I've Missed Ya

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Gasping at the rather oversized bouquet of red roses, she looked around the hallway in glimpse of capturing the person whom delivered the flowers. Chewing onto the inside of her cheek, a smile made its way onto her pale pink lips before struggling the pull the vase inside. Once successful she kicked the door close with her heels, only to hear a knock. Groaning in frustration Y/N straightened up and opened the door to be greeted by her boyfriend.

Squealing rather loudly she flung herself into him, as his strong arms took a hold of her waist and her arms were placed tightly around his neck. Inhaling the smell she loved so much, she pulled away to be greeted by a smile that she had learned to love. Pulling them inside her apartment, he kicked the door closed as he chuckled back at the flowers on the floor.

"I'm glad you liked 'em babe." He breathe out before connecting their lips for a much needed kiss. Relaxing into his touch, her hands tugged at the hair on the end of necks, admitting a slight moan from his lips. Pulling away he looked into her eyes as she smirked before attaching her lips onto his jaw. The light stubble due to not shaving for the past two days, pushing her over the edge as he pushed her up against the wall.

"Fuck I've missed ya.." He groaned ridding himself of his leather jacket. Watching his muscles flex in the white button down he had on, all thoughts of her leaving to catch a couple of drinks with her coworkers disappearing.

"I've missed you too.." She breathed out as he pressed their hips together. The temperature in the room seemed to have risen to a new level as he was quick and pulling her from her jacket.

"I hoped ya weren't planin' in goin' anywhere tonight." He mumbled pulling her lips back to his in a heated kiss. Pulling away slightly, he looked back into her eyes. "I just wanna spend some time with ya." He breathed out as a low giggle escaped her lips.

"Mm there's no place I'd rather be than with you." She breathed out as his fingers played with the ends of her dress. Her senses were going crazy wanting nothing but to have his hands and mouth on every part of her body. These past few months had been rather hard on the pair. With Niall away on business and Y/N constantly at the office, the two haven't had much time together. They've both been looking forward to this day.

Pushing her down on the soft sheets, he wasted no time in climbing on top of her as her hands played with the blue tie around his neck, tugging him closer he groaned as his hands sneaked past the hem of her dress and were now dangerously close to the part she craved him most. Lifting her hips up, he tisked teasingly before pressing a soft kiss to her neck making her moan in pleasure as his hand finally reached their distention.

"Niall babe please.." She begged as he looked back at her mouth slightly parted. A wicked grin stretched its away across his face as pulled her dress up to her stomach, within a second her black lance underwear was thrown somewhere off in the distance as his fingers and mouth got it work. All that could be heard was the soft sounds of her moans and gasps as he worked her to her climax.

Looking back up at her with a smug look, she giggled pulling him down to her face. Kissing him roughly, they wasted no time in riding themselves of the clothing left. Looking into her as he slip into her a moan of satisfaction left both their lips, as Niall leaned down whispering dirty words and thoughts he had of her while he was away. It wasn't long until Y/N was a moaning mess beneath him, Niall was soon following in her steps as he came undone and rolled onto his side.

"I've really missed ya.." He mumbled again tracing shapes onto her arm that was wrapped around his torso. Looking up at her boyfriend with a loving smile and pressed a kiss onto his chest.

"I missed you too Niall.." She breathed out with a small smirk. "All of ya.." She flashed him a wicked grin giving him a tight squeeze before a moan escaped his lips followed by his deep laugh she missed so much.

"Fuck baby, you've gotta come with me next time." He breathed as he pulled her closer to him. "

But babe I've got work, I didn't go to college all those years for nothing.." She huffed as he rolled his eyes placing a kiss onto her temple.

"As long as your with me you won't be needing to do anything but staying at home, and shopping." He smiled before looking at her with a wicked smirk. "Oh and getting down and dirty in the sheets." He winked as she rolled her eyes slapping his chest lightly.

"You're too much to handle sometimes."

"But you love me."

"Never said I didn't baby."

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