Tired eyes,
Awake mind,
People should be otherwise,Ignoring truths,
Never truly seeing
Tis very sad, that no one is believing,
Only if we listen to the sparkYou will finally see it's not so dark,
Our lives will feel a little lighter,
Under the circumstances of being fighters,
Running out of time, when there isn't many,My guess is we live til we had plenty,
I-(we) really sometimes wish there was more,
No its not the time we want more of, just how we spend it,
Do we really do the things we want as intended?A/N:
Just putting this here if you didn't notice, this is an acrostic poem with the words Tap Into Your Mind, I know I'm weird but it's late and I decided to do this kind of poem. Anyway I might update tomorrow- (which technically I mean either sometime during the rest of this day, which just started or tomorrow) I don't know it's when the mood strikes, which whoever actually reads this, it kinda happens a lot, (lucky enough for readers.)Until then..
~RDP - (and if you're still reading this I'll tell you what that means later or tomorrow, cause I just made it up XD I don't even know anymore)
Living In The Mind's Cage
PoesíaThe poems start inexperienced, I was younger then. As you read further it shows my growth as a person and my fallbacks. Maturing slowly through each one. It's my mental journey. These are poems are my outlet and help me with my issues when I can't d...