No Trust (2)

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Since you and Niall had first started dating you had never gotten into a fight like this before. Sure, you'd gotten into little arguments here and there but they were always resolved before the day was done but this one was serious. Niall had walked out. He walked out with tears in his eyes and it felt like he took every bit of your heart and soul with him.

You gave it about an hour, spending that hour curled up on the couch with your knees pulled up to your chest, before you send him a text telling him you loved him and to call you or come home when he was ready to. You spent that excruciating time staring at the wall across the room, silent tears trailing down your cheeks.

Your heart began to race, beating a fast and erratic rhythm in your chest when you heard the front door start to open. You stood from the spot you had occupied now for almost 3 hours and took a deep breath as Niall walked in.

He was silent as he closes the door behind him, simply glancing at you as he puts his keys down and kicks his shoes off. You cross your arms over your chest, biting at your lower lip. You weren't sure how this was going to go. Were you going to talk it over? Was he going to ignore you? Was he going to end it?

"Le's sit, yeah?" He finally says as he heads for the couch. You give a silent nod and are once again sitting in your spot, Niall seated at the other end of the couch, turned a bit towards you but looking anywhere but at you.

"Niall..." You eventually say, hating the silence that was surrounding the two of you. It had never been like this, never in all the years you had been in each others lives had there ever been a moment full of such awkwardness and tension. It was always light, full of laughter and love. You truly had a fear that you had lost that. "I.. I truly am sorry I hurt you. That was never my intention," Niall is silent for a few seconds - which to you feels like an eternity.

"I did a lot of thinking while I was gone," Niall finally speaks, his blue eyes meeting yours for a fleeting second. "I asked myself why I go' so mad about you not tellin' me about seein' your ex. I though' it must be because you were hiding somethin' from me." You open your mouth to argue but he gives one shake of his head and you stay silent, letting him continue. "I quickly realized I knew you would never do anythin' like that. I don' know why I ever doubted you bu' I think it is simply because I am bloody terrified at the idea of losing you." Niall's eyes were brimmed with tears then while your cheeks were already stained and wet - as they had been for hours. He reaches over then, taking your hand. His long guitarist fingers tangle with your smaller fingers, his grip tight.

"I'm not going anywhere," And you truly meant that. You slide closer to him, pressing your thigh to his, gripping at his one hand with both of yours in your lap as you stare into that handsome tear stained face of his. "It's you, Niall, forever. I'll do whatever I have to do to show you that."

"Marry me." His words sent a thrill through your veins. You had not been expecting those words to come out of Niall's mouth today. You stare at him, your eyes wide. He gives a shy smile, reaching into his jacket pocket with his free hand. "I told ya, I knew pretty quickly I lef' because I was afraid of losin' ya, so I decided to finally do wha' 've wanted to do for a while anyway and this way," he shrugs. "I know you're mine forever, truly mine." He pulls a ring box from his pocket then and you give a gasp.

"Niall," You look down as he opens the box and there sat the most gorgeous diamond ring you could ever imagine being proposed to with.

"So, what do ya say, love?" He questions, a small smile gracing his lips. "Be my wife?"

"Of course, Niall, of course." Your tears at this point had turns into those of happiness as you thought of getting to marry the man beside you. Of course the two of you had talked about marriage before and you knew this was going to happen one day but never was this how you thought today was going to go, especially after the fight.

"Oh, good," He breathes a sigh of relief as his smile grows. "Guess I should pu' this on ya now, then." He takes the glittering ring from it's box, tossing the box on the coffee table, as he reaches for your left hand. "Looks jus' as perfect as I thought it would." He comments as he pushes the ring into it's resting place.

"I love it so much," You stare down it for a second before reaching your hand up to rest on his cheek. "Thank you," Both of you were grinning like fools at this point. A few hours ago you were afraid you had lost this man forever and it felt like your entire world was crashing in on you but now here you were with this whole new journey about to begin with the man you were completely in love with.

"Thank you for being mine, forever." Niall's lips were on you then, his large hands tangling in your hair as he pulls you closer. You grip at his t-shirt, kissing him back with the same passion and excitement as he was giving you. You give a very girlish giggle as he moves to wrap his arms around your hips to pull you up and into his lap, straddling his hips. Your fingers tangle in the hair at the nape of his neck, your mouths moving together in a sort of passion driven dance.

You were going to be able to experience this with this man for the rest of your life. You were going to get these touches, these kisses, but most importantly this love, this irrevocable, whirlwind, head spinning, mind boggling love that made you feel like you were floating every single time he so much as looked at you, for the rest of your life. You would forever question, while still being thankful, how you ever got so lucky.


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