Forced Love

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As it started to get late, your family started to fall asleep. You were in the kitchen getting a water before you headed upstairs. Your mother sat down at the table. The kitchen was empty and she started the conversation. "Honey I need to talk with you." You sat down next to her. "Everything okay? " you ask. "I just wanted to tell you the truth about what me and your father do for a living." Your face was puzzled. It never came across your mind to ask them what they did do for work. "We sell guns and weaponry to wealthy buisnessmen." Your eyes widened. They don't seem like the type of parents to have guns lying around the house. "One of our clients was the Wargui family." You were struck by her words, it was Akuno's family. "We were partners with them before he hurt you. Before all that happened, Mr. Wargui wanted you to marry his son, Akuno. We were planning a dinner and everything for you both to properly meet but you found yourself an amazing boy who loves you. You both were going to be married in order for Mr. Wargui to help us get out of our financial struggle. When he hurt you, we stopped selling to him and he was furious. He sent Akuno for mental help and then he called your father saying that the deal will be off if you don't marry him." All this information was like a roller coaster, so fast you felt sick. "I can't marry him, and you know that!" "I know sweetheart but we don't know what else to do. We need his money to help us. With our record for what we did for his buisness, we should be sent to jail. He will spill out what we have done. He has enough money to do it you know. Honey you know how much I love you right? Believe me, if I had any other option I'd choose it." "Why can't you both get another job?" You say, your voice shaking. "We have a record, when they look for background checks they know we sell guns and weapons. Who would let anyone like that work for them?" You began to cry, your mother held you. Her arms wrapped around you, her face kissing your head. "I'm so sorry honey." She whispered. You pulled away and looked at her. "What's really the worst he can do?" You said in between sniffling. "He's ruthless, there's no doubt he'll kill me and your dad first." She hugged you one last time. "Alright go wash your face and take a shower." You went upstairs to shower and went in Asahi's room to sleep on the futon with your blanket and pillow. Asahi was fast asleep so he wouldn't have asked you what you and your mother were talking about. You tried going to sleep but everything was still going too fast and so many questions were filling your head. "Why are they even in that kind of business anyway? Why me for Akuno's wife and not some other girl? " You couldn't even imagine being Akuno's wife, it was one of the worst thoughts in your mind besides the fact that his father would kill your parents. 

The next morning Asahi was the one to wake you, his hair was loose and needed to be tied up in a bun, nice and tight. "Come on, everyone else is up." He said before heading into the bathroom. You rubbed your eyes and checked his phone. It was only nine in the morning, you could sleep another hour or two but you'd miss opening the presents. You brushed your teeth and went to the living room were a huge pile of presents were stacked near the tree. You sat on the floor with your cousins as your aunts and uncles took several pictures of all you together. Everyone's presents were separated by name so no one's got mixed up. Usually, the presents went by wrapping paper design. Maddie's was of course Barbie wrapping paper, Mason's was a snowman snowboarding, Jade's was a purple background with white snowflakes, Jacob's had mini Santa faces all over, and lil Richie'so presents were all wrapped with a blue wrapping paper with teddy bears on them. Your presents were wrapped in red with merry Christmas in white written all over. 

After everyone opened their presents, the adults would cook a big breakfast as the little ones played with their toys. Your mom handed you your phone and she smiled. "Here, you've earned it." She walked back to the kitchen, and you went to your room. You notice that Nishinoya left you a voice mail. "Hey, I know you don't have your phone right now but if you do get it before we go back to school, I just wanted to tell you to please call me back, I have huge news." The voice mail ends and you call him up. Back at Nishinoya's he was with his family opening presents. " Hey ma, she's calling me can I go real quick?" She quickly nodded and he heads outside. "Hey, you got my voice mail!" "Yeah, so what's the big news?" "My mom told me last night that she is dating this guy and I met him last night." "Oh my god so what's he like?" "He's rich and he is pretty nice I guess." "Do you like him?" You ask. "Well I mean, I don't know him that well. It all just seems too fast." He said sighing. "I know that feeling too well." "Everything good over there?" He asked a little worried. You didn't want to tell him like this, with everything going on for him right now. "Yeah, I'm good. Don't worry about me, I got to go back downstairs, breakfast is ready. I love you." "Love you too!" You ended the call and sunk too the floor. You hated lying too him. If this wasn't going on for him you would have been straight with him.

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