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Niall and you wake up and get ready for their big day. You look so pretty with the make up on her face. Niall with a tuxedo.

Niall P.O.V

I wait for Y/N at the isle. My hands are shaking,my hands are sweating. I'm not sure that she'll come. I can see Logan,Makenzie and Olivia also here. I can see Y/N and his dad walking on the isle. Damn she looks so pretty. Her dad passed Y/N to me "listen,please take a good care of her" Mr Y/F/N tell me.

"I'm scared Y/N,I don't know my vows." I let out and bite my tongue

"Eh,improvise." Y/N shrugged, pretending no words had been exchanged between us. Everyone was quite when the time come for me to say my vows.

"Y/N." I breathed out,smiling at Y/N

"Nothing can compare to what you've given to me,love care and.." My voice trailed off. My checks turning red.

"And your time." I nodded, remembering. Y/N sighed out,squeezing my hand for an encouragement.

"Something in your eyes is so wonderful and special,something that no one else could have. You listen to what I have to say when the ears of the world are shut tight,and there's nothing I can't ask. I mean,tell you.."  I shuttered but she grinned at me regardless

The words caught in my throat or probably there were no words at all. Just an empty air

Y/N nodded me on but I still remained silent. The people behind us murmured lowly and I wanted to tell them to get a life.

" don't leave my side." I suddenly spoke quieting her thought and the whisper of the crowd . I look into her eyes seeing them started to water.

"I couldn't leave without you even if I tried. You guide me through the dark and let me bathe  in the light,no one has never done that for me. No one else ever can't. I love you." I smiled. Y/N let her self sob once,reaching out and hugging her so hard

"You may kiss the bride." I heard  to my side, I let go of Y/N,watching her eyes and I drop down my lips into hers. That simple display of affection set both of us on fire inside. My nervousness devoured by something much stronger,much more important.

After we kiss,everybody clapped their hands. I can see my best men overthere. I know I'm to young for this but I'm ready to be a husband. I will always love Y/N .

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