I am aware of course that no one is safe,
Even if it's just a chafe,
It's starts that way when all seems lost,
Those thoughts do, have a pricey cost,
You over think things, with a simple answer,
Sometimes it's almost as worse as cancer,But know this, once you do it, there's no going back,
You'll feel addicted, foreignly attached,
Can't speak with words?
Then make sure you're heard,
Even if it's an action,
I swear you'll feel the same satisfaction,
Maybe not at first,
But what could be possibly worse?
It's better than deepening the already bloody wound,
Do you really want to go to extremes to make yourself swoon?
You're just putting alcohol on a fresh cut,
It feels good now, but,
When you reflect what you've done,
You feel shame and sorry for yourself, and it's only just begun,
These webs of lies you tell yourself, have already spun,
You're in so deep,
You can hardly sleep,
Every night you end up silently weeping,You already feel like shit,
Why would you even bother, to put yourself through more of it?
It hurts now, but it will hurt you more or less later,
Your thoughts will soon start to waver,
Depends on how you have responded to your own cries,
So stop pounding on the lies,
And ask yourself, why?
Why have you done this?
What have I accomplished?
If not this than, how?
How have you even come this far?
Seriously, what was it for?
Granted I have no room to judge,
I myself have indulged,
Not once, but twice,
But it didn't feel as nice,
So I finally listened to my own advice,
I can't tell you either, because people only listen to their own self,So put that object on a shelf,
And introduce yourself,
Be proud of your name,
And feel no shame,
You are going to be alright,
Even if you're thinking, yeah right,
I have not given up my fight,
So I expect you to try,
Trying until you can't by yourself, cry,
It's fine, because at least you tried,
You can't say that you didn't, shouldn't or couldn't,
I'll help if you want it, but I won't ask, I wouldn't,
It's your part, to take off your mask,
It's your task,
And your task alone,
You can pick up that phone,
And be alright for the time being,
Seeing, is believing,
It goes for most things,
Except for your fights, that your mind brings,
But what if I can see, your battles in your eyes?
Even though you tried to cover it with lies,
I will not let you have your demise,
I will help you in any way I can,
But you have to actually allow me to do so,
Are you done reliving, your most soul-crushing woe?A/N:
(Anyone who has done self harm or knows someone who committed suicide, just know that they didn't feel safe enough to open up to anyone. So just be aware of yourself or anyone you know who is going through a tough time, be there for them, even if you are in a bad place yourself. Sometimes the most great advice comes from ourselves we didn't know until we told someone else. If you are having a tough time you can always talk to me, even if you don't know me well, I promise I will listen. Sometimes it's good to talk to a stranger knowing they have nothing to do with your situation. ANYONE who is reading this going through a tough time, know you are loved even if you don't feel it, because people make mistakes, and are just plain stupid sometimes. Never give up, because you could be making a difference to someone else, just from your presence without realizing it. I cannot stress this enough, but if you are doing self harm, talk to someone, I know it's hard, but you will feel a little better. The rest is up to you to on whether or not you get better. I hope people will realize how much affect they have on others one day. Anyway this is my first author's note, but it definitely needed to be said considering my "depressing poems" before, and now this one. I read some people's short story or quotes they collected and it made me think of this so yea, this happened, and cannot be unsaid. Either way, take this into consideration, I know people have a knack for ignoring the truth, but don't for this. It could save lives...)
When I wrote this, I came across someone's book of sad quotes and immediately thought of this, so I should put a dedication to that person. musicspeaks97 I haven't talked to you personally but if this helped you a little bit, I'm glad. And if you want to start talking to me, I'm always available.
Living In The Mind's Cage
PoesíaThe poems start inexperienced, I was younger then. As you read further it shows my growth as a person and my fallbacks. Maturing slowly through each one. It's my mental journey. These are poems are my outlet and help me with my issues when I can't d...