Late Late Night

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Today , you are invited to James Corden Late Late night show . You are the famous singer and actress in the worldwide . You and Niall Horan are going to do some games and interviews together .

You make yourself ready at the dressing room in the late late show with james corden studio . You never meet Niall Horan before . You just heard about him in One Direction a few years ago but now he's already doing his own album . 

You kinda have a celebrity crush on him so you feel kinda excited plus nervous.

You look at your twitter and see Niall tweeted a tweet saying

NiallOfficial Cant wait to see @Y/T/N today ! hope that we can get to know eachother love💛

Oh wow , he just tweeted me . okay then what should i do ? reply him ? I think it will be polite if i reply .

Y/T/N NiallOfficial hey ! i can't wait too see you too ! yeah we should 💜

You get out from the dressing room as James called your name and you sit on the sofa facing him . The place beside you is for Niall . Then , Niall come out after James annouced his name and smile at you when he sits .

"So Niall,you've been doing great on the hiatus ? " James asked

"Yea i've record some songs and the album is already released . i cant done this without the fans support " he says smiling .

" Y/N how about you ? I heard that you're involving in the Marvel movie is is true ? " James said

" Yes !  Im also working on a new song but still finding someone to be feature in my other two songs " You reply

"I would love too Y/N ! I've been wanting to ask you for making a song with me but i forgot about it " Niall says laughing include James

Then,James is asking you guys some questions . We're answering it really happy . Like you just afraid that he'll ask about the celebrity crush and stuffs .

"So Niall, who is your celebrity crush ? " James ask the question to Niall.

"Oh . I think you not might wanna know " Niall chuckled

" Just tell us " James smirk

" Okay . My celebrity crush is Y/N because she's kinda cute in some Marvel movies that she's in . She also have the cutest voice ever when she sings . " Niall look at you and smile

After more questions the shows end . Niall and you trying to have some words about those crushes stuffs . He doesn't even know that you like him.

" Y/N , i know i know " Niall started

"Hey Ni, i also had a celebrity crush on you . Im just afraid that you'll not going to youknow talk to me again if i tell you this " You said and he look at you

"Love,im not going to do that to a pretty girl like you . " Niall place his hand on your face and lean on to your lips and places his .

You deepened the kiss . Niall's kiss is different than the other exes you gave .

"Can i call you mine from now on ? " Niall ask and chuckled

"Yes Ni"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

a/n Boooringg make sure vote and comment ! if you have request let me know❤️🌈

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