back to class not even going to the nurse's office. Luckily my nose stopped bleeding. As I walked back to class the bell rang and everyone went to their next class I grabbed my bag and ran to find (y/n). 

~~~~AUTHOR CHAN POV~~~~Nishinoya ran to find you and you were heading to your next class but Nishinoya soon found you. "(y/n!) Wait I'm sorry look I'm not like that, I promise." You gave him a sweet smile. "Sorry about running off like that, I just got a little nervous that you were really gonna punch someone." "I was only gonna punch him for making fun of me, and if anyone is hurting you tell me and I'll make sure they regret it." "(giggle) ah Noya senpai, your such a dork." Nishinoya's face turned bright red as he realized that you called him senpai! Nishinoya ran to class day dreaming about you calling him that everyday. 

~~~~TIME SKIP TO AFTER SCHOOL~~~~You headed to the parking lot to see the whole team there, going into the bus to leave. "Oi! It's (y/n) senpai!" Yelled Hinata who was sitting next to Kageyama. You went to find a seat and you decided to sit next to your crush Nishinoya. "U-uh N-Nishinoya....senpai can I uh sit here?" "Y-yeah." Nishinoya turned his head facing the window and blushed. Tanaka sat behind you two and started laughing like crazy. "Ooooh Noya, she just called you senpai!" "S-shut up baka!" As Tanaka and Noya were fighting you tapped on Suga's shoulder. "Hey Suga what should I do!" "Why what's wrong?" You pointed behind you at Noya and Tanaka who were still fighting. "Oh." Suga gave a sly smile. "When I yawn that will be you cue to go yawn and fall asleep on Noya's shoulder." You blushed. "R-really." "Ya just do it ok. Trust me." "Ok I trust you." You sat back at you seat and the bus started to move and Noya and Tanaka stopped fighting. A half hour later Suga yawned and looked at you giving you the signal to do the same and follow the plan. Noya was staring at the window when he heard you yawn and feel you on his shoulder. He turns his head and turns bright red. Tanaka, on the other hand is taking pictures. "Psst! Suga!" "What is it Noya?" "Look!" Suga's face turns a bit pink because the way you leaned on Noya's shoulder showed your cleavage leaning against his arm. Suga turns back around still blushing. "What's wrong Suga?" "L-look behind you." Daichi turns his head, starts  blushing and then tells Asahi to look back at you. Asahi's face was red. "(sigh)Jesus christ what is she doing." "Asahi do something before Nishinoya try to help and before Tanaka notices. Tanaka goes to take closer pics of you and Noya when he already notices your cleavage. "N-Noya look." Nishinoya was still looking at the window closing his eyes trying to stop blushing. "What is it Tanaka-" His word were soon cut off by seeing your cleavage on his shoulder. His nose starts to bleed and his face was more red that it has ever been before. Suga and Daichi were trying to do something to prevent Tanaka and Noya noticing it when they realized it was too late. "Nishinoya! Tanaka! Stop looking and look at the window and let her sleep!" "But Suga! We can't just leave her like this!" "I know Nishinoya. Asahi's gonna wake her up." Asahi walks over to you but Nishinoya stopped him. "It's ok I got this." He took off his jacket and and was going to  put it over you to cover your chest but the bus made a short stopped and you were about to smack your face into the seat but Noya put his hand hitting your chest making you wake up. "Are you ok (y/n)?" Your face turns red noticing where his hand was. "What's -" He looks down and pulls his hand away. "S-sorry." "It's ok." You put on Noya's jacket and zipped it up. Later on you both fell asleep with Noya and your head were touching. Then the bus finally stopped and it meant you guys had just arrived at the beach. "(y/n)! Nishinoya! Get up we're here!" You open your eyes and see Suga there waiting for you and Noya. You grabbed your stuff and so did Noya and you both headed off the bus. Everyone went into the restroom to change into their bathing suits. "Come one (y/n) san I bet it doesn't look bad on you at all." "Yeah come on the guys are waiting for us." "Fine." You walk out feeling uncomfortable and didn't really think about your choice of bathing suit and realizing your choice for a 2 piece might have been out of your comfort zone especially that your in front of guys. "(y/n) san! You look so pretty!" "Yeah what were you worried about? Come on let's go." "(sigh) I'll be out in a minute I uh left something in the stall. "Ok we'll be outside." After they left your rushed to your bag and threw over a (color) sweatshirt and headed outside. As you walked outside you see all the guys in their bathing suits and you started blushing just because you saw all of them in their bathing suit with their shirts off and their swim trunks on. (PICTURE THIS BC THIS IS BEAUTIFUL! LOOK UP HAIKYUU BEACH TO FIND THE OFFICIAL ART)  Takade sensei and coach Ukai set up the umbrella and everyone put their towel near it. You sit under the umbrella and watch everyone go in the water and set up beach volleyball. "Oi, your not gonna go in the water (y/n) chan?" "W-what? No I uh don't really wanna go in Hinata-" "Aww! But look Noya's in the water." "W-why are y-you trying to make me go in by saying N-Noya's there?" "Because you like him." "How did you-" "I overheard Suga and Daichi talking about it." "Come on please can you go in the water! Pretty please!" "Fine I'll go in." You take off your sweatshirt and Hinata grabs you by the arm and runs to the water. "Hinata! Wait! Slow down!" The water was cold, cold enough to keep you cool on this very hot day. Hinata started splashing water at Kageyama. "S-Stop it dumbass!" "Oi! Don't call me a dumbass!" "Then stop acting like one!" They then started splashing water at each other making you laugh. Noya and Tanaka were out a little farther out in the ocean. "Oi Noya, look who's in the water." Tanaka pointed at you with Hinata and Kageyama. Noya started to become red. "Come on Noya, let's go over and say hi." Tanaka starts to swim over there leaving Noya behind. "O-oi! Wait for me!" Tanaka waits for Noya and goes up to you, Hinata, and Kageyama. "Hey you guys should come with me and Noya father up the water where the tides come." "Really! I wanna go!" Tsuki and Yamaguchi get in the water. "Are you sure you wanna go where the tides are. You might drown knowing how tall you are."  Tsuki laughed as Hinata got angry. "Alright! I'll prove to you that I won't drown! Right (y/n) chan!" "R-right." All of you head to where the tides are and just randomly started swimming. Soon an enormous tidal wave comes and hits you and everyone near the tidal zone. Salt water got in your mouth and everything got dark and blurry. You started calling for help but your voice got softer as you were sinking and trying to come up for air. "Oi Suga!" "Ya. What's up Hinata." "I wanted to tell you that you that your plan with getting (y/n) senpai and Nishinoya senpai is working really well!" "Oh thanks." "I like how you told (y/n) senpai to pretend to drown so Nishinoya can heroically save her!" "Wait. I never told (y/n) san to pretend to drown." "Oh. So you mean she's drowning.......FOR REAL?!" "OH NO! DAICHI GO GET COACH UKAI AND TAKADE SENSEI!" "What's wrong!?" "(Y/N) IS DROWNING!" 

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