He gets jealous with another celeb

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You are attending an award with Niall . Before you both go to the award show , you and him prepare yourselves for the special night that the both of you are going to attend tonight .

"Y/N love ! Hurry ! we are getting late now !" Niall calls from downstairs and you quickly put the last touch up for your eyebrow .

"Im ready !" You says as you walk down the stairs .

"babe , you're beautiful" Niall says as he interwines his hands into yours .

"And you're handsome tonight Ni" You smiles as the both of you walk to the car that suppose to pick the both of you up .

Your P.O.V

finally , we are on our way to the award show . i cant believe that im attending this for the second time ! i cant wait to meet some other celebs that im closed to !

i scroll through my instagram feed and see Shawn Mendes post's about the award tonight . Oh great ! he'll be there . he's such a good friend of mine back in school days . before i met Niall, Shawn is one of my close friend and he always be there for me when i had to deal with everything and now i cant believe that we'll be reunite !

After 30 minutes , we arrive at the award show . Niall and I both holding hands while walking to the red carpet . The photographers are taking some pictures of us there .

"You guys are the cutest couple ever !" One of the photographer says and I blushed

"Thank you ! but Justin and Hailey are better than us" Niall laughs so am i .

the both of us walks in and find our seats . well i think we found it ! Niall and i both sit and start talking to eachother

"Babe , i hope i'll win the award . im scared" Niall looks at me .

"Hey , you'll win this ! trust me , you are doing great with those songs . i know you will win this and we will celebrate it" I winks and Niall smirks

"Like celebrate celebrate? i need more than one kiss babe i swear" Niall smirks and i pinch him .

"Naughty ! we can talk about it later!" The both of us laugh .

Without relisation , Shawn is sitting next to Niall . oh,i didnt notice that . maybe i am too busy thinking about what im going to give to Niall if he wins  .

"Oh my god Y/N!" Shawn smiles at me

"Shawn ! its been such a long time since we didnt see eachother !" I smiles back and he chuckles

We have been talking a lot because Niall's been missing. Maybe he's anywhere in here but i dont know where he is .

"Uh Shawn, can i talk to y/n for a while?" Niall taps shawn's back and i look at him .

"Sure Niall " Shawn waves me goodbye and leave .

I think Niall is pissed because i didnt even spend more time with him here . oh my god , im so dead.

"Really? ignoring me all the time ? If you really love Shawn so much why you dont just break up with me  y/n?" Niall looks at me and i laugh

"Ni , whats wrong ? are you jealous of the both of us? We are just talking about the old times ." I bit my lips and Niall rolls his eyes . He didnt even say a word . Shit !

"And congratulations for winning the best male artist . Im ready for tonight if you want to" I says and Niall cant help but smiles

"Babe , are you sure bout that? thank you for the congratulating . and yes im jealous . seeing my baby with another celebrity flirting and laughing ." Niall pout .

"well , what can i say that you are toooooo busy with hailee steinfeld too . so i decided to spend more time with Shawn" I rolls my eyes and Niall laughs

"Aw babe , i only loves you okay?" Niall place his lips on mine .

"Me too , i only loves you . Not Shawn . you are my everything that ever happen in my life ." I says as we let go of the kiss

"I love you y/n , i never regret knowing you" Niall hugs me and in smiles

a/n : this is a request from a long time ago . im so sorry for no longer update . please leave a nice comment and yes tell me if you want me to do some requests for you . ily❤️

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