please,comeback [3]

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I woke up and saw Logan and Olivia were sleeping next to me. Wow,they really don't want me to leave. I unlocked my mobile phone and logged into my Instagram. I saw Niall's post,a picture of Felicity and Max. I miss him and the kids so much.

"y/n, sweetheart,what are you doing?" Logan asked,holding his mobile phone.

"I uh scrolling through my instagram's feed." I replied,smiling at him.

I locked my phone and went to the downstairs for breakfast. Well, I used to ate Texan food so yeah I'm fine with it. I went to the kitchen for helping Mrs Henderson prepared some breakfast.

"Let me help you with it." I said,taking the dishes

"Thank you y/n ." Mrs Henderson smiled.

niall pov

It's been two fucking days since y/n left me. Where is she? Is she okay? This is all my fault! I shouldn't went out with Selena. I'm such a jerk face. I need to take care of Felicity and Max doing the laundry and more. I realise that I can't live without Rachel by my side.

"Daddy." Felicity said,sitting next to me.

"Yes baby girl?" I replied looking into her blue eyes.

"I miss mummy so much. Where is she? She left us bout two days." Felicity cried,wiping her tears.

"Mummy's working honey. She will be back soon, I promise." I kissed her forehead and wiped her tears.

your pov

"y/n!" Logan shouted my name

"Yes Logan?" I ran to our room

"Olivia was lookin' for ya a few minutes ago." He replied with his Texas accent

I smiled and left the bedroom. I texted my mom because I wanted to ask her about my leftover boyfriend,Niall and my children. With unexpectedly surprise,Niall called me. I picked up the call and waiting for him to answered.

"Babe." Niall started the convo

"What? What now Niall?" I asked,wiping my tears.

"Babe,I'm sorry about what happen." He apologised

"Huh? Really? Can I trust you?" I replied,sobbing

"I'm serious babe please forgive me." He begged.

"No! Not until I'm fine!" I replied,hung up the call.

How harsh y/n. His voice. I miss him so much. Why did I said that to him. I supposed to forgive him! Not get angry with him. Ugh y/n!! Why are you so fucking stupid.

Olivia came into my bedroom and sat beside me on the comfortable bed.

"Mom,who's that?" Olivia asked,patting her knees.

"Er,no one sweetie." I lied,locking my phone

"Okay then." She left the bedroom with the door closed.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Im thinking about my future and else.

sorry for late :(

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