overprotective goes wrong

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Your P.O.V.

I go to y/f/n's house and back by nine. I know Niall don't let me going out by myself. After I arrived at y/f/n's I text him to tell that I'm safely arrived. He just read the text without replying it.

Recently he had been becoming distant and tonight I wanted to ask why, he had not been talking as much as we used to and he doesn't have the gleeming smile as often.

Before I realised, I was stood infront of our house door. I raised my numb hand and pushed the doorbell. Within 10 seconds, the door opened and Niall doesn't even look at me, he just opens the door and turns around again and walks away.

I let out a sigh and walk in and shut the door. I follow to where Niall had gone and he was stood in the kitchen, sipping his drink.

"Niall? Are you okay?" I say softly, walking towards him.

"Just fucking dandy." He spits at me before shooting a sarcastic smile.

"What is wrong with you?!" I say, shocked at his little outburst.

"Oh I don't know. Y/N. Maybe it's the fact that you spent my money to go on a little shopping spree with your fucking friends!" He yells, turning towards me and clenching his fists.

"What? Ni-" I start to say but he interrupts.

"No, I should of known you have been using me!" He shouts, stepping towards me.

"Niall! I don't know what you're talking about! I don't need your money, I have my own that I earn!" I shout back

"Yeah, from a shitty job! Atleast mine is worth while!" He scoffs, that made me mad.

"Oh really? Well to be honest, I don't need loads of people throwing themselves at me to have a job that's 'worth while'. I'm happy in my job!" I scream, walking away from him.

"Hey! Don't walk away from me!" He shouts again, following behind me.

"I will do whatever the fuck I want Niall.You're the worst Husband ever!" I fume, I don't even turn around. He doesn't deserve the pleasure of seeing my reaction.

He stays silent but I know that he's still furious, I start to walk away again, but this time on my way to the door.

"Where are you going?" He says, softly but I can still sense the slight anger laced in his tone.

"My mom's,where I should be, and not in someone who doesn't even trust me's house." I spit at him, ripping the door open.

I take a step out and don't turn around, taking large strides away from our house.

I hear him call my name, but I am not going back. I'm not giving him the satisfaction of me crawling back to him like I always do. Not this time, if he still wants me..he can come and get me.

As soon as I got home, I burst into tears. I am unsure of my relationship with the one person who I am undoubtabley in love with.

We have not said we love eachother yet, but I sure as hell know that I love him.

I love him, so much. Though yet, I still walk out on him. I leave him stood motionless in his hallway, alone.
I lay on the sofa for about 2 hours, contemplating what might happen..Will Niall come back? Will he break up with me? Have we already break up? I don't know...and frankly, i'm scared of the answer.

I had stopped crying for a while, and I had just been sat in the dark, since it was now the evening, in the silence, wondering my next move. I hear a knock on the door, I rush up, almost tripping to the door. Is it really Niall?

I think, grasping the handle, I rip open the door to see a shocked post man, probably surprised by my appearance. I sigh and take the post. I quietly thank the man before I shut the door again, I make my way back to the sofa before I hear another knock again, it's the post man probably.

I trudge to the door again, opening the door..slower this time, not wanting to shock him again. It wasn't the post man, it was Niall

"Mrs Y//M/Nplease let me see her." Niall begged

"I don't know Niall. I'll call her." My mom replied

"Y/N! Your boyfriend is here,wanna see you!" Mom shouted. God dammit!

I don't want to see him now. Ugh. "In a minute!" I shout back.

I jogged to the downstairs to meet him. "I'll give you guys some space." Mom leave the both of us.

"I don't know what to say." He quietly says, looking to the ground.

"Me either." I whisper, moving out the way slightly so he can come in.

He walks in and I gently close the door. I sigh before sliding past him and walking to the kitchen.

I made it to the doorway before I feel a strong grip on my wrist that pulls me back and into Niall's chest.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." He repeatedly says into my hair, wrapping his strong arms around me.

"Niall, " I say, pulling away from his embrace.

"You can't just hug me , and think every thing is ok. It isn't, you wrongly accused me and that hurt." I sternly said.

He looked down and a fresh tear rolls down his cheek.

"I love you, Y/N" His voice breaks, my heart swelled and I started to cry myself. I walk to him and pull him into a tight hug.

"I love you, Niall" I whisper, smiling like an idiot.

"Thank god," He says, lifting me up and kissing my lips in a swift movement.

It isn't a lustful kiss, or a make out session. Just pure passion, and now..Love.

We stood there in eachothers arms for what felt like hours..but only 10 minutes. Now that I know that he really loves me, I don't want to let go.

"I would love to stay in this position, but the door frame is really uncomfortable to be leant against." I mumble into his shoulder, chuckling slightly.

"Oh, sorry, princess." He laughs lightly, releasing me from his strong hold.

"I didn't mean to accuse you, I just..I was worried you were only with me for the fame..not me." He whispers, holding a frown on his face.

"I understand, I know it's easy to think..But I love Niall Horan, the boy from Mullingar. Not Niall Horan, the boy from One Direction." I smile at him, resting my hand on his cheek. Causing his cheeks to flush a light crimson.

He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the sofa, where he placed me on his lap and he held me to his chest. Whispering sweet words into my ear.

"C'mon baby,let's go home." Niall hold my hand


A/N ; thank you for requesting ! idk if this is good or no ! i love u guys ❤️ ! request are open ❤️

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