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Chew me up
And spit me out
As you digest
What I've said

Don't listen to me at all
Nor the voices in my head

Don't talk to me about
Trying harder

When you don't know
What it's like

Don't tell me to socialize
When you don't live my life

Funny how some paper
And a pen
Could do so much

And lift someone's heart

I can scrap my brain
For positive words

As my mind falls apart

How the absence
Of some people
Hits harder than most

And how someone
You know so well
Is yesterday's ghost

Make me believe
Life isn't all bad
When there's pain
All around

Sorry to say
Your pretty words
Are nothing profound

Make me see sunsets
And oceans unexplored
They're beautiful
For a minute

Then people destroy
Everything they adored

How people hurt the things
They love most

And how people
Never learn
How much they've got
Til it's lost

I'm writing goodbye
On pages
Meant for a selected few

And yet none of them
Will see these poems
Just for you

I write about them
And myself, everytime
Yet they don't bother
To look
And see what they'll find

They'll think to themselves
My, she was sad
Yet my screams were unheard
When I told them
I was getting bad

What could they have done?
To save a lonely girl

Blame yourself
What'll that do?

She's still gone
And none of you knew

She tried to tell you
Words fell on deaf ears

You nodded your heads
Sent me off on some meds
Gave me someone to talk to
And suddenly I'm cured!

I spiral some more
Fluctuate in weight

Don't leave my room
I'm starting to wait

Wait it out
Til everything's checked off

Write some more
Tick tock

Tick tock
More days go by

Tears dry
Tick tock

Tick tock
Such a promising student
Now such a disgrace
Tick tock

Tick tock
Never leaves the house
Look at her face

Tick tock

Tick tock
You'd never know it
By how she acts

Tick tock

Tick tock
Listen closer
You've got all the facts

Tick tock

Tick tock
She told you
She doesn't want to be here

Tick tock

Tick tock
She's pushing you away
When she needs you near

Tick tock

Tick tock
You let it happen
Watch it go

Tick tock

Tick tock
She tried her best
Didn't you know?

Faded in a memory
You can fondly look back

But don't act
Like you didn't know-
Every panic attack

Every time she cried-
When she lied-

Every time
She tried.


I guess you didn't

But you never asked.


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