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Folded in a safety cocoon
You could set me free

But you like to see me struggle
To breathe, to live
To fly

I rip my way haphazardly out
Because my survival demands it

While you sit idly by
You could lend a hand
But you like to watch the show

You're bored with this
All of it
All of what life offers

Nothings good enough for you
Rather see me to the slaughter

Finally grasping air
Taking it all in
New beginnings just for me

But you'd rather shut me in

Tentatively I crawl
To stretch my unsteady legs
Hesitantly creeping along
I'm not one who begs

I stay close to my old cell
My old self
Where I've been reborn

You watch closely
Calculating when I'll be ready

I stretch my wings
Test their strength
So I can finally soar

Confidently, I brace my knees
And you grab me down once more

You grip my wing
Injuring me
Crippling my physique

Make me broken
Unworthy to fly
Just because I was unique

I'll heal for while
Biding my time
Knowing I'll never be the same

I'll never fly to unknown heights
Because I couldn't endure the pain

Hurt me, tear me
Rip me to shreads
I'll still be here
Waiting on the ledge

And if I'm strong enough
I will take to the skies
Begin once again

And if I'm not
I'll walk right off
And my story will come to an end.


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