You're on your period

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It was every girls worse nightmare and it was just your luck that it would happen to you. You had a slight hint earlier that day that you might be getting it, you felt the faint pain of period cramps but you pushed it to the back of your mind. It wasn't until you woke up the next morning when you knew. Your monthly gift from Mother Nature has made its appearance.

Your eyes fluttered open, the sunlight was streaming through the curtains and hitting your face making you instantly close your eyes again. All you wanted was more sleep, so you turned to the side to snuggle into Niall's side when you felt it.

"No." You groaned sitting up instantly, immediately regretting it. "No, no, no. This can't be happening." You said as you pushed back the covers and saw the red spot on your panties and Niall's expensive sheets.

Niall and you had been dating for about three months by then and you weren't sure how he'd react to you ruining his sheets. "Fuck." You said trying to think of all your options. It wasn't like you could change the sheets without him knowing, he was still sleeping next to you. And it wasn't like you could cover it up without him realizing it, this had to be the most you've bleed out in awhile.

The embarrassment was becoming too much and tears started to build in your eyes. "Shit." You whisper shouted, but a little too loud. Niall shuffled and groaned next you, his hand went to his face and rubbed it.

"Babe? What are ya doin'? It's only 7, you're usually dead to the world right now." He questioned.

Your mind raced to think of an excuse, you had no clue how to even begin to explain. Niall wasn't like most men, and you knew that, but you weren't completely sure he wouldn't get grossed out or make fun of you.

"Sweetheart, are you cryin'?" He asked concerned as he shuffled up so his body was resting on his elbows.

"Ni-, I- I'm sorry." You couldn't tell him, you were just so embarrassed.

"Sorry for what?"

"I- I-, fuck, Niall I got my period and it got on your sheets and I'm so so sorry. I'll buy you new sheets, I'll wash them. I'm so sorry, it's my fault. I should have known but it like two days early and-"

He let out a laugh making your embarrassment completely go over the edge, tears started to drip from your eyes, "You don't have to laugh at me." You cried standing up and looking at the blood left where you were sitting.

"I'm not laughing at ya, petal. It's just- your so cute apologizing, it's not your fault. It's not that big of a deal." He got up as well and started to take the comforter and sheets off the bed. "You go get cleaned up and I'll take care of this."

"You're not mad?" To be honest you were sort of shocked by his reaction, all the other guys you've dated would've made fun of you or gotten pissed at you.

He looked up at you as if you were crazy, "Why would I be mad? It's natural, you can't control it. And it's just sheets, love. If they don't come clean they're replaceable."

He gathered the fitted sheet into a ball and came around the bed where you still stood. Niall pulled you into his side, he was still only wearing his boxers and his hair was completely disheveled. He kissed your temple and rubbed your back. "Go hop in the shower while I go throw this in the wash. Calm down, beautiful, it's all good."

You watched him leave the bedroom and stood for another second before snapping out of your haze and went to the bathroom to shower.

The shower calmed your nerves quite a bit. When you got out you found one of Niall's t-shirts and slipped on a pair of cotton shorts. The house now smelled of bacon and coffee.

Upon entering the kitchen you saw Niall already had your coffee sitting on the kitchen table with two Tylenol for your impending cramps. He was standing at the stove flipping pancakes, only wearing a pair of his basketball shorts. You couldn't ask for a better boyfriend, it's only been three months but you knew this was the man you wanted to marry.

"Ya feelin' better?" He asked.

You nodded, still too embarrassed to start a conversation and sat down at the table sipping your coffee. He sat down at the table across from you, putting a plate of pancakes and bacon in front of you. Niall could tell you weren't in the mood for talking so you two ate quietly.

"Are you sure you're not mad?" You questioned, finally breaking the silence.

"I'm positive. I think it's gonna come clean, it's no biggie." He smiled, reaching over the table and grabbed your hand.

"I love you."

"Love ya too."

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