The Unexpected Meeting

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"Noya come down here now!" Nishinoya sighed. "Well great I'm probably in trouble for something. You stay here and I'll come right back." "Ok." He walked downstairs a little nervous and asked "Yeah mom. What's up?" "Asahi just called you." "Oh it was probably about volleyball." "Actually it was about his sister. He said that she ran way. Do you know her?" "Uhhh, yeah I do she's in the same year as me and she's in some of my classes." "Well do you know where she went?" "Uhhhh. Mom sit down for a sec." His mom sits down couch with a worried look upon her face. "I know why she ran away. It's because she got into a fight with Asahi and it was really bad. So, she asked me if I could let her stay here. And I said sure." "Noya why didn't you tell me this?" "Well cause you always get weird about things like girlfriends and stuff." Noya's mom's eyes lit up. "You finally got a girlfriend!" "Oh no." "Where is she I wants to meet her!" "She's upstairs. Oi you can come out now." You walk downstairs and sit in between Nishinoya and his mom. "Awww she's so pretty." "T-thanks." "I can't believe you were going to try to hide her from me!" "H-hi I'm (y/n)." "What a pretty name." "Thanks." "About your brother, Noya just told me what was going on and I think it would be best if you talk to him. He's worried about you sweetie." "May I please just stay here I'm very upset with him right now." " (sigh) alright but I have to let him know that you're here." "Ok." she smiles. "Let me know if you need anything alright." "Sure!" "Oh and Noya can be a bit horny sometimes so let me know if he does." "Sure thing." "MOM! SERIOUSLY!" Noya turns red as you were laughing. "Oh did you finish cleaning your room?" "No..." "Finish!" "Alright I will." You 2 go upstairs into his room. You sit on his bed as he was cleaning. "Your mom's really nice." "Yeah but she can be hella nosy." "Pfft. Oh btw what's with your mom knowing that you get horny?" You said laughing. "S-shut up! I told you already she's nosy!"Noya finished cleaning his room and you were on your phone. "Noya, (y/n)! Dinner's ready!" You headed to the kitchen and sat down with a plate of delicious food. "This looks really good!" "Aww your so sweet! At least someone likes my cooking. Noya's a picky eater." "Am not!" "He seems to like the food I cook at the training camp." "How rude Noya!" "I like both your cooking!" "Mhm." Noya rolls his eyes. After you 2 finish eating Nishinoya puts both your plates in the sink and heads upstairs. "Noya!" "Yes mom." "What are you two gonna do?" "I don't know? Maybe watch Netflix and chill?" " *gasp* NOYA! BOTH OF YOU ARE 17!" Both of you turn red. "MOM NOT THAT KINDA NETFLIX AND CHILL! AND HOW DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?" "I'm not that old!" You go up to his room and sit on his bed. Nishinoya grabs the remote and turns on the t.v. "Oi. Do you have hw?"  "No do you?" "Yeah." Said Nishinoya with a sigh "which subjects?" "Let me check. Uhhh....Oh! Just math, science, and English. The most boring subjects ever." "You think every subject is boring." "So? I prefer volleyball." "That's not a subject." "Well we play it in gym so it is." "Nope. Gym is a subject but the things we play in gym aren't." "Whatever let's just get this over with." Nishinoya grabs his backpack and takes out his texts books. "Ok so which subject do you want to do first?" "Huh i don't care. You pick." " bout (pick a subject)." "Fine. It says read page 35 and answer the 10 questions on the bottom and the 2 restate questions." "You think you can do that by your self?" "Yeah." You turned off the t.v when you notice how Noya wasn't paying attention." "Oi what was that for?" "You need to focus!" "Yeah, yeah." "(Y/n) can you come downstairs please!" "Uh yeah sure." You walked downstairs into the living room and sat on the couch. "So, what do you need help with?" "Oh I don't need any help I just wanted to show you pictures of Yuu." "Yuu? Who's that?" "That's Nishinoya's first name." "Oh he never told me that." "He doesn't like to be called that now but when he was younger he was ok with it." She took out a big book that was titled "Yuu Nishinoya." When she opened the book there was pictures of Nishinoya when he was first born. "He was a very small baby. But that's what I love about him most." She turned the page to pictures of him at a little older age. Like toddler age. "Wait why his blonde streak gone?" "Hm? Oh, he dyed it when he entered high school. And let me tel you I was not happy when he came home with it. But after a while it kinda grew on me. Now it's one of the things I love about him." "Me too. His blonde streak makes him look cuter." Noya's mom's eyes grew big. Like a little kids when he hears he's going to get a toy. "You like him?" "I love him actually. He makes me feel comfortable, safe, happy, and he makes my heart flutter." You kinda got lost into describing him. She then starts to hug you. "I'm glad my son a brought a beautiful, sweet girl home!" "Thanks." "So how did you two meet exactly." "Well I think it was my first day of school it was my first time at Karasuno." "Wait if you and Asahi are siblings then wouldn't you have known Noya longer and dated earlier and meet me before?" "Well..."

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