He saves ya again !!

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Your P.O.V

Niall ask me to follow him to the pub to meet some friends . I cant even say no because i'll feel so guilty to him . So i decided to go with him . We change our clothes and put a scarf around our neck because its cold outside . We get into the car and stay in silent .

"Babe , you okay ?" He ask looking at me

"Oh im okay Ni,just a bit cold " I says and smiles

"Come here closer to me babe,let me make you feel better" Niall pulls my hand and the both of us sit really close .

It's so warm,really warm . His hand is on my shoulder while the other hand is interwines with mine . I feel so lucky to have him as my love of my life .

"Thank you baby" I kiss his cheeks

"Anything for my princess" Niall smiles and focusing on our midnight driving .

It's so perfect here , in the car just the both of us , but yeah his driver doesn't care abt us being so romantic at the back . I remember when i was following him on tour,he's such a dork .

"I might never be the hands you put your heart in,or the arms that hold you anytime you want them,but that dont mean we cant live here in the moment,cause i can be the one your love from time to time " He starts to sing perfect while he tells the driver to make the windows of the car goes down

"perfect,i miss them , i miss you and them performing onstage together" I said and pout

"Babe,soon we are coming back onstage ! we promise that we are going to comeback" Niall strokes my hair

The car stops thats mean that we are here . We get down from the car and Niall interwines his hands in mine and the both of us walks in the pub . Niall starts to hang out and drinks with his mates while me sitting on the different table scrolling through my twitter . Im so happy seeing my baby is happy .

"hey,why a pretty lady like you being here alone?" I looks at the guy with a one drink in his hand sitting infront of me

I want to leave but he hold my hand . He's so strong goddamn ! i cant even let go. I want to scream Niall's name but im sure that he'll never hear .

"Baby,dont leave,im here for ya" He finishes his drinks and stand next to me .

"look i have a boyfriend and need to go" I says and trying to let him go

"where is your boyfriend? Stop lying to me bitch . You are mine now ! " He drags me .

"Let me go ! " I step on his foot and run away .

"BABY IM NOT LETTING YOU RUNAWAY!" He yells and chase me .

I fall down . Oh great,this is really bad . The guy helps me to get up and slaps me instead . What did i ever do to him ? ugh i just want to leave !

"Please,let me go"

Niall's P.O.V

It's such a great time spending my time with my mates . Im still wondering where is Y/N? Im worried right now .

"Dude,where is Y/N?" Laura ask

"I dont know where is she Laura . Like she's been gone for hours" i says and trying to look for her

"Niall,is that your girlfriend over there? Okay that guy is really slapping her . I saw it just now!" Deo says and points

I make my way to them and see Y/N is already crying while the guy is yelling at her . What the hell is he thinking ? She's mine ! Im the one who can yells at her .

"Man,i think you pick a wrong girl" I says and push him away from Y/N

"Dude,she's mine so back off" He blow the smoke to my face

I throw a punch on his face and the both of us are fighting and yelling at eachother on the floor

"Niall, enough" Y/N tries to pull me off.

"SHE'S MINE ! YOU DONT KNOW WHO I AM? I DONT EVEN SLAP HER I DONT EVEN MAKE HER CRY LIKE THIS ! THIS IS WORST ! " I punch him even more . he also punch me at the same time

"Niall" Y/N pulls me away from him .

"C'mon babe,let's go home" I pulls
Y/N out from the pub and get into the car

it is pretty silent in the car ride,she always talk the most but now she's staying on silent.

"I shouldn't let you alone with him . I'm really sorry babe" I says and looks at her

"Im scared . I could've been raped by him" She says as i pull her closer to me

"Hey,you are save now with me princess,no one cant even take you away from me . I love you" I kissed her forehead

"I love you too Nialler" She leans her head on my chest

hello there my loves,it will be slow update after 2/1/18 bcs im staying at the boarding school zzz . but i will try to update and sneak on my phone only for you guys ! i promise i'll be back soon! there will be straight update until 1/1/18 ! shasha loves yall . gednight babies❤️

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