Bedtime Story

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You and Niall had been married for 3years and the both of you had a little princess named Felicity . You and Niall are watching movie at the living room. You are laying your head on his chest and he's stroking your hair while enjoying the movie scene.

"Daddy," Felicity called. The both of you look at her. She's holding a teddy bear and a story book.

"Awwhh princess,im sorry i forget about your bedtime story. That's why you can't sleep isn't it?" You said stroking her hair.

"Can daddy tell me the bedtime story tonight? Pretty pleaseeeeee," Felicity pouted.

"I will tell you the bedtime story but can mummy be in your bedroom with me? i want her to listen to it too" Niall chuckled and lifted her up to her bedroom.

"Yay! Come on mummy lets follow us!" Felicity cheers.

Niall made her sit on her bed with the blanket on. Felicity sit between the both of you. Niall look at me and started to tell Felicity the bedtime story.

"Once upon a time,there was a guy which is a famous singer in a boyband. He's been looking for his another half for many years ago but he still didn't her," Niall said,smiling at me.

"Poor guy,and then what happen to him daddy? did he find his princess?" Felicity asked,looking at Niall and you.

"He said to his band members that he wanted to find his princess in the crowds. He didn't want to date models or any actresses out there. His band members supported him. On his tour in London,he met a fan. She doesn't put any make ups and doesn't have any single tears on her face. She wear 'Horan 93' shirt and she also had a sign saying that 'Niall,i want your horan hug'," Niall said,chuckled by himself.

You noticed that the story is about how you and him met. He's trying to make you remember that day. You looked at him and smiled. Felicity is already asleep and the both of you headed to your shared bedroom.

"so what happen to the girl and that guy? did they fall for eachother?" You asked,lookin at his ocean eyes.

"Then,the guy asked for her number. He thought she's not going to gave him but actually she gave him her phone number. They started to hang out eachother,rumours has been spreading all the way on the internet about them,fans are saying bad things to that girl." Niall continues. You remember that some fans kept sending hates to you saying that you need to die and suicide.

"The guy conforted her by telling her to ignore all of them and he kept telling her that he always going to be by her side no matter what happens." You said,hugging Niall.

"The both of them get married after a few years,they had a little princess named Felicity and they live happily ever after" Niall completed the story and smiled.

"I don't believe it. You still remember our first met. I thought you already forget about it Nialler" Your tears fall through your cheek.

"Love,i'm not going to forget that day. I'm so grateful to have you in my life babe. I love you (Y/N)" Niall wipes those tears that fall through your cheeks and placed his lips on yours.


first imagine is sucksssssss. i hope you like it! i cant do this without my squad help Thuraiyasunannur imaginationsquad22 staetus ❤️💕

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