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Let me be something, I am not,
Let me be something, I forgot,

Let me be something, anything at all,
Because something is better, than nothing after all,

Let me be something you are proud of,
Even though I don't show love,

Let me be something worth looking at,
Although my mirror's cracked,

Let me be something,  that's worth holding onto,
Though these blood slicked hands, helped show the pain through,

Let me be something that is enough,
False strength, doesn't make me tough,

Let me be something brand new,
I've let go of all of you,

Let me be something worth fighting for,
Although most of my fights are on the floor,

Let me be something that can bloom,
I fear my journey might end soon,

Let me be something out in the air,
I want to feel light and without a care,

Let me be something that can love,
I push people out so easily, all I do is shove,

Let me be something, something that can be,
You really shouldn't rely on me,

I may seem tough as steel,
I may seem, like I have it figured out,
I may seem, like I'm a better person,
I may seem, like someone you want to be,
I may seem, like someone you look up to,
I may seem, like I am beautiful,
I may seem, like I am smart,
I may seem, like someone else entirely,

But I assure you, you don't want to be something I disappoint,

I'm an actress without any flaws,
But I assure you, I have claws,

I sink them deep into my skin,
Breathe out a sigh of relief and then smile again,

I am a fox, clever and swift,
I check all my places, and make sure your mind doesn't drift,

I am a puppet, pulling at my tangled strings,
The puppeteer left, so now I have to sing,

It's hard trying to be the voice someone else,
I'm not a person, I'll take my wooden self, away on my stilts,

I am a monster, cloaked in shriveled skin,
I leave my tracks on myself, to show where I've been,

I am the ugly with wrongs of fate,
I followed in footsteps, of anger and hate

I'm just a nothing girl,
Who wants to be something,

Something with meaning,
Someone worth meeting,

Years keep going by,
Yet, I still cannot die,

So can you let me pretend I'm something?
Even for a few,

I'm just a nothing girl,
But, who are you?

A/N: So I guess this is the last update of the year. It's still New Years Eve here but there's people in world where it's New Years Day. So Happy New Year☺. I honestly am surprised I survived this year, I mean I did but just barely. This year was rough for me, but it was downright cruel to someone close to me. I honestly hope we both catch a break. I'm surprised I even updated, but hey I posted this anyway. Vote, comment what you think. As you can vaguely see at the end I tried to throw in something new year related, I'm not going to give away exactly what I meant because I like my readers to read it in their perspective, so that's your only hint. Although you may have already saw where I was going with it or didn't see it at all (oops). I still have to put pics for the other poems and this one now as well, and I'm not sure when I'll update again.  Well I can't wait for 2017 to be behind me, I have some serious things to think about. I'll try not to be rash and leave you guys hanging, wondering where I'm at..that sounded exactly how it was supposed to sound..uh, well, try not to worry.(awkwardly laughs) *clears throat* *chants new year new me under my breath* *laughs again because I know that's bulls---* Anyway...I hope you guys had a better year than I did and if not, I hope we all have a better New Year.
So with that note.
Until then.


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