For Your Own Good

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What Daichi said was an answer that you could finally agree with. No jumping into sex or being cautious around Noya just when we were both ready. You smiled at Daichi. "Thanks, I'm glad we talked about this." "Oh we're not done yet." "Shit." You mumble under your breath. "Suga is going to bring Noya out so you can both talk about it together."
~~~SUGA'S POV~~~ "Alrighty how shall we start off..." "Maybe with letting me go home?" "Nope. Oh! I got it!" Noya rolled his eyes. "What exactly did (y/n) do to make you almost have sex with her?" "Well when we kissed the tension in the room was like so perfect that I got carried away and laid her on my bed and then we started to get undress and the adorable look on her face when she got all self doubtful about being shirtless with me was so cute." I saw Noya's face blush intensely as he thought about it more. I smiled at him as he talked about (y/n). "Ok next question, if you were to continue would you have used protection?" "Yeah of course." "What about anal?" I saw the blush on Noya's face darkened. "D-don't you think that's a little much on the first go?" "Ok fair. So did you ask her if she wanted to do that?" "No...I didn't." Noya said ashamed as he looked at the ground. "But you apologized right?" "Yeah but I'm just like Akuno now...taking advantage of her..." "What?! No!" "Maybe she's better off with someone who isn't like me." Noya walked out the locker room and you walked over to him but instead of stopping and talking to you as planned, he held your hand and said "Come outside with me." You walked outside together and sat on the bench outside the school. He faced you and held both your hands. "Look (y/n) I love you so much and we've been through everything life has thrown at us. When Akuno abused you and almost took advantage of you I was going to protect our even more than ever. But after the stupid choice I made I turned into him and it's better off is you find someone else." Your eyes filled with tears. "No! You're not like him at all! Don't you dare say that about your self!" "Stop fighting it, you know it's true." "I won't believe that bullshit! I love you because you're a dork, crazy, hilarious, but most of all because you have the biggest heart! Akuno is the complete opposite!" "I'm just danger for you waiting to happen! Before you met me life was all good and calm!" "No it wasn't! My life was boring and crap, you changed it! And I love the way my crazy life with you!" "You almost died when Akuno took you!" "But you saved me!" Noya stood up and kissed you one last time. The kiss was passionate and gentle you wished it could of lasted longer but he pulled his face away and walked home. You cried and ran up to him but he ran all the way home before you could catch up. Suga and Daichi ran outside from all the commotion and saw you on the floor crying. "What's wrong?" Suga's asked helping you off the floor. "He left. H-he said he was just like Akuno b-but he's not." "So he broke up with you?" "He said he was trying to save me." You cried into Suga's chest and they both walked you home. Asahi answered the door and his faced changed with in seconds after seeing your face red and filled with tears. "What happened?" "She'll explain later." Daichi said. Asahi closed the door and you ran up to your room crying. Asahi left you alone in your room and hoped you would be better in the morning. Your heart felt broken once again but instead of anger it was sadness. Nishinoya's lovely smile was now gone again. Everything was ruined. "This is a sign...couple that break up twice isn't good. Why was this happening again? Why does life keep testing us two?"

~~~TIME SKIP TO THE MORNING~~~ Your alarm clock went off and as you wen to shut it off you slowly remembered what happened last night. "I wish it was all just a nightmare." You got dressed and fixed your hair. "Ready to go?" Asahi asked heading out the door. "Yeah." You say tired and sad. "So everything ok?" "Mentally or physically?" "Both?" "Well for physically my heart is broken and mentally I'm depressed...How bout you?" "I u-uh I'm alright." "Great." "s-so do you want to talk about what happened last night?" Tears fell from your face again. You wiped you tears and answered. "Not really." You enter homeroom and Hinata passes by your class and waves at you. He notices you laying your head down and sits next to you. "What's wrong (y/n) chan?" "N-nothing. Go back to your homeroom or you're gonna be late!" You say lifting your face a bit making your teary eyes noticeable. "(y/n) chan are you crying!?" "No! Go away!" "Don't worry I'll get Noya!" He says running out the classroom. "Just great." You mumble under your breath. Hinata runs into Noya's homeroom. "N-Noya san! I-It's(Y-y/n) s-san! She's crying!" "What happened to her!" Nishinoya says as he blots up at his desk. "I-I don't know!" "Wait did someone say something to her?" "I don't know you can ask her when we go to her classroom!" Noya pauses and realizes that you were probably crying about him breaking up with you for your own good. "Hinata do me a favor and tell her I love her." "Huh? Ok." Hinata skips out of Noya's class and sits next to you again. "Noah wanted me to tell you something." "What?" "He loves you." You looked at Hinata with your eyes widened. "Are you sure he said that." "Yeah I'm not deaf."

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