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Tragic losses, overcoming sadness,
Soon succumbing to the madness,
Worrying, and over thinking, knocking out all senses,
Looks like I need to see through unhindered lenses,
Thoughts blending, Thinking hazily,
I haven't lost my head, unbelievably,
Others look a bit uneasily,
Or is it just me?
Being paranoid, with all this secrecy,
Vaguely answering questions, inexplicably,
Fearing for the ones that act out,
Never really knowing what it's about,
Further thoughts increase my doubt,
Yet I still feel as if I know somehow,
Darker clouds beginning to shroud,
Can't really say that aloud,
Listening accordingly, or so it seems,
On my face it's polite, but inside, I know what you mean,
I listen to every single word,
Storing it, reiterating it, so you know that I heard,
I care more than anyone,
But I don't, on the outside I have my fun,
Helping you is the thing that's begun,
I considered carefully, the glorious web now spun,
But I'm not going to ensnare you, no, never at all,
I'll just make sure you won't ever fall,
Sure it's complicated, you wonder what you have to do in return,
But all I want is for you to learn,
Learn to be better, keep what you like,
If anyone tries to ruin it, they'll be on a spike,
I only ask simple things, I know you can do,
Learn, experience, be you,
Never take anything for granted, but the one I want most is let me help you, for I will feel better too,
There are many other little things that you already do, but you don't notice, just like me helping, by being rude,
Sure I have an attitude,
But so doesn't everyone else, don't give up, you're almost there,
Just know that I will always care,
Even if you hurt me repeatedly,
I'll still take care of you gladly,
Yes it hurts, I admit,
But that the whole point, when you're clever, and have wit,
Yes it's tiring, and sometimes, I'm sick of it,
But I'll never give up, until you're alright,
Even if you throw my help in my face- in spite,
I only make people happy- their definition of happy, or content,
It doesn't matter what you do, or where you went,
I know you, and I know when you're spent,
As the song says you're not broken you're bent,
But you will learn to love and love yourself again,
That's why I'm here- a guide, to help, because I care,
Even if you don't notice I'm there,
A little guardian angel on your shoulder,
And I will be there to lift that boulder,
Even if it takes til I'm older,
"Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder"
So don't think any less,
I will be here til you're out of this mess,
I promise I will always do my very best,
Now go ahead and rest

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